Friday, December 23, 2022

World Cup and holiday plans

 Even though I never  played the game, I really enjoyed watching the World Cup this year.  I was astounded by the beauty and passion of the play, the headers, and the amazing ball handling skills.  There were lots of heroes from all the competitors throughout the series.  The teams and the crowds erupt when a goal is scored.  The announcers are nuts. Even the U.S.  men's team progressed to the mid point of the brackets.  I went to a lot of soccer games with Katey in her teenage years so I kind of had a feeling for the game.  Eli and Marie and Paxton play or have played so more grand parents in tow at the games.  The collapsable chairs are pretty worn out but still serviceable.  

My surname is the same as one of the most outstanding players of the fifties, Sandor Kocsis, one of the Mighty Magyars, a powerhouse team of 1952-53 also scoring 11 goals for Hungary during the 1954 World Cup.  I don't know,  maybe we are related.

What I am looking for this Christmas is the gift of patience.  It is what I need much more than stuff.  I need it to develop more kindness in my personality. Seem to be coming up short lately. 

Wearing my red sweater today is the closest I will come to holiday cheer this year.  Beat back illnesses this fall.  Getting back to feeling good.  Having the gang over for Christmas in our small apartment.  Will have people eating everywhere, loud conversations all at once.  Having teriyaki chicken and roasted potatoes along with Judy's squash casserole and cheesecake.  More desserts are coming from Andrew and Katey.  Jon, Kelly and the boys will be holed up in Middleville with the weather.

I am not much of a holiday movie guy. Past Its a Wonderful Life or A Christmas Story (Ralph and his Red Ryder Rifle) I am done, until last night.  We watched on Apple TV+ a new show Spirited,  a modern take on the Dickens novel with Will Ferrell and Ryan Reynolds.  This is a Broadway style musical with a current take on the world. Both of these guys are brilliant as singers and dancers (a surprise).  A worthy show to lift your spirits as we slog thru the "Bomb Cyclone" storm.

A little aside, only. to say that our weather guy Paul Gross is thrilled being the lead story in the news ahead of murders and traffic accidents.  He relishes in telling us the intimate details of meteorology and all the minute details of the forecast.  It is his chance to shine.  

all for now

stay safe and warm

Merry Christmas

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