Monday, January 2, 2023

2023 it is

A little foggy at the Towers this morning, but peaks of blue sky.

It is January 2nd 2023 and I chose a new theme for this year.  And again, I have to reinvent myself to adapt to the march of time that is going thru my body and mind. Covid is still here, but we are learning to live with it.  We will probably be getting a booster each year to stave off the symptoms.  

And there is Harry, always waiting somewhat patiently for food.  This is a shot of his morning glare. 

I am going to stop being lazy and make more food, eliminating processed foods when I can.  Luncheon meats from the deli counter and my old mainstay pizza are the biggest culprits.  Always a struggle, I must include more plant based items in my diet.  

Watching 60 Minutes, a segment about obesity, the doctor interviewed stated definitely that this disease is largely linked to genetics and family history.  Our society shames fat people unmercifully.  They are made to feel unworthy of love or beauty.  And try as they might, all the starvation and exercise will not improve this condition.  There is a new treatment that is the same stuff I take for Diabetes that changes the way food. is processed.  However, insurance won't cover it for weight loss calling the substance a "vanity drug".  I can get it at a reasonable cost due to my chronic illness but not these folks.  For me a side effect has been to initially lower my weight and help maintain it along with controlling glucose in the blood.  

Becoming 73 this year and sometimes if feels like 93 or on a good day maybe 53.  Exercise seems to be the key to reducing aches and pains.  It has not provided weight loss in my case.  But I feel better when it is done.

all for now
Happy 2023
be safe

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