Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Food Sources


With the changing climate  becoming more extreme, our food sources are and will soon be affected.  California has been in a severe drought for the past decades.  America's growers of produce will soon be unable to grow their crops due to the water shortage.  This is a reality we will soon be forced to accept.  These changes are in a full catapult now and I believe the pace will quicken.  

With this truth clearly before us,  states like Michigan and other midwestern ones could again become America's breadbasket as they were in the last century.  Food would be seasonal certainly.  The winters are cold and unforgiving, but we have a source of water in the Great Lakes.  In fact moving crop production into MI,OH, IN, PA ,KY and even east into NJ and NY might be the best going forward.  

As citizens, we could as in WWII grow Victory Gardens.  Casting off and removing water consuming green lawns and replacing them with food growing gardens might be a good idea.  Realistically,  a family could feed themselves with the harvest of fruits and vegetables.  Also,  the consumer would know what chemicals were in their food or not in it.  This state and others near it have a bounty of fertile soil for growing a multitude of fruits, vegetables, herbs and other foliage.  

So, find a sunny spot in your yard, remove the grass, put down some mulch and plant a couple of little tomato plants or peppers or cucumbers.  Later expand it to include more fruits and veggies.

Went to the Detroit Zoo a few days ago for an afternoon walk.  Judy discovered the massive cooling fan they installed in the middle of the park.  Had a nice shot of Mr. Zebra and of the garden plots on the walkway.  I learned recently that although they look like horses and are in the same family,  genetically they are quite different and can be aggressive and their markings are like snowflakes, no two have the same stripes.

Off to planet fitness this morning, Oh Boy!

all for now

stay safe

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Trader Joes.

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