Saturday, December 24, 2022

Two Women

There are two women I know.  They aren't acquainted but both share a similar recent experience.  One lost her husband of many years last month.  She and I are close and she recently told me that all will be ok with her on a certain day and then without warning, she hits a wall and realizes he is gone.  This is a sturdy and resourceful woman who says "don't worry about me and I will be fine".  Sometimes, not so much. 

The other, lost her adult son an only child.  She and I are pals at a distance.  I really don't know her coping skills.  All I could tell her was one day at a time, one foot in front of the other.  Amidst the holiday celebrations, I will think of them.

Ridiculously cold and windy days here.  All this isolation with the temps is getting to me.  Think I will venture out to start the car and go on some brief errand.  One can only hunker down so much.  

Shannon is here for an extended visit.  We went to the parlor at the building yesterday and she received all the love of the residents and some gifts.  She and I will probably do the same today.  As it's about 8 in the morning she is watching  Pinocchio, one of her collection on Disney+.

Still working on the patience thing.  My favorite breakfast and all purpose bowl hit the ground and shattered today.  Been with me for many years and was "Chicken Soup for the Soul" flower bowl my wife received during her nursing years.  The markings had long worn off but it still worked fine.  I am a creature of habit and now will need to find a new vessel. Really no big tragedy but merely a disruption.

Harry again beat his 45 second record this morning.  

all for now

stay safe 

tomorrows the big day for the kids

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