Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Another Birthday Party

Yesterday was Shannon's actual birthday.  We went over to her residence in the afternoon for more cake and cookies.  Took some photos of the crew. The two 

older guys are Anthony and Woody, both wonderful caregivers.  Both of these guys are patient and understanding with their charges.  They are a blessing to all the folks there.  The guy on the top is Christopher.  He always has something to say and feels best equipped to be the boss. Next comes Dylan.  He is new and learning to be comfortable in this setting.  His communication skills are limited but when I saw him yesterday, he looked right through me.  David is one of the older residents.  I learned yesterday he is 55.  His blindness has created a routine for him in the house.  He loved the treats yesterday.
Now ladies and gentlemen, they too are American Citizens due all the rights and privileges of the rest of us.  For too long society has tucked them away from view.  They have unique personalities, can give love and accept it.  I love the shot of Anthony chowing down on cupcakes.  In many ways, he is a father figure for Christopher or at least an older brother.  They rag on each other incessantly and some times have their fights.  But things get solved. He is Shannon's best friend in the place.

My girl  seems to fit with this crew.  They get along pretty well.  There are caring female staffers that take care of her needs and try to make her pretty.  

This was a nice party.  

all for now

stay safe

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