Monday, January 30, 2023



Departing on our adventure tomorrow.  This will be it for a while.  Launching a new blog from the destination.  Excited but slightly nervous with anticipation.  Have a monster "don't forget list" I keep referring to.  

all for now

stay safe

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Credit Freeze and Music Lament


This is my companion of yesterday, Simon the cat. He is giving me the "What do you want from me?" look.  Had a nice day with the kids yesterday for their scheduled day off from school.  Care and feeding of pre teen and teenagers is much easier than little ones.  All you have to do is announce: I'm making pizza at noon.  They grunt a response and you let them know when it's done.

A little advice, take steps to freeze your credit thru the bank or credit card companies.  If your accounts are frozen,  no one can access them.  You will not be prevented from making purchases or payments like you always do.  if you are purchasing a home or car,  you can unfreeze your credit, then when done, put it back in the deep freeze.  There are lots of criminals out there and they don't always brandish firearms.

Read an interview with Mike Love (Beach Boys) yesterday and it reminded me of the state of music when I was growing up.  It was all "Fun Fun Fun till her Daddy took the T-Bird away"  and "She Loves you" and The Four Tops singing "Sugar Pie Honey Bunch", kind of happy, nonsensical tunes you could dance to in the high school gym.  It was all about love and meeting someone that maybe liked you.  Those sentiments and the silliness are long gone.  It is my suspicion that no one under thirty even know what a T-Bird is.  Times do change and our society has as well, not necessarily for the worse but much more complicated. 

There is a plethora of media delivery systems with YouTube, TIk Tock and others.  Recorded music is streamed through Pandora or Spotify rather than compact disc. Frankly, I really enjoy dinosaur bands with old concert footage on YouTube. Further nearly anyone with a guitar that can carry a tune in a bucket can put it out on some social media platform and get thousands of views and they can make money off it.  Again, it's  more complicated but accessible to more.  This where we now live.

On a happy note, my friend Jerry has a new grand daughter this week, Gemma Belle Duff, 5lbs 2ozs.   All are doing well.  I am quite fond of her moniker. 

I am still looking for classified documents in shoeboxes at my apartment.  Haven't found any yet.

all for now

stay safe and warm

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Back to School

Reluctant children will be returning Royal Oak Middle School today.  Most of the snow was removed from the roads thru the night.  They were with us for most of the day yesterday.  To my regret, I burnt the pizza even following the package instructions, but it was still ok.  Today the snow is still hanging on the tree branches and looks kind of picturesque in the early morning darkness. 

Now they have suggested that all the formers look in their garages,  file cabinets and junk drawers of their desks for documents that shouldn't have left government facilities and return them, no harm, no foul.  Did you ever think about documents and their whereabouts before?  To be truthful, I did not.  At this point, do we care if Bill Clinton knew of the activities In Kosovo or the mechanics of the Jimmy Carter' failed attempt to free the Iran hostages?  Or all the stuff about Ollie North and Iran/Contra? In these days of viruses, vaccinations, and the high price of eggs and milk, these historical documents hardily  make a difference in our lives.  Most of us are focusing on staying healthy and alive.  As always we are worried about our families. 

Finally separated from my binge on gloomy and disquieting TV.  Watched the newest episode of The Good Doctor and the ending was uplifting because Shawn and Lea are having a baby boy and it ended with them picking out paint colors for the room.  I sighed with relief.

Dragging myself to workout this morning listening to the grinning of snow removal equipment outside.  I don't miss snow shoveling even though it was satisfying when it was manageable.  We always had small spaces between houses that did not allow for much snow to be stacked up.  But it was managed.  Tried to recall childhood snowmen.  All I remember is the carrot from Mom's kitchen for the nose.

all for now

stay safe

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Looking for Tranquility

On a constant quest for this.  Sometimes I achieve it thru cooking, sometimes with conversations even those thru today's method of correspondence, texting or messaging.  Reaching out to learn if a friend is ok at this moment allows you to pass on this feeling.  

Todays cookie effort was spiced tofu and potatoes in the air fryer.  It came out quite tasty.  This is an amazing device.  The one we are using is a smaller one good for our family.  Mostly I have cooked cauliflower and this stuff, coming out crispy and delectable.

Had the occasion to take Shannon to our wonderful dentist for her semi annual cleaning.  Her walking and balancing skills are ok but not great.  She can ambulate with a walker with help.  I am always looking for the perfect parking spot, most times without much luck.  There is always an extreme amount of strategy involved.  The vehicle cannot be parked right next to another allowing no room for the wheelchair. We have a handicapped tag but in this case the spots were snow covered and because of poor footing could not be used.

When she was done,  and with the help of Sally the multi skilled receptionist/dental assistant.  we got out the door.  Moved the vehicle to the middle of the driveway in front of the building with the flashers on got my girl into position, struggling to get her into the seat, and realizing I am blocking inbound traffic.  The guy I was blocking was real sweet heart and told me to take what time I needed to get the task completed.  I learned that it really takes two of us to make this transfer.  
This is my girl and her boyfriend Steven at New Gateways with Valentine wishes.  They have human connection even without speaking.  I hear about this guy every weekend,  again a little shot of tranquility.

Been watching too many dark dramas lately.  One is "Your Honor" with Bryan Cranston as the main character and the guy who played David Sackler (Dopesick) as the bad guy.  This one is far too disquieting to watch more than one episode at a time.  Also viewed "The Accused" an American adaptation of a British crime anthology.  Michael Chiklis plays the main character,  again, far too dark.  I need Hallmark Christmas movies or rom coms for a while, with happy if stupid endings to lighten my spirit.

They are predicting "snowmagedden" today.  Remember when you had to go to work?  There were no snow days, ice days or wind days.  Your boss expected you to be there and on time.  With that thought framework, not too worried.

I have no hidden classified documents,  only a bunch of photos and old receipts. Come on in and look at my stuff, be my guest.

All for now
stay safe

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Latest Creation; Meh!


The dish I prepared (tomato/feta pasta was good but just ok really.  So I don't know if it is just me and feta and its texture. but wasn't desperate for more.  Missing all those sunny days on the nature trails and the quiet.  Went back and listened to some David Crosby recording with various groups and alone yesterday at the gym through Pandora.  Decided the song "Lay Me Down" from his 2004 work with Graham Nash Is the song I want them to play as the roll my remains into the barbecue. It is spiritual but not preachy and speaks to the road of life.

Had a spirited conversation with a couple of my friends on life in the factory.  Both had spent their entire careers in the auto industry in Michigan.  I spent a lot of time in these plants as a salesman of safety supplies so I knew the environment at least second hand.  Frankly I liked that part of my job learning how to make cars and truck and how to stay safe in situations that could be precarious.  

Not much planned for today.  Will bundle up and walk Harry in the coat he hates.  Need to solve my phone addiction.  I am glued to it, doom scrolling thru meaningless content.  I know it hampers my sleep.  Wake up at 3am, plop on the sofa and scrolling on my device, not a good plan. in the search for serenity, this is not the answer.  

Want to write some manner of fiction, maybe a short story or essay on characters gathered up though my life.  

that's it

all for now

stay safe

Friday, January 20, 2023

Otto and David

David Crosby passed away yesterday at 81.  In some ways, it's remarkable he lived that long with his storied history of bad habits.  He was another part of my generation of dinosaurs that has left us.  When I was seventeen and attending a high school basement party with dancing kids and smooching in the corner,  someone put "Sweet Judy Blue Eyes" on the phonograph.  Listening to it, I was amazed and transformed, never hearing anything like it before.  In an instant, I was connected to the music.  I loved the Beatles, had their albums, and could sing along with their songs.  But this was different with swirling harmonies and nuanced lyrics and distinct sections to the song.  When they first performed the tune at Woodstock in 1969, Steve said "We're scared shitless man". A more honest statement would be hard to find.  I absolutely loved the two albums he made with Graham Nash in the 80's, almost spiritual in nature.

Mick and Keith keep rockin'.  Rod has never combed his hair and Ringo is still putting together all stars.  Somethings do not change.  But the feeling of the songs from David and his band mates are only memories now.  

We saw Tom Hank's new film A Man Called Otto  and it was  quite outstanding. As always he becomes his character; this time he's a  grumpy old guy pining for the love of his life who died  reluctantly moving forward. The Spanish language tinged supporting cast was remarkable as well.  Hanks' youngest son Truman plays the younger version of him in flashback sequences.  Catch this one at the matinee, it will be the best 7 bucks you've spent in a while. 

Not too much going on today.  Would love to see some sunshine, but probably not.  Trying out a new dish tonight I have been reading about.  It is tomato and feta cheese pasta.  Finland ran out of feta recently because everybody was making this dish.

all for now

stay safe

"Almost Cut my Hair"

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Empty Today


Rainy day without much sleep last night.  This is a big list making day.  Compelled to do so because items roll into my head and sail away just as fast.  Going on an adventure soon and now compiling list of things to pack.  The making and writing of these items calms me down.  After breakfast today, going to clean the carpets of one of the residents here.  She learned of my skills in this regard and requested my services.  Went to visit her last evening to survey the job.  Hers is a tidy little space with a loveseat and two chairs in a neutral shade, a couple of end tables and a prominent display of organized meds for easy access. I think this process should work out fine.  She is a small  woman in her 90's and a rapid fire speaker from MA.  She uses a walker for to help with balance which can be used as an occasional seat. 

We have New Yorkers here as well.  Their accented English is different than long voweled folks from farther north. The retorts and replies delivered are as sharp as they are quick. 

We were visited by a friendly Nurse Practitioner yesterday afternoon which is sponsored by our Medicare Advantage program.  They come out annual to interview us about our health, do a mini physical and give us a little gift along with a gift card for 15 bucks.  In order to test for mental decline, she asked me to remember 3 words, cup, ball and table. I said ok.  More conversation and inquiries ensued and at the end she asked, what were the words? I recalled them all feeling quite pleased with myself.  She tested Hemoglobin A1C and blood pressure and proclaimed me a healthy specimen.

Off to Costco for paper goods and other items later today, trying not to focus too much on the rainy day.  

Made a new acquaintance through writers group I joined.  She is a middle aged woman from Wales in the U.K. and a published novelist happy to give me tips for successful stories.  It makes me pleased to know other people from different cultures that like to write.

all for now

stay dry and safe

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Car Wash?

 Lots of discussions on documents these days.  Where are they stored?  Who has access to them?  I propose that a digital tag be put on each of these items whether they be on paper or coffee cups.  The most sensible rule would be that none of these leaves the building or buildings where they are used for appropriate purposes or are seen by the probably authorized eyes.  If they walk out the door by design or accident,  some manner of notification would occur.

I suspect you might find classified documents in many politicians houses or presidential libraries going back to Harry Truman's library in Independence MO. This method of tagging might be worth a try.  I am sure we have the technology for it.

Back to Planet Fitness this morning, then on to clean out the interior of my vehicle which is abhorrent.  Living in apartment is not like having your own driveway to turn on the radio, get your bucket and hose and have at it on a summers day.  There are lots of reasonable places to get the exterior blasted off but the dirty mats and the dog hair filled seats are another matter.  And, by the way it's not a sunny summers day. 

Ordered free stuff from United Health Care none of which I desperately need and later kids and a dinner to plan.  Wish we could see the sunshine!

All for now

stay safe

Monday, January 16, 2023

Got a Room?

Judy captured this blazing sunrise on her early walk today.

Met a prospective renter in the lobby of our building yesterday.  He was an old guy looking for a place to live.  Not shabby but not rich, he was alone and on a limited income as we all are here. Spoke in the accented English of a first generation American.  Think of that for a moment, alone and looking for a place to live. At this moment, do you have a place to live? put your stuff in? have a meal in? or a place to sleep?  Most of us do.  I write today  less as an allegory on aging and one more of the future.  As our society becomes more splintered and family units are more separated, this guy standing alone is the outcome. Really do not have any answers on this one. 

But I don't think this has be the well trod road traveled.  Family, some kind of family whether connected by blood or friendship or mutual need needs to again become our foundation as we move forward on live's travels.  I encounter far too many forgotten people in this place.

It's the next day about 6:15 in the morning.  I am finishing up my oatmeal w raspberries and will be getting ready to stay with Eli and Marie for the MLK holiday.  Our country certainly has changed since his time in the 60's.  There seems to be less hope and more distance between people.  I have given up on building bridges and knocking down walls.  I will do my best to be kind to all I meet and help where I can.  I admit to longing for honest conversations about living together and true feelings between us.   I see hope for our grand children. That is where it must start. 

My wife has cousins in Northern California. They are struggling with all the storms with loss of power and washed out roads.  Michigan may be gray and cloudy and we made need treatment for Seasonal Affected Disorder but at this point are not subject to the weather calamities that are out there.  We think of these folks  often and hope for a return to their normal lives soon.  

all for now

cloudy as usual 

stay safe

Saturday, January 14, 2023


So this little guy turns four tomorrow.  This is Everett, my youngest grandson.  He is always full of surprises.  This is him at our place with Harry looking on for droppings.  In this era of Everett, Harry reaped quite a bounty.  He is now quite a speaker and a kind soul with positive  words for his brother Paxton.  Somehow, he and I have become kindred spirits sitting together watching his favorite programs.  We will see the whole bunch at the party in Middleville.  Ev has the trappings of a fixer like his dad and likes to be in the thick of things.  He is the worlds most finicky eater.  All of us are always on the lookout for foods that appeal to him.

Grand kids can be a wonder.  All of mine amaze me every day. Everett with his fly away hair and sturdy frame always moves in a run usually barefoot, pounding the floor.  Oh. to run with abandon like that!  That is reserved for those without a care in the world. 

Poppy loves him very much!

all for now

stay safe

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Jonathan Edward Kocsis

 Today is my son Jonathan's 40th birthday. His mother and I are most proud of the man he has become.  He is a great dad, husband, uncle and brother  committed to his family.  After an undecided period after the Navy, he has become a successful HVAC technician bringing heat and cooling to families in the Grand Rapids area.  He is  definitely Harry's grandson as a fixer and installer.  He once explained to me how a furnace worked in language I could understand. He was a Fireman aboard the USS Ashland and later a Naval Recruiter.

He knew all the intricacies of the piping system on this ship.  His captain said he was the "go to guy" in damage control.  He spent many months at sea and sent photos of places I will never see.  He and Kelly are building a life for themselves in Middleville MI on the banks of the Thornapple River and are in the middle of many projects on their new home.  Jon is a friendly and level headed guy that I love very much.  

We will see him for Everett's 4th birthday this Sunday along with the rest of the crew.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

They win a big one


So the formerly hapless Detroit Lions defeated the Green Bay Packers at Lambeau Field in a must win game Sunday night.  For other reasons, a playoff berth was not offered to them.  But their constant scourge, the Packers with their arrogant QB were sent home to lick their wounds.  Their coach Dan Campbell is a meat and potatoes guy that inspires these guys to accomplish great things.  He is not afraid to speak his mind or curse.  Seems like a guy you could drink a beer with.  For me, having a team like this for first time since I was a young boy is quite thrilling.  My long suffering Lions fan father looking down from above with his son in law must be pleased.  I told my sports loving nephew Matt, we won the Super Bowl.  Feels like we did. 

Going to have coffee with my cronies this morning.  We haven't done this in a while.  Mainstay comedian and commentator, John Considine has relocated to Florida so things have not been as lively.  I will fire up FaceTime on my phone to reach out to him today looking for an intervention.

Along the same lines, we participated in a trans Atlantic Messenger call with my cousins in Debrecen Hungary Friday.  I went wonderfully with me seeing my Australian cousin for the first time.  The images were outstanding and I am still amazed at how good this works over thousands of miles and4 time zones.  My sister and her husband also participated with our extended family.  I would love to have in depth discussions with Bela about lots of topics. His command of English is good.  He,  however is drowning in work and with his wife  navigating raising 3 lovely daughters 2 of which are teenagers.

Still struggling with the best food plan for me.  Doing my best to have proteins and reduce simple carbohydrates.  I must admit to some frustration at this task.  Foods I always looked forward to are now my enemies.  But, still standing with a reasonable amount of energy and stamina.  We will see in the continuing saga.  

Doing Planet Fitness again this. morning.  Our insurance plan now has reduced the number of daily steps to 5000 required to get the $10 reward each month.  I can get to that just walking around.  Seems almost silly.  

We are back to clouds today with a sunny day yesterday.

that's it 

all for now

stay safe

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Looking back and forward

This is the first  blog  I prepared, nearly 7 years ago.  I was perplexed as to what to do with the rest of my life, my relationship with my family and how to occupy my time and how to be happy.  Some of these topics are still unanswered.  Judy can still stand me,  my kids and grand kids like me.   I have retained a few friends from my past that I see sporadically.  All of us now have moved forward from what we were and how we were measured in society.Those measurements have changed.  Folks don't care about your business accomplishments at this point   Retirement like walking down that aisle at graduation as the equalizer and can become your reinvention. 

I have met cousins I never knew I had and am thrilled that they want to know me.  They are from far off lands.  With the advent of technology, we can all communicate visually in real time over thousands of miles.  I still find this completely remarkable.  This morning, we are supposed to have another call via Messenger.  I admit to feeling great anticipation.

November 10, 2016 
My name is Jerry.  I terminated my employment of 28 years on April 1st of this year.  It was a good job not making me wealthy but paying the bills and at some times inspiring.  I wanted to start this blog to work through this transition in my life and maybe sharing some useful information with others, mainly men in my position to help with their move into retirement.

First, when you are accustomed to waking up very early, preparing and moving through your day and now that it is stopped, what do you do with yourself?  Still arising at some ungodly hour, little to do and not much to accomplish, time is your challenge.  You have been away from your spouse for most of the waking hours of you life, and frankly she us used to that.  Now you are sitting across from the breakfast table, looking at each other.  Being married over 40 years, aside from occasions, we ate breakfast separately and she likes her quiet time without and questions (of any kind).

I have no answers on this one, which leads me to another issue, relationships.  Your spouse and you will put your relationship to the test as well because you are dealing with each other with more time than ever.  How does everyone stay happy or at least contented?  None of this easy.  It takes work ont the part of both parties.

On another side and a different topic, I am disheartened with the results of the recent election, but I will get thru it, feeling better than I did yesterday.  

all for now 

Friday, January 6, 2023

Where do we go?

its January 6th 2023, two years since an Insurrection occurred on the steps of our nations Capitol.  After 11 ballots the US Congress not yet sworn in has failed to elect a Speaker of the House. Many speeches have occurred and will probably continue.  My friend John Considine suggests that I nominate him.  He has legislative experience in the State of Florida and he has Newt Gingrich hair piled on top of his head. Might not be a bad bet.  I think the next step for them is to reach out to dems looking for some votes.  The hard liners in their party would end the republic rather than backing down.  We will see what happens.  Maybe today is the day.  After all it is the 2nd anniversary of their leader's encouragement of disruption of the smooth transfer of power after a lawful election.

Grand kids are better and back to school today.  Basically all I did was feed them and watched TV while they retreated to their rooms.  Saw way too much screen time during my stay.  I am a big fan of documentaries.  The best one I saw during this adventure was "The Automat" shown on HBOmax.  It showed the history of a food delivery system that flourished in New York City and Philadelphia from the 20's to the 60's.  Customers would place nickels into slots next to little windows showing sandwiches or pies or side dishes and the door would open and the china plated food could be accessed.  There were many speakers and historia
ns in this brief film, but the best were Mel Brooks, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Colin Powell all extolling the Automat.  It was a wonderful look at something I knew little about, as a midwestern kid. 

Still ugly and rainy outside.  Have to trudge to the store to get some things.
that's it
enjoy your day
stay safe

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Over the teeth and through the gums, lookout stomach, here it comes

Home with sick kids  duty today.  Both are down with the flu.  This is my quotable quote from Soupy Sales,  remembered eating lunch with Soupy, White Fang and company during the 50's walking home from Greenfield Union school.  Mom probably made bologna sandwiches on Silvercup white bread. And yet, I sill managed to survive. That was part of the routine.  Marie has some meds to take, an experience she hates.  Tried the old line, if fell flat and we have more pills at lunch.  

Been watching too much TV for this duration.  Saw the excellent documentary on Nancy Pelosi shot by her daughter Alexandra.  My favorite part was when she ripped up the State of the Union speech on live TV for all to see.  Parts of it showed the chaos of January 6, 2021.  There was a lot of obvious fear in the members. Later Nancy  saw that it was time for younger members to take over the leadership role and stepped down as Speaker and leader of her party.  On the other side, McCarthy cannot find enough friends to elect him speaker 3 ballots in.  

Watched the KISS doc from A&E which was quite good and not a big fanfare for their performances and life styles.  After auspicious beginnings, infighting and a lot of bad habits seem to take over.  

Struggling with Blogger trying to get all the buttons for sharing on a new blog.  Video instructions have been far too complicated for my feeble mind.  Gonna stick with this one for awhile.  

10:03 am in Southfield and still extremely foggy.  This is a lower topography and the mist still hang in there.

Making Trader Joes  Mandarin Orange Chicken for dinner tonight.  

that's it

all for now

stay safe

Monday, January 2, 2023

2023 it is

A little foggy at the Towers this morning, but peaks of blue sky.

It is January 2nd 2023 and I chose a new theme for this year.  And again, I have to reinvent myself to adapt to the march of time that is going thru my body and mind. Covid is still here, but we are learning to live with it.  We will probably be getting a booster each year to stave off the symptoms.  

And there is Harry, always waiting somewhat patiently for food.  This is a shot of his morning glare. 

I am going to stop being lazy and make more food, eliminating processed foods when I can.  Luncheon meats from the deli counter and my old mainstay pizza are the biggest culprits.  Always a struggle, I must include more plant based items in my diet.  

Watching 60 Minutes, a segment about obesity, the doctor interviewed stated definitely that this disease is largely linked to genetics and family history.  Our society shames fat people unmercifully.  They are made to feel unworthy of love or beauty.  And try as they might, all the starvation and exercise will not improve this condition.  There is a new treatment that is the same stuff I take for Diabetes that changes the way food. is processed.  However, insurance won't cover it for weight loss calling the substance a "vanity drug".  I can get it at a reasonable cost due to my chronic illness but not these folks.  For me a side effect has been to initially lower my weight and help maintain it along with controlling glucose in the blood.  

Becoming 73 this year and sometimes if feels like 93 or on a good day maybe 53.  Exercise seems to be the key to reducing aches and pains.  It has not provided weight loss in my case.  But I feel better when it is done.

all for now
Happy 2023
be safe

The passage of time

 So I am moving quickly to what I consider the gateway to old age, 75 years.  Wondering what the remainder of my life will be like and remem...