Thursday, December 29, 2022

7:55 am at the Towers

The end of 2022 approaches.  For me, this is kind of the down week before the dawn of the new year.  I will be 73, which is a sobering thought.  Many will have resolutions to lose weight.  Mine has remained pretty stable for the last year.  So it is not a problem for me.  I still have the dilemma of solving this disease that I carry around like an albatross on my back.  What do I eat? When do I eat it? and how much?  What foods are off the approved list?  Sometimes all this calculating and scheming gets very tiresome.

This will be my last post for 2022, maybe.  If I get some enlightenments before the end of the year, I will compose them.  

Going to spend NYE with my buddy Apollo and his colleague, Meatball.  This is the same as last year.  Will probably spring for my last pizza of 2022.  The three of us plant ourselves on Katey's couch with assorted comforters and watch some of Netflix and HBO's finest.  If fireworks go off at midnight, I will comfort my buddy as they frighten him.  I really cannot conceive why this is necessary.  A kiss to greet the new year should suffice.

Harry has been fed and back in his couch bed after seeing his girlfriend Joyce downstairs.  I am getting ready for today's visit to Planet Fitness.  Next week should be nuts with all the healthy resolutions from newcomers trying to figure out the equipment.  

that's it.

all for now

have a happy 2023 (sometimes I cannot believe this is the year, it just sounds weird)


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