Friday, December 30, 2022

Wing Lake

Saw old Wing Lake  friends at a visit for a work colleague's wake yesterday.  We all have gotten a little more creaky but still have our wits about us.  The decedent was a para pro at the school when Shannon was there and they had lots of happy interactions. One of her former teachers told the tale of her stuffing the green bean from lunch in her pants because she did not want to eat them.  This was a story we had never heard.  And we floated some plans to get together in the new year with these pals.

Also was delighted to see our favorite former of Katey's coming in for a visit.  This kid is family.  He is a great dad and returned to his home in AL to be with his son and be a bigger part of his life.  It was a real treat to spend time with him at our home.

Goofy warm weather out there.  Everyone is saying "wouldn't it be nice....." knowing that we will be slapped, actually accosted by the Michigan weather soon and again full winter mode will be in effect.  

Ate too much pizza late yesterday and have no appetite this morning.  I am an old person now and cannot eat this late.  I have to visit Costco this morning for some supplies.  It is always a struggle not to buy stuff I do not need because it looks good or seems like a good idea at the time.  Will do my best to stay in control.

This year I published 152 blogs via blogspot.  If you like to express your self it is an easy platform to use.  In my heart I feel that we all have something to say.  Maybe give it a try.  I plan to come up with another theme for next years blogs, still undecided.

all for now

stay safe

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