Monday, January 16, 2023

Got a Room?

Judy captured this blazing sunrise on her early walk today.

Met a prospective renter in the lobby of our building yesterday.  He was an old guy looking for a place to live.  Not shabby but not rich, he was alone and on a limited income as we all are here. Spoke in the accented English of a first generation American.  Think of that for a moment, alone and looking for a place to live. At this moment, do you have a place to live? put your stuff in? have a meal in? or a place to sleep?  Most of us do.  I write today  less as an allegory on aging and one more of the future.  As our society becomes more splintered and family units are more separated, this guy standing alone is the outcome. Really do not have any answers on this one. 

But I don't think this has be the well trod road traveled.  Family, some kind of family whether connected by blood or friendship or mutual need needs to again become our foundation as we move forward on live's travels.  I encounter far too many forgotten people in this place.

It's the next day about 6:15 in the morning.  I am finishing up my oatmeal w raspberries and will be getting ready to stay with Eli and Marie for the MLK holiday.  Our country certainly has changed since his time in the 60's.  There seems to be less hope and more distance between people.  I have given up on building bridges and knocking down walls.  I will do my best to be kind to all I meet and help where I can.  I admit to longing for honest conversations about living together and true feelings between us.   I see hope for our grand children. That is where it must start. 

My wife has cousins in Northern California. They are struggling with all the storms with loss of power and washed out roads.  Michigan may be gray and cloudy and we made need treatment for Seasonal Affected Disorder but at this point are not subject to the weather calamities that are out there.  We think of these folks  often and hope for a return to their normal lives soon.  

all for now

cloudy as usual 

stay safe

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