Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Over the teeth and through the gums, lookout stomach, here it comes

Home with sick kids  duty today.  Both are down with the flu.  This is my quotable quote from Soupy Sales,  remembered eating lunch with Soupy, White Fang and company during the 50's walking home from Greenfield Union school.  Mom probably made bologna sandwiches on Silvercup white bread. And yet, I sill managed to survive. That was part of the routine.  Marie has some meds to take, an experience she hates.  Tried the old line, if fell flat and we have more pills at lunch.  

Been watching too much TV for this duration.  Saw the excellent documentary on Nancy Pelosi shot by her daughter Alexandra.  My favorite part was when she ripped up the State of the Union speech on live TV for all to see.  Parts of it showed the chaos of January 6, 2021.  There was a lot of obvious fear in the members. Later Nancy  saw that it was time for younger members to take over the leadership role and stepped down as Speaker and leader of her party.  On the other side, McCarthy cannot find enough friends to elect him speaker 3 ballots in.  

Watched the KISS doc from A&E which was quite good and not a big fanfare for their performances and life styles.  After auspicious beginnings, infighting and a lot of bad habits seem to take over.  

Struggling with Blogger trying to get all the buttons for sharing on a new blog.  Video instructions have been far too complicated for my feeble mind.  Gonna stick with this one for awhile.  

10:03 am in Southfield and still extremely foggy.  This is a lower topography and the mist still hang in there.

Making Trader Joes  Mandarin Orange Chicken for dinner tonight.  

that's it

all for now

stay safe

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