Saturday, December 31, 2022

Closing Up the Year

It's the end of the year.  Still feeling older but ok.  It's rainy (becoming tiresome) rather than snowing.  Barbara Walters has passed.  The retired pope has passed.  I was not a big fan of his.  This guy was one of those throne sitting pontiffs that seemed not to be connected to his flock, only collecting reverence because of his station.  Must admit to being a big fan of Francis,  a priest that walks the streets and ministers to all.  My Catholic faith has long since left me, but I still like this guy. 

Those of us that watched the news or the Today Show with our parents were impacted by Barbara.  She had this straight forward approach and a curious speech pattern that was always recognizable.  She did a lot of road paving for the likes of Katie Couric,  Margaret Brennan and others.  They stand on her shoulders.

The amazing Pele has left us as well.  When the rest of the world embraced the beautiful game because of him,  most Americans had no interest,  only playing our brand of football with helmets and shoulder pads.  When I grew up in the 60's there was no soccer.  Now it seems every kid from 4 to 14 has a go at the game at some point in their lives.  

I contemplated ending this blog.  But I find that writing frees me.  Some days that word and thoughts pour out of me like an opened faucet.  Other times I have to drag the phrases out of thy brain.

The former president's tax returns have been revealed after years of legal wrangling.  Really showed no surprises in that creative accounting allowed him and his corporations to claim huge loses, hence no taxes were to or some insulting paltry sum.  Businesses have been manipulating their earnings for dare I  say it generations?  These revelations will cost him nothing only providing fodder for journalists hungry for a story.  That's ok Don, we will cover your taxes with our social security checks. 

We don't know what the next year will bring.  I will try to stay positive, healthy and help out where I can.

all for now 

stay safe

Friday, December 30, 2022

Wing Lake

Saw old Wing Lake  friends at a visit for a work colleague's wake yesterday.  We all have gotten a little more creaky but still have our wits about us.  The decedent was a para pro at the school when Shannon was there and they had lots of happy interactions. One of her former teachers told the tale of her stuffing the green bean from lunch in her pants because she did not want to eat them.  This was a story we had never heard.  And we floated some plans to get together in the new year with these pals.

Also was delighted to see our favorite former of Katey's coming in for a visit.  This kid is family.  He is a great dad and returned to his home in AL to be with his son and be a bigger part of his life.  It was a real treat to spend time with him at our home.

Goofy warm weather out there.  Everyone is saying "wouldn't it be nice....." knowing that we will be slapped, actually accosted by the Michigan weather soon and again full winter mode will be in effect.  

Ate too much pizza late yesterday and have no appetite this morning.  I am an old person now and cannot eat this late.  I have to visit Costco this morning for some supplies.  It is always a struggle not to buy stuff I do not need because it looks good or seems like a good idea at the time.  Will do my best to stay in control.

This year I published 152 blogs via blogspot.  If you like to express your self it is an easy platform to use.  In my heart I feel that we all have something to say.  Maybe give it a try.  I plan to come up with another theme for next years blogs, still undecided.

all for now

stay safe

Thursday, December 29, 2022

7:55 am at the Towers

The end of 2022 approaches.  For me, this is kind of the down week before the dawn of the new year.  I will be 73, which is a sobering thought.  Many will have resolutions to lose weight.  Mine has remained pretty stable for the last year.  So it is not a problem for me.  I still have the dilemma of solving this disease that I carry around like an albatross on my back.  What do I eat? When do I eat it? and how much?  What foods are off the approved list?  Sometimes all this calculating and scheming gets very tiresome.

This will be my last post for 2022, maybe.  If I get some enlightenments before the end of the year, I will compose them.  

Going to spend NYE with my buddy Apollo and his colleague, Meatball.  This is the same as last year.  Will probably spring for my last pizza of 2022.  The three of us plant ourselves on Katey's couch with assorted comforters and watch some of Netflix and HBO's finest.  If fireworks go off at midnight, I will comfort my buddy as they frighten him.  I really cannot conceive why this is necessary.  A kiss to greet the new year should suffice.

Harry has been fed and back in his couch bed after seeing his girlfriend Joyce downstairs.  I am getting ready for today's visit to Planet Fitness.  Next week should be nuts with all the healthy resolutions from newcomers trying to figure out the equipment.  

that's it.

all for now

have a happy 2023 (sometimes I cannot believe this is the year, it just sounds weird)


Saturday, December 24, 2022

Two Women

There are two women I know.  They aren't acquainted but both share a similar recent experience.  One lost her husband of many years last month.  She and I are close and she recently told me that all will be ok with her on a certain day and then without warning, she hits a wall and realizes he is gone.  This is a sturdy and resourceful woman who says "don't worry about me and I will be fine".  Sometimes, not so much. 

The other, lost her adult son an only child.  She and I are pals at a distance.  I really don't know her coping skills.  All I could tell her was one day at a time, one foot in front of the other.  Amidst the holiday celebrations, I will think of them.

Ridiculously cold and windy days here.  All this isolation with the temps is getting to me.  Think I will venture out to start the car and go on some brief errand.  One can only hunker down so much.  

Shannon is here for an extended visit.  We went to the parlor at the building yesterday and she received all the love of the residents and some gifts.  She and I will probably do the same today.  As it's about 8 in the morning she is watching  Pinocchio, one of her collection on Disney+.

Still working on the patience thing.  My favorite breakfast and all purpose bowl hit the ground and shattered today.  Been with me for many years and was "Chicken Soup for the Soul" flower bowl my wife received during her nursing years.  The markings had long worn off but it still worked fine.  I am a creature of habit and now will need to find a new vessel. Really no big tragedy but merely a disruption.

Harry again beat his 45 second record this morning.  

all for now

stay safe 

tomorrows the big day for the kids

Friday, December 23, 2022

World Cup and holiday plans

 Even though I never  played the game, I really enjoyed watching the World Cup this year.  I was astounded by the beauty and passion of the play, the headers, and the amazing ball handling skills.  There were lots of heroes from all the competitors throughout the series.  The teams and the crowds erupt when a goal is scored.  The announcers are nuts. Even the U.S.  men's team progressed to the mid point of the brackets.  I went to a lot of soccer games with Katey in her teenage years so I kind of had a feeling for the game.  Eli and Marie and Paxton play or have played so more grand parents in tow at the games.  The collapsable chairs are pretty worn out but still serviceable.  

My surname is the same as one of the most outstanding players of the fifties, Sandor Kocsis, one of the Mighty Magyars, a powerhouse team of 1952-53 also scoring 11 goals for Hungary during the 1954 World Cup.  I don't know,  maybe we are related.

What I am looking for this Christmas is the gift of patience.  It is what I need much more than stuff.  I need it to develop more kindness in my personality. Seem to be coming up short lately. 

Wearing my red sweater today is the closest I will come to holiday cheer this year.  Beat back illnesses this fall.  Getting back to feeling good.  Having the gang over for Christmas in our small apartment.  Will have people eating everywhere, loud conversations all at once.  Having teriyaki chicken and roasted potatoes along with Judy's squash casserole and cheesecake.  More desserts are coming from Andrew and Katey.  Jon, Kelly and the boys will be holed up in Middleville with the weather.

I am not much of a holiday movie guy. Past Its a Wonderful Life or A Christmas Story (Ralph and his Red Ryder Rifle) I am done, until last night.  We watched on Apple TV+ a new show Spirited,  a modern take on the Dickens novel with Will Ferrell and Ryan Reynolds.  This is a Broadway style musical with a current take on the world. Both of these guys are brilliant as singers and dancers (a surprise).  A worthy show to lift your spirits as we slog thru the "Bomb Cyclone" storm.

A little aside, only. to say that our weather guy Paul Gross is thrilled being the lead story in the news ahead of murders and traffic accidents.  He relishes in telling us the intimate details of meteorology and all the minute details of the forecast.  It is his chance to shine.  

all for now

stay safe and warm

Merry Christmas

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Trading Cards??

 Watched a brilliant interview with Volodomyr Zelensky and David Letterman yesterday that took place largely in an operating subway station for the safety of all involved. After a lengthy journey to get there, the discussion commenced.  

(Mr Onion grows)

Dave's questions were the best and most poignant I've ever heard.  The president's answers were in depth and not wavering one bit.  Here is a little guy that was once on TV and a comic that has transformed himself into a statesman and hero to his people.  He moves from bunker to bunker only contacting his wife and kids by phone.  He visits combat zones and interacts with his soldiers directly.   He has pleaded directly to the US Congress for help and even talks to a guy like Letterman who was duly impressed by him and at times fought back his own impulses so he could complete a meaningful interview.  The president has some command of English but nuanced responses were delivered in Ukrainian with subtitles for us.  Both participants wore translating earpieces. His interview program "My next guest needs no introduction." is available on Netflix.

So our former president has seen fit to issue a series of NFT trading cards for $99 each with his likeness in a variety of superhero  guises.  Now stop and think about this for a minute.  This is the guy that wants to be the leader of our country, control our military forces and have command over the nuclear codes depicting himself as a comic book hero?  Despite this boneheaded and self aggrandizing move, he still has many many die hard supporters.  This is what I cannot fathom.  Frankly I hope he continues with more crazy shit, the crazier the better.  Maybe they will get the hint.

Also have revisited the Hulu series Under the Banner of Heaven.   This is a murder mystery with strong LDS overtones taking place in Utah.  The main protagonist is a devout Mormon detective that is presented with moral quandaries between his faith, the law and sound detective work.  It was released earlier this year.  Definitely worth a look.

All for now

stay safe

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

47 years and an Onion Farm


So on November 21st I tried an experiment with a little greenhouse and 1/2 of a white onion after noticing the growth of one in a sealed plastic bag.  Was gifted a small mason jar a while ago and placed the veg in it then sealing it up with nothing else. Moisture gathered in the confines of the jar and we were incubating onions. 

Yesterday, December 11,  I lifted the lid and an onion plant sprung forth.  I planted it in a pot from Judy's porch garden 

with soil stolen from another pot, watered it thoroughly and we will see what happens. Put it under a table lamp and the heliotropics are working.  I know, big news!

It's the next day December 13, 2022.  Today we celebrate 47 years together.  I still never know why she continues to renew my contract.  I still love her as much as that summer in Jamaica where we met in 1975.  When I arrived home, I called my former roommate at 2 in the morning and 
proclaimed, "John, I met a girl!" That says it all.  In six months, we were married after a long distance courtship.
Marriage Is a long road if you hang around with twists and turns and many bumps, bliss and worry, tears and passion. 
I have been happy to share it with her.   

On this day also, in 2015, Marie Reno left this world.  She always did things her own way on her own terms.  She never waited for anyone and she hated saying goodbye. As my mother In law, sometimes she made me nuts.  You could never win an argument no matter what facts you put forth.  But I loved her, even though we battled on politics,  gay rights and other things.  She loved, loved, loved my kids and it showed every time she was with them.  Thinking of her today brings a tear to my eye.  She was around for Eli and Marie as little kids but did not get to meet talkative Paxton or the now talker Everett (who is now potty trained) hurrah!

that's it  
all for now
stay safe

Saturday, December 10, 2022

A Chatty Visitor

I tend to write about what is on my mind at the moment.  I am sick of a couple of things.  First, Elon Musk and all his antics, his oddly painted and tattooed wife and his kid with the non pronounceable name.  Further, I really don't care about the future or demise of Twitter.  There I've said it.

I am thrilled that Croatia defeated powerhouse Brazil in the World Cup with their dancing and prancing  arrogant players. 

Do something with Tr*mp that will not legally allow him to run for President in the next cycle.  He then can stand on the sideline and bitch about how unfair he has been treated.  Repubs are running from this guy like rats deserting a sinking ship.  They can smell the blood in the water.  

I have an opinion about Biden.  Should he run in 2024, he should select a strong VP appointment.  Not to disrespect Kamala, she should be offered a high ranking cabinet post or ambassadorship.  My choice would be Sen Cory Booker of NJ.  He is a brilliant guy that has the ability to connect with people like Joe does.  He is articulate and a man of color,  who might have been the Democratic candidate or president had his funds not run out.  Should something happen to Joe, he could deftly step into the leadership role,  again, all my opinion.  

On the personal front, we ha delightful few days with Paxton, our grandson this week.  He is the peanut butter and jelly and pizza kid and extremely talkative without a shy bone in his body His parents are hard at work renovating their new home In Middleville, MI.  We visited an empty Zoo, went to the movies to see Strange World, Disney's latest offering. It was okay but the messaging was a bit advanced for a 6 year old.  I thought the flow of the plot was a bit muddled.  Lots of uproar however because of the pleasant gay son character in a main hero role.  Sadly, lots of backlash, maybe because he is happy and his parents are not filled with angst about his orientation. For a bunch of reasons however, not one of Disney's best. Also found the 2009 version of the Velveteen Rabbit streaming.  My usual holiday jaded attitude prevented me from getting into it.

Snow on the ground this morning.  Our lovely weather girl, said we would have really nothing to look at.  I think she was wrong on this one.  Harry was none too pleased with his morning routine today.

all for now

stay safe

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Sunrise on the Thornapple River

So went to visit Kelly and Jon and the boys in Middleville yesterday.  They are in the middle of a major house fix up. After sleeping on an air mattress, we woke up and had some coffee then took Paxton back to the retirement home with us for a few days.  

They are starting with the kitchen removing upper cabinets.

This needed to be done in that the installation was poor and shelves will go in where the cabinets once were.  Paxton is fully absorbed by PBS Kids Odd Squad wrapped in a blanket.  He is enjoying his Nanny time.  We are planning to go to the Zoo today.

In other news, Raphael Warnock has retained his seat representing Georgia in the US Senate.  It is another case where the Rebubs made a poor choice of candidate in Hershel Walker,  a former athlete with a checkered personal past that reached around and bit him in the ass.  As with the ill fated Tudor Dixon,  not a bankable candidate.  Even though I agreed with very little these folks put up, there are some smart and well spoken members of this party.  Why would they trot out these ill fated candidates?  Does a Tr*mp endorsement assure a victory?  These days it seems not.  There were some recent formidable Repubs, like Newt Gingrich and Paul Ryan.  I did not agree with them at all but those that did were not embarrassed to do so.

Cloudy today but should be ok for our visit.  Paxton is looking forward to the reptile house.  Harry is now up and giving his love to our little buddy

all for now
stay safe


Saturday, December 3, 2022

Turning Twelve

Even though her actual birthday is tomorrow, we are celebrating Marie turning 12 today with a trip to Pin-spiration in town and a luncheon out.  

This is a remarkable kid with more drive and determination than I can believe.  Whether It is athletic pursuits or artistic endeavors or excelling in schoolwork, I am most proud of her. She has a sweet (mostly) and kind personality and is growing into an outstanding young woman.  Nanny and Poppy love

 her to the moon and back.  I hope we have a day she will remember.  She had a reluctant pancake breakfast but is always happy when I prepare it.

The early morning rain stopped much to Harry's happiness. Like his brother Apollo he hates standing in it looking around like there is something to do.

That's it 
no complaints today
all about my girl
all for now

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Back at it for the week

Back to kid days today.  It's 6am and I will be leaving to see them at 630. Looking forward  to seeing them.  The sun is supposed to shine later today even though it will be cold.  Had a pizza omelet today with cheese and pasta sauce added at the end before I folded it over.  It was most satisfying.  I will take Eli for his haircut at 430 after school and the guys at the shop and my son will remark how much I need a trim.  Sadly, I have no current interest.

It is December 1, 2022, and the holiday ads  are in full swing.  My current favorite one features a lady speaking about a new deodorant product for use in parts of the anatomy not often mentioned.  While a useful item,  its presentation is a little tasteless.  I also love the ads promoting the purchase of $50K automobiles as a holiday gift.  Generally it is shown at $299/month with $6500 due a signing for an ultra-low mileage lease.  Do the math in your head.

Been think about my friends that have recently suffered losses and want to reach out to provide support but don't want to be intrusive.  

Son Andrew has new hours starting later.  This will mean tomorrow will be my last early AM trip to the Middle School as he will do the trip starting next Monday.  This will save us a few bucks on gas and allow me more morning free time.  Happily, will still see the blissful?  faces of Eli and Marie in the afternoon.

Going to trudge off to Planet fitness in a little while.  Needed, but not pleased

all for now
stay warm and safe

The passage of time

 So I am moving quickly to what I consider the gateway to old age, 75 years.  Wondering what the remainder of my life will be like and remem...