Thursday, August 18, 2022

Spider Lake and James

So we went on our Spider Lake adventure this week. the whole mob came along with a new comer, baby James. There was lots of swimming, kayaking and mostly eating on this trip.  Only drove the car to get there and then parked.  Our weather was splendid and everyone had a good time.  I learned further that my balance was compromised struggling  up the jagged steps to our house.  They all went down to the lake to see the meteor shower but I declined because it would be an episode of America's Funniest Videos with my stumbling and  falling.  

I made Janine's egg casserole and it turned out great.  This dish will be added to my repertoire of selections.  I did barbecue on their large grill and remembered how much I enjoyed this type of cooking.  Made a "cooks surprise" of a pasta dish and that was enjoyed too.  The ride up and back was not bad but seemed like I was driving to NJ by the time we arrived at home.  All is well and quiet this early morning.  Will force myself back to Planet Fitness for a much needed workout this morning.  

Sadly, Liz Cheney lost her seat in the Congress, going down to defeat to a Tr*mp supported candidate.  She is paying the priced for her position on the big lie and for being on the January 6th Committee.  I disagree with almost all of the Republican policies and have voted only once for Rick Snyder (a big mistake).  But her, I admire.  She stood up for her beliefs and sadly paid the price.  Her dad, Dick Cheney, in a rare moment of integrity, supported her as well.
Do you like the sleeping picture?  I never know when these are going to happen, but they always do.  There is a photo of Amanda and James.  He is cute and relaxed being held by multiple people and loved being outside down at the lake.  

I met a man from Dearborn that had a fire pit going and was cooking a large fish that was pinned in a frame kind of like the ones for burgers.  He cooked it indirectly, not over the coals

We had a most pleasant conversation about life, cooking techniques and what we both did for a living. He was up with his large family enjoying the peaceful environment.  It was nice to make a new friend even if only momentarily.  

Eli and Marie were completely hooked on the kayaks. They had to be pried out of them.  Eli pulled Nanny in the tube around the a lake, much to her happiness.  

Well that's it
all for now
stay safe

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