Saturday, December 3, 2022

Turning Twelve

Even though her actual birthday is tomorrow, we are celebrating Marie turning 12 today with a trip to Pin-spiration in town and a luncheon out.  

This is a remarkable kid with more drive and determination than I can believe.  Whether It is athletic pursuits or artistic endeavors or excelling in schoolwork, I am most proud of her. She has a sweet (mostly) and kind personality and is growing into an outstanding young woman.  Nanny and Poppy love

 her to the moon and back.  I hope we have a day she will remember.  She had a reluctant pancake breakfast but is always happy when I prepare it.

The early morning rain stopped much to Harry's happiness. Like his brother Apollo he hates standing in it looking around like there is something to do.

That's it 
no complaints today
all about my girl
all for now

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