Saturday, December 10, 2022

A Chatty Visitor

I tend to write about what is on my mind at the moment.  I am sick of a couple of things.  First, Elon Musk and all his antics, his oddly painted and tattooed wife and his kid with the non pronounceable name.  Further, I really don't care about the future or demise of Twitter.  There I've said it.

I am thrilled that Croatia defeated powerhouse Brazil in the World Cup with their dancing and prancing  arrogant players. 

Do something with Tr*mp that will not legally allow him to run for President in the next cycle.  He then can stand on the sideline and bitch about how unfair he has been treated.  Repubs are running from this guy like rats deserting a sinking ship.  They can smell the blood in the water.  

I have an opinion about Biden.  Should he run in 2024, he should select a strong VP appointment.  Not to disrespect Kamala, she should be offered a high ranking cabinet post or ambassadorship.  My choice would be Sen Cory Booker of NJ.  He is a brilliant guy that has the ability to connect with people like Joe does.  He is articulate and a man of color,  who might have been the Democratic candidate or president had his funds not run out.  Should something happen to Joe, he could deftly step into the leadership role,  again, all my opinion.  

On the personal front, we ha delightful few days with Paxton, our grandson this week.  He is the peanut butter and jelly and pizza kid and extremely talkative without a shy bone in his body His parents are hard at work renovating their new home In Middleville, MI.  We visited an empty Zoo, went to the movies to see Strange World, Disney's latest offering. It was okay but the messaging was a bit advanced for a 6 year old.  I thought the flow of the plot was a bit muddled.  Lots of uproar however because of the pleasant gay son character in a main hero role.  Sadly, lots of backlash, maybe because he is happy and his parents are not filled with angst about his orientation. For a bunch of reasons however, not one of Disney's best. Also found the 2009 version of the Velveteen Rabbit streaming.  My usual holiday jaded attitude prevented me from getting into it.

Snow on the ground this morning.  Our lovely weather girl, said we would have really nothing to look at.  I think she was wrong on this one.  Harry was none too pleased with his morning routine today.

all for now

stay safe

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