Saturday, January 28, 2023

Credit Freeze and Music Lament


This is my companion of yesterday, Simon the cat. He is giving me the "What do you want from me?" look.  Had a nice day with the kids yesterday for their scheduled day off from school.  Care and feeding of pre teen and teenagers is much easier than little ones.  All you have to do is announce: I'm making pizza at noon.  They grunt a response and you let them know when it's done.

A little advice, take steps to freeze your credit thru the bank or credit card companies.  If your accounts are frozen,  no one can access them.  You will not be prevented from making purchases or payments like you always do.  if you are purchasing a home or car,  you can unfreeze your credit, then when done, put it back in the deep freeze.  There are lots of criminals out there and they don't always brandish firearms.

Read an interview with Mike Love (Beach Boys) yesterday and it reminded me of the state of music when I was growing up.  It was all "Fun Fun Fun till her Daddy took the T-Bird away"  and "She Loves you" and The Four Tops singing "Sugar Pie Honey Bunch", kind of happy, nonsensical tunes you could dance to in the high school gym.  It was all about love and meeting someone that maybe liked you.  Those sentiments and the silliness are long gone.  It is my suspicion that no one under thirty even know what a T-Bird is.  Times do change and our society has as well, not necessarily for the worse but much more complicated. 

There is a plethora of media delivery systems with YouTube, TIk Tock and others.  Recorded music is streamed through Pandora or Spotify rather than compact disc. Frankly, I really enjoy dinosaur bands with old concert footage on YouTube. Further nearly anyone with a guitar that can carry a tune in a bucket can put it out on some social media platform and get thousands of views and they can make money off it.  Again, it's  more complicated but accessible to more.  This where we now live.

On a happy note, my friend Jerry has a new grand daughter this week, Gemma Belle Duff, 5lbs 2ozs.   All are doing well.  I am quite fond of her moniker. 

I am still looking for classified documents in shoeboxes at my apartment.  Haven't found any yet.

all for now

stay safe and warm

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