Thursday, January 26, 2023

Back to School

Reluctant children will be returning Royal Oak Middle School today.  Most of the snow was removed from the roads thru the night.  They were with us for most of the day yesterday.  To my regret, I burnt the pizza even following the package instructions, but it was still ok.  Today the snow is still hanging on the tree branches and looks kind of picturesque in the early morning darkness. 

Now they have suggested that all the formers look in their garages,  file cabinets and junk drawers of their desks for documents that shouldn't have left government facilities and return them, no harm, no foul.  Did you ever think about documents and their whereabouts before?  To be truthful, I did not.  At this point, do we care if Bill Clinton knew of the activities In Kosovo or the mechanics of the Jimmy Carter' failed attempt to free the Iran hostages?  Or all the stuff about Ollie North and Iran/Contra? In these days of viruses, vaccinations, and the high price of eggs and milk, these historical documents hardily  make a difference in our lives.  Most of us are focusing on staying healthy and alive.  As always we are worried about our families. 

Finally separated from my binge on gloomy and disquieting TV.  Watched the newest episode of The Good Doctor and the ending was uplifting because Shawn and Lea are having a baby boy and it ended with them picking out paint colors for the room.  I sighed with relief.

Dragging myself to workout this morning listening to the grinning of snow removal equipment outside.  I don't miss snow shoveling even though it was satisfying when it was manageable.  We always had small spaces between houses that did not allow for much snow to be stacked up.  But it was managed.  Tried to recall childhood snowmen.  All I remember is the carrot from Mom's kitchen for the nose.

all for now

stay safe

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