Wednesday, August 3, 2022

TV Time

 Had a quiet TV filled time yesterday at Andrew's.  The kids decided they wanted to stay home and veg doing as they pleased, which they did.   I was on a watching marathon.  The two only came out to eat occasionally.  The cat meandered in and out of the rooms, kitchen shelves and his climbing tree.  Spoke with Janine about her adventures with Pippa and the new trainer, bitching about politics and the like.  Finally picked up the photos for Flo in the building with her kids.  The first batch had the subjects heads removed.

Read this morning that Andy Levin was defeated in the primary election yesterday by Haley Stevens.  I was disappointed but not devastated.  She has done a good job in Congress and will probably continue to do so.  I suspect he wished her well in her victory.  Witmer will face Tudor Dixon, the former president's endorsee.  She worked at fathers steel company  and is some sort of commentator with no governmental experience.  The car dealer with the dead voters went down to defeat in their primary.  

Watched Pleasantville yesterday.  Looking at the world and promoted 50's values so prominent today, the film posed an irony that was recognizable.  Life was predictable completely so in black and white.  When color and unsanitized emotion was injected,  life stations were upended and yet they moved forward. Not a bad film to watch in the afternoon.

The Old Man  on Hulu was just completed, 7 episodes with a great cast including Jeff Bridges and John Lithgow and supporting role from Amy Brenaman.  For me, this started out with just enough unanswered questions to leave the viewer intrigued.  The episodes near the end left one confused with the finale tying up all the loose ends.  

Going to be a hot one today.  Hopefully will cool down this evening for my Harry walk.  Seems to be the best time for me to beat down my sugars and get some needed exercise.  

Thats it for now

stay safe

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