Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Happy Birthday Kathey, TV overload

 Because you can never go wrong with a picture of Harry, that's the reason.  Had an entire day with kids at Andrew's yesterday and watched waaaaay too much TV.  With all the carbs I consumed, I should be running a marathon today.  But I'm not.  It's a rather gloomy morning but supposed to improve later.  

The residents had a surprise 50th birthday party yesterday for our favorite rental agent, Kathey.  She brings a smile to the sourest soul in the place and brings me a little sunshine when I need it.  I wish her well as she embarks on the next half century.  

Still plagued with a sore shoulder from my bowling adventure of last week.  Its probably not a good hobby for me at this point in my life.  Looking out a cloudy window in Southfield this morning.  Needed to move away from TV after about 10 hours of continuous watching yesterday.  

Some reviews of stuff i saw yesterday: 

Samaritan starring Sylvester Stallone; in a word, dreadful, poorly written, with single word speeches by Sly as the so called hero.  The premise is not intriguing at all, probably has some comic book reference.  Do laundry or fold sheets instead of wasting your time on this one.

Tomorrow War starring Chis Pratt.  This has a decent premise and he does an at least adequate job being the Dad/hero.  The alien monsters are exceptional however, somewhat akin to the Demogorgon from Stranger Things.  This is a show you should watch with a 12 year old and a bowl of popcorn.

World War Z a Brad Pitt semi-epic with, you guessed it, zombies.  We don't know the origin of condition but it seems every one has it except for a few good looking characters.  I would have liked to be an extra in this with all the dreadful makeup and the chomping teeth.  It's another one to watch with your 12 year old nephew.

A Thief his wife and a Canoe; main character John Darwin has gotten himself into a dreadful financial condition with borrowing.  There is no way out for him save  bankruptcy.  He hatches a plot to fake his death and collect insurance money.  His weak willed wife Anne goes along with the scheme.  This is a true story from Jolly old England.  Both characters are brilliantly played.  On Prime and definitely worth seeing.  It is a four episode series.

Its about 830 and everybody is still sleeping here.  I am about to turn on the news and get pissed off/bored.

that's it

all for now

stay safe


Sunday, August 28, 2022


 After a successful trip to Eastern Market yesterday, we went to a new place for us to observe nature.  This is a crane spotted at Normandy Oaks Park in Royal Oak yesterday. This is a little treasure in the north end of the town converted from a golf course to a family friendly park with splash pad, large play structure, a covered pavilion and about mile long paved walkway around the perimeter of the park.

They had some weeping willows and area called no mow zones that showcased wildflowers and other indigenous plants along the pathway. These trees are so majestic.  Judy's dad planted them in their yard in one of the houses she grew up in.  Willow Weep for Me is one of my all time favorite tunes. As they gather the breezes,  it is so relaxing to watch the swaying.

After all that, we went to Republica for a too expensive beer that was worth it, a cherry wheat ale.  It was cool and pleasant,  sitting outside watching the passersby on Coolidge.  

Tore out my sunless garden yesterday.  Had wonderful tomato and pepper plants with blooms but no fruits.  It was a real source of anticipation and frustration. The location does not provide enough sunlight with many tree boughs overhead.  I will stick to Eastern Market for my produce.  

It's a Shannon morning with B and the B just finishing up and her breakfast completed.  Gonna be a hot one today.

that's it

all for now

stay safe

Friday, August 26, 2022

Cloudy Sunrise in Southfield

With my grand kids today in Southfield.  Took this shot from the fifth floor of their building.  Really an low keyed morning with them, much easier than when they were younger.  

We had a wonderful time a the New Gateways 30th Anniversary celebration with Shannon and these two yesterday.  They had a large tent, a catered lunch and an accordion band (like at a Polish wedding).  These folks worked really hard setting this up and feeding us all.  The director Lynn has done a remarkable job loving, training, making fun for this group of disabled clients that range from 26 to retirement age.  I cannot sing her praises nor the staff loudly enough.  If you are looking for a charitable organization to consider,  New Gateways is a worthy choice.

Let's discuss the student loan payment forgiveness.  There are many opinion both positive and negative about this topic as well as some in the middle.  Me, I have no real skin in this game.  The US Navy paid for the educations of one son and one daughter, both having honorably served their country.  My eldest is a successful community college RN and he paid his own way.  

But I heard from a good friend of mine that rarely revels his rancor, expressing his displeasure  that he struggled to put 3 kids thru college and feels this is a program that is unfair to those that played by the rules.  Former students that paid off a mountain of debt are pissed.  In todays world, students can emerge from university with as much as 100K in debt with a newly minted degree and a Job making less than 50K a year.  The educational system now is completely revenue based.  It will take decades to pay off these loans.  That is just fact of life.  In my opinion, at the very least, a 2 year program at a community college should by covered by the feds/states.  That way a person can learn job skills that will allow them to be self sufficient. 

On a different subject, I took my grandson Eli bowling today.  My performance confirmed I was always bad at  this and I've never gotten better.  Swinging a bright yellow 13 lb. ball for two games now allows me to barely rest my elbow on this table to type.  it feels like I was pounding with a sledge hammer with one arm for an hour. But I was happy to do my Poppy thing and he enjoyed it. 

that's it

all for now

stay safe


Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Food Sources


With the changing climate  becoming more extreme, our food sources are and will soon be affected.  California has been in a severe drought for the past decades.  America's growers of produce will soon be unable to grow their crops due to the water shortage.  This is a reality we will soon be forced to accept.  These changes are in a full catapult now and I believe the pace will quicken.  

With this truth clearly before us,  states like Michigan and other midwestern ones could again become America's breadbasket as they were in the last century.  Food would be seasonal certainly.  The winters are cold and unforgiving, but we have a source of water in the Great Lakes.  In fact moving crop production into MI,OH, IN, PA ,KY and even east into NJ and NY might be the best going forward.  

As citizens, we could as in WWII grow Victory Gardens.  Casting off and removing water consuming green lawns and replacing them with food growing gardens might be a good idea.  Realistically,  a family could feed themselves with the harvest of fruits and vegetables.  Also,  the consumer would know what chemicals were in their food or not in it.  This state and others near it have a bounty of fertile soil for growing a multitude of fruits, vegetables, herbs and other foliage.  

So, find a sunny spot in your yard, remove the grass, put down some mulch and plant a couple of little tomato plants or peppers or cucumbers.  Later expand it to include more fruits and veggies.

Went to the Detroit Zoo a few days ago for an afternoon walk.  Judy discovered the massive cooling fan they installed in the middle of the park.  Had a nice shot of Mr. Zebra and of the garden plots on the walkway.  I learned recently that although they look like horses and are in the same family,  genetically they are quite different and can be aggressive and their markings are like snowflakes, no two have the same stripes.

Off to planet fitness this morning, Oh Boy!

all for now

stay safe

Monday, August 22, 2022

Excessive Signage!

So there's a guy on Main St in Royal Oak who has his small home festooned with Tr*mp signs, on the lawn, on the porch and attached to the fence along with a few smaller US flags.  The national election is more than 2 years away.  I don't care if this homeowner has the habits of Mother Teresa or the World Central Kitchen.  I don't like him.   Its more than drinking the Kool-Aid.  He has become a messiah to people like this.  I drive by and I get furious.   I know it makes no sense and I should end my emotional investment.

There's another house on Catalpa with Tudor Dixon and Tr*mp 2024 signs on the front lawn.  I don't want to know this person either.   

We all have dreams that we remember even for after we awaken.  Last night that was my experience.  "I decided to go back to school for something and somehow found myself in downtown Detroit.  I had Paxton and Everett in tow for some reason.  I was walking on Woodward Ave, looking for my destination probably the school.  I got lost and at a corner I did not recognize.  Also, I lost my two charges along the way.  McKinley, a nice young worker from Lange House showed up with a GPS, the kids reappeared and I found my way out.  Then, panting, I woke up.

back to Planet Fitness today, ugh

all for now 

stay safe

Sunday, August 21, 2022

So its Raining

Sunday and it's raining, has been all night.  I think of my friends in CA and how this would be a blessed event for them.  This is my first baby barf in a long time a gift from Baby James last week.  Speaking of gifts,  we completed Ethan Hawke's The Last Movie Stars  yesterday evening.  It shows the complicated lives and careers of Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward in a six episode documentary.  It may be the opus of his fine career.  See it if you can on HBO Max if you love this era of film and the passionate performances of both actors.  Now, I want to hunt up some of the films shown in the doc. 

I remember seeing The Verdict,  The Hustler and The Color of Money.  But now I need to re view them in light of this presentation.  Joanne was the real acting star in the family but Paul had more flash and better box office so that is what we watched.  The Three Faces of Eve I do not really recall.  Further I  come up short on memories of her films and television performances.  Need to find a way to remedy this.

All the cruising is over for another year around here.  Harry and I took our long walk and saw about a block of the crowd which was quite cheery and pleasant, not at all jam packed as I expected.  There was rain predicted for the day and it did not materialize to the benefit of the participants.   

Thats it for today
all for now
stay safe

Saturday, August 20, 2022

I Found Him!

Every once in a while we wonder "what ever happened to?" When I was in my early twenties, well employed, I decided to move out of my parents house.  Worked for Matty Moroun at Central Transport in a couple of jobs and met this fellow.  His name is John Fritz Anderson and he lived in northern Troy with his mom.  We became friends and decided to become roommates, living in the brand spanking new Royal Coachman apartments.  I think I was 24 and he 26.  He had experience living on his own in college at Clark University in Worcester MA.  I know nothing about rent paying or utilities or even phone bills.

We had a pretty good experience in out lovely place with the balcony outside.  Had a couple of good parties with my college pals that included something new for its time, actual food served, almost burned the place down with an oven fire at one in the morning. Ultimately he went his way and me mine which meant being neighbors but staying friends.  I got married and he did too for a second time.  Then we lost track of each other, maybe now for about 46 years.  I often wondered where life took my friend.  But alas, through Judy's sleuthing, I found him and his wife happily residing in Durango CO.  We spoke on the phone yesterday at length.

What a gift!

all for now

if you are a mind to, enjoy the Woodward Cruise


Friday, August 19, 2022

Cruise - mania

The Woodward Dream Cruise with its little brothers is coming up.  We have a pared down version of the event in Berkley on 12 Mile road this Friday.  The little town of Clawson is doing the same.  Like it or not we love our cars around here.  The old guys that could not afford the hot rod of their dreams now can ant they trot them out on this day and a few  sunny summer ones as well.   This Saturday is the big event and wisdom would have drivers stay away from the area unless they are participants or avid viewers.  The Avenue will be basically a parking lot of rumbling engines and exhaust fumes.  There will be bellies peaking out under commemorative tee shirts and lots of beer being consumed.  People will be telling tales of their past and the girls they wanted to meet in the 60's.  Hopefully no one will get too riled up and the crowd stays smiling.  My old friend Jerry Bell will be there with his Nova and lovely wife in tow.  He has been a car guy since before we could drive and when we raced slot cars in each other's basements on home made tracks.  

I was not much of a car guy,  knew nothing of how they worked,  liked the appearance of some, but only put in the gas, and drove.  I did not ever have a cool car and now am too old for one.  These guys with the passion for waxing and scrubbing their classic vehicles escape me, but still give some cause to envy.  

It's going to be a loud weekend.  We are less than a mile from the action.  The old people will be bitching, but for me,  these sounds are remnants of my past.

all for now

stay safe

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Spider Lake and James

So we went on our Spider Lake adventure this week. the whole mob came along with a new comer, baby James. There was lots of swimming, kayaking and mostly eating on this trip.  Only drove the car to get there and then parked.  Our weather was splendid and everyone had a good time.  I learned further that my balance was compromised struggling  up the jagged steps to our house.  They all went down to the lake to see the meteor shower but I declined because it would be an episode of America's Funniest Videos with my stumbling and  falling.  

I made Janine's egg casserole and it turned out great.  This dish will be added to my repertoire of selections.  I did barbecue on their large grill and remembered how much I enjoyed this type of cooking.  Made a "cooks surprise" of a pasta dish and that was enjoyed too.  The ride up and back was not bad but seemed like I was driving to NJ by the time we arrived at home.  All is well and quiet this early morning.  Will force myself back to Planet Fitness for a much needed workout this morning.  

Sadly, Liz Cheney lost her seat in the Congress, going down to defeat to a Tr*mp supported candidate.  She is paying the priced for her position on the big lie and for being on the January 6th Committee.  I disagree with almost all of the Republican policies and have voted only once for Rick Snyder (a big mistake).  But her, I admire.  She stood up for her beliefs and sadly paid the price.  Her dad, Dick Cheney, in a rare moment of integrity, supported her as well.
Do you like the sleeping picture?  I never know when these are going to happen, but they always do.  There is a photo of Amanda and James.  He is cute and relaxed being held by multiple people and loved being outside down at the lake.  

I met a man from Dearborn that had a fire pit going and was cooking a large fish that was pinned in a frame kind of like the ones for burgers.  He cooked it indirectly, not over the coals

We had a most pleasant conversation about life, cooking techniques and what we both did for a living. He was up with his large family enjoying the peaceful environment.  It was nice to make a new friend even if only momentarily.  

Eli and Marie were completely hooked on the kayaks. They had to be pried out of them.  Eli pulled Nanny in the tube around the a lake, much to her happiness.  

Well that's it
all for now
stay safe

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Harry and I

Harry and I took our pre-heat walk this morning on a high 50's morning today before 7am.  Took some shots of the sunny morning and a reluctant subject, Harry.  He loves the walks but hates being photographed.

Have you noticed that online news sources now mostly demand you to subscribe to their site before the content is revealed.  I know they need their revenue source but since the news used to be free, it bugs me that they converted to this pay to play model.  Apple news, NY Times and others show you nothing but headlines for free.

I have a Nurse Practitioner coming from my Medicare Advantage plan this morning to discuss my health and well being. She just called and gave me an update.  Judy had a similar interview last month with no complaints.  She received a couple of kitchen implements as a senior prize for the effort, but a suspense novel or a musical download (no more CD's)would have been nicer. 

 We are preparing for a Spider Lake adventure commencing at the end of the week.  It will be an ordeal to get there but worth it for all the kids.  It will be wonderful to see my Grand Rapids tribe especially with Paxton starting kindergarten in a week or so.  Praying for at least decent weather and planning for meals.  I will be a one man band for this.  Andrew has to head back early for his job.  Kind of exciting to get my "sea legs" back in the kitchen for a big group.

It's the next day.  The Nurse Practitioner showed up about 9 am but just prior to her arrival, I received video call from Maria in Melbourne in tandem with Maria in Hungary (her mom and my first cousin).  This event was quite remarkable to me in that we were talking and seeing each other over 3 continents and many thousands of miles.  The image from down under was a little sketchy but the one from Europe looked like she was next door.  It was a lovely but brief chat.  

In order to achieve regulatory requirements for Medicare, I received a pretty complete physical and lengthy interview about my medical history.  This lady was extremely pleasant and from Ghana.  She addressed me a Mr. Kocsis.  As we became more familiar, I suggested that she call me Jerry.  She announced that her father would be "jumping out of his grave" if he heard her say that.  In many cultures, addressing ones elders by their station is an absolute requirement.  

Later had a nice dinner and dog walk with our friend Janine who made a wonderful egg casserole followed by ice cream.  All in all a pretty good day.

Today back to kid duties and as of this hour, they are still snoozing.

all for now
stay safe

Monday, August 8, 2022

Reported at 7:14PM tonite

A large contingent of FBI agents descended on the compound of the former president at Mar-A-Lago resort in FL tonite.  This is not made up and even Matt Drudge reported on it.  

What  does this mean? if anything?

Kind of a big deal.



Met this fine fellow out on one of my walks thru the neighborhood peering out from the plants.  Speaking of which, my veggies in the community garden are doing poorly due to a lack of sun.  There are trees overhead that put the whole area in the shade.  Repeated requests for trimming to the powers that be have fallen on deaf ears.  Have good plants but no fruits.  

Had a wonderful breakfast with college friends last Saturday 

on a wonderful deck surrounded by flowers and foliage.  Friendships with contemporaries are vital to being connected to the world.  We share similar experiences and culture of the time.  This was in honor of a visit from one of the folks who resides in the Upper Peninsula now.  Lovely food, pleasant conversation and a few laughs.  I came home feeling connected.  I feel it is important to lead a purposeful life through all of your life.  Whether you are caring for children or pets or cleaning up someones yard.  These actions create meaning and worth in ones life.  Sitting and consuming the kindness of others will not create fulfillment. This becomes more apparent in retirement.  Purposeful activities keep the brain going too.....because you have something to look forward to and maybe figure out. 

We had Shannon home for the week end and I did Apollo duty for Katey.  Had some corn and tomatoes purchased at Eastern Market on Saturday for dinner last night with Andrew.  Learned about roasting corn rather than boiling.  It intensifies the flavor.  These two items are a summer treat. 

Its Monday and PF day and I DO NOT WANT TO GO! I will suck it up and travel to the sweat palace to get the bones moving.  Always feel better on my departure from the place.  Update:  we survived the gym today only to greet a rainy day.

That's it.

all for now

stay safe


Friday, August 5, 2022

Job Fair

Bored, really bored,  needing some meaningful activity along with a couple of bucks.  We have a wonderful, lively elementary school down the street near our home.  Kids racing noisily around the playground is a welcome sound.  The quiet around here is some times deafening.  So the Berkley School System is having a job fair today about a mile away.  I prepared a resume with one of the tools on the computer only including my major employment and my dusty old degree.   I probably cannot wear shorts to this event.  

Presenting myself for employment is kind of new at this point.  The last time I interviewed for a job with in 2016 at Staples with nice guy who was a retail burnout at the store in Clawson.  I lasted there about 2-1/2 years before the hours and the low wages got to me.

Update:  met with the movie star handsome principal of Rogers Elementary at the Job Fair.  He had no positions for a person with my qualifications.  I really was not prepared for this today.  I had nothing pre thought of in my head.  Never looked into a job like this.  Thought it would be tables with pamphlets and smiling folks handing them out.  I was wrong.  A guy at the entrance asked. my what I was interested in.  It was a duh moment, and teachable moment for me.

I am sure you are sick of reviews by me.  but saw two remarkable shows yesterday (its the next morning a 5:45 am).  The Last Movie Stars is a documentary series about the early days, the romance and the body of work by Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward.  It is a series of assembled vignettes put together by Ethan Hawke and a team of his friends reading from transcripts from Paul's biography.  The video version of this was burned, hence only the words exist.  It captures the essence of the feel of the fifties films and the depths of the actors.  If you were already a fan, catch this one.

Ron Howard has given us some outstanding films in his post acting career.  His latest offering is the true tail of the rescue of 13 young soccer players from a flooded cave in Thailand.   Thirteen Lives may be the most tense movie you will view in decades.  I had a difficult time falling asleep last night.  The adrenaline was still pumping.  

It Is a foggy beginning today.  PF, shopping, out with friends at dinner time followed by a sleep over with Apollo for me.

all for now

stay safe

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

TV Time

 Had a quiet TV filled time yesterday at Andrew's.  The kids decided they wanted to stay home and veg doing as they pleased, which they did.   I was on a watching marathon.  The two only came out to eat occasionally.  The cat meandered in and out of the rooms, kitchen shelves and his climbing tree.  Spoke with Janine about her adventures with Pippa and the new trainer, bitching about politics and the like.  Finally picked up the photos for Flo in the building with her kids.  The first batch had the subjects heads removed.

Read this morning that Andy Levin was defeated in the primary election yesterday by Haley Stevens.  I was disappointed but not devastated.  She has done a good job in Congress and will probably continue to do so.  I suspect he wished her well in her victory.  Witmer will face Tudor Dixon, the former president's endorsee.  She worked at fathers steel company  and is some sort of commentator with no governmental experience.  The car dealer with the dead voters went down to defeat in their primary.  

Watched Pleasantville yesterday.  Looking at the world and promoted 50's values so prominent today, the film posed an irony that was recognizable.  Life was predictable completely so in black and white.  When color and unsanitized emotion was injected,  life stations were upended and yet they moved forward. Not a bad film to watch in the afternoon.

The Old Man  on Hulu was just completed, 7 episodes with a great cast including Jeff Bridges and John Lithgow and supporting role from Amy Brenaman.  For me, this started out with just enough unanswered questions to leave the viewer intrigued.  The episodes near the end left one confused with the finale tying up all the loose ends.  

Going to be a hot one today.  Hopefully will cool down this evening for my Harry walk.  Seems to be the best time for me to beat down my sugars and get some needed exercise.  

Thats it for now

stay safe

Monday, August 1, 2022

Have you Noticed?

One of the downsides to all the programs we have been streaming is that the viewer cannot resist binging on the whole series.  I am guilty completely of this.  So have written before about the new Hulu series "The Bear".  Now, pre streaming, these would have been on one a week after 9pm mostly.  Would have waited expectantly for the night it was on, viewed and had to wait another week.  In todays world we watched all 8 episodes in about 6 days, completely engrossed.  Then, oh boy, we have to wait till 2023 for the next set of shows.  There have been a few like this.  

In my happy place, cooking and listening to Chick Corea via Pandora. on our portable speaker.  We are going back to Spider Lake mid month with the gang
.  Got up early thinking about meals.  This is when I do my best contemplating.  Amidst all these thoughts, I remembered Marie Reno and how much she loved large, loud gatherings with kids running amok all over.  She loved to make way too much food and have guests enjoy it.  She would have loved this mob and cooking for them. 

Tomorrow  is primary Election Day in Michigan.  Sadly, we are loosing a seat this cycle.  Two Democrats are forced to run against each other.  They are in agreement on most issues.  No political pitch here, just remorse for this fact.

Had a pretty good weekend with Shannon overnite Saturday and bagels for the tribe on Sunday morning.  No illness and no falls with our girl.  She has more fans here in the building than the Beatles.

Rain today?
stay safe
all for now

The passage of time

 So I am moving quickly to what I consider the gateway to old age, 75 years.  Wondering what the remainder of my life will be like and remem...