Tuesday, October 31, 2023

A Cold Tuesday

Tuesday morning, and indeed a cold one hovering around 29 degrees.  The seasons have changed and we are moving toward our most dreaded weather patterns.  My dear spouse has done the cleaning process on the Keurig coffee maker and the coffee tastes spectacular. This is the first thing I thought of today.  Wash is in the dryer and its about 6:30 so I am ahead of the game.

Took this photo of Simon lying in repose but undeniably scary even though not intentional.  I have been feeding him for the last few days.  Always friendly, he comes out to greet me when I arrive.  

Katey is making great progress in her recovery, now moving without crutches around the apartment and taking Apollo out on her own.  

This is a far cry from the injured athlete of from August 6th.  So proud of her and the journey she has taken.  I am just about out of business.

Been watching John Oliver on Max with his opinionated commentary about the world and its current state.  His rapid fire monologue can be tough to keep up with.  One has to pick up the pace of mental function to stay with him.  This can take a few episodes.  He tackles big topics, like food safety and home schooling and its lack of regulation.  The presentations are not for the easily offended.  Before he was only part of the reporting stable for the Daily Show, we saw him in concert at the Royal Oak Music Theater; extremely pointed and funny.

It's the big night for the kids tonight.  Sadly not too many are going door to door these days.  Most kids are attending daytime "Trunk or Treat" events put on by schools.  I am sure it's a good time but does not come close to that pillowcase filled with candy dragged down the sidewalks with parents greeting them at the doors.  Times and customs do change

Thats it

all for now 

stay safe

Saturday, October 28, 2023

A small canine lodger


It's Saturday morning.  We have our other lodger dog with us for the next few days, Miss Sweetums.  She has been mentioned before in writings.  She is very comfortable sitting on the couch with Judy and Harry.  She has some separation anxiety issues. We attempted to depart for Maries soccer game yesterday afternoon only to be greeted by loud howls and Harry's harmonizing barking out the window from the front of the building.  We elected to take her with us for the game and she was as usual quite comfortable sitting snuggled up to Judy.  Me thinks that she will be with one of us for the duration of the visit.  It's 7:25 and all have yet tor stir from the bed chambers.

This is a photo of the girl sitting in my lap from a recent visit.  Really and truly, you couldn't find a sweeter dog.  

More soccer today and tomorrow with Shannon visiting tonight for a couple of days.  She gets along with all the dogs.  Shan has a favorite toy that needed replacement.  We bought two, one for here and one for Lange.  No more shuttling back and forth. It is a color sorting game that she really enjoys and feels accomplished when the task is completed.  I have the stuff for pizza and will make for tomorrow's dinner.  

Katey continues to improve and her ankle is fully flexible so the her leg is perpendicular to the foot.  This is a big deal in that she is way ahead in her progress.  Again, more accomplishment.   

thats it

all for now

stay safe

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Parade of Ants

  I view the faro ants marching across my counter top this morning. They quite like it here with countless generations of offspring.  They are the permanent residents and they pay no rent. No amount of treatment rids us of them.   It also comes to mind that this kitchen setup was new in the Nixon Administration. The formica is worn and dull and the sealant around the creases is separated. It still functions but despite any amount of scrubbing,  its appearance does not improve.

Our roads are improving.  New pavement is being dropped and asphalt is being smoothed out.  Despite months of inconvenience and traffic headaches,  some of it is getting done.  My one complaint is that many of the road markings are nearly gone in high volume areas.  Night driving and especially driving in the rain at that time is problematic.  Bright markings make things easier in both cases.  I can complain all day long.  This won't happen.

I went to the VA hospital with Katey for PT yesterday morning.  While she was getting treatment, I ventured to the first floor for a snack in the little store on premises.  When I was done,  typically I need directions back to the elevator.  I asked a fiftyish lady with an ID tag for the information.  She took a tone that indicated she was being kindly to a helpless old man, with a sing song voice and a lot of "honeys" interspersed in her explanation.  Certainly polite and helpful enough but do I look that old and helpless or dare I say incompetent?  

Grandson Elijah had a band concert Tuesday night.  Monday evening the tuba spent the night in our dining area.  It was my job to get it into the car to return to Andrew's apartment.  Moved the car to the front of the building so I would have more room to hoist the instrument into the back seat.  It was everything I had to accomplish this.  If anyone was watching at 6 o'clock, it was quite a show.   This is a photo after the performance, brother Keith, Elijah, Andrew and me.  

Kids are back to mom's as of last night, so not making a trip to Southfield today.  Soon off to Katey's to feed Apollo.

all for now

stay safe

Friday, October 20, 2023

Peaceful Morning

 It's a peaceful quiet morning.  I can still hear the crickets chirping in the dark and the light from the street lamps is beaming thru the leaves turning colors for the season.   Captured a this shot at Katey's apartment in Troy.  He was wandering around the wooded area near the buildings.  I guess these guys feel safe in this area because no one can shoot them like in an open field in the country.  The photo lacks good clarity but not bad from a phone camera.  

This is my third driving thru the rain in the dark.  I can do it but it is not really pleasant.  The glare from the head lamps on the vehicles that approach refracts the light.  The roadway glistens and the markings on the roads are nearly impossible to see.  I get thru it but not without some anxious feelings.  Was probably always this way but is seems more pronounced now.

I listen to a lot of music from dead guys, Chic Corea , David Crosby, Miles Davis, John and George, Hendrix etc.  Often wonder what collaborations they could have done with current musicians.  In an effort to hear breathing musicians, I put myself on the Ed Sheeran station.  He sings quite pleasant singable songs. I am glad I tried his tunes. 

At BA Barbershop where Andrew and Eli get their locks trimmed and styled, I have become acquainted with one of the owners, Al.  He seems to be the resident musicologist.  All the other guys are talking sports.   Him, more diverse subjects like modern music.  I hear the sounds coming from around his chair and inquire about the artist (on Pandora).  Yesterday it was Robert Glasper, a pianist and composer playing jazzy soul tunes that I would describe as modal with singers moving in and out of the synthesized sound.  For me, it is really new and stylish and from players still living.  

Another I found on my own,  Esperanza Spaulding, an upright bassist and singer that has her own style of punctuated vocals that ring true and accurate.
Check them out on Pandora. 

Making eats for the kids and for Katey this morning.  I love inventing meals with what I have on hand.  

thats it
all for now
stay safe

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

a Multi-Shot day


Had the combo of the flu shot, covid 19 booster and RSV vaccine yesterday afternoon.  Was a little worried about what today would bring.  Surprisingly, save two sore arms, had no other ill effects.  I know, everybody is different and reactions may be different based on a lot of factors.  While waiting a Walgreens to be treated, we were  discussing the donut hole gap that occurs at the end of the year.  The last prescription that falls into this period gets zinged with much higher cost.  Three senior strangers overheard the comments and chimed in with their concerns about the same topic and finding a solution to it.  It was an interesting conversation. 

I snapped this photo of my old buddy Apollo last evening sitting on Katey's couch.  He's a little banged up and white muzzled, kind of like me.  He is 14 and still going strong.  Cataracts have clouded his old eyes but he can still hear well and his sense of smell carries him on his way.  I am certain of one thing.  This guy really loves me without any compromise, still jumps up to see me and is happy to be stroked.  I met him when he was a puppy and Katey was in VA for the Navy.  He sat in my lap like a baby and we bonded, forever.  I will see him this morning for our usual routine.

Since it is going to be a nice but cool day today,  the Riverwalk seems inviting.  Gonna try this afternoon.

thats it

all for now

stay safe

Monday, October 16, 2023

Me, a Speaker?


It's Monday indeed.  Gloomy but quiet outside and heading to Katey's soon for dog duty and PT at the VA.  Breakfast is done and the laundry is in.  Shower is complete. 

I am a laundry criminal because I start it before the legal time of 8am.  The truth is that I have too many things to do and this early, there is no one around.  

I could be the speaker of the house.  I talk well and can speak in front of a group.  I can sound eloquent at times.  People say I have a nice smile.  I understand that there is no requirement to be a member of congress to achieve this high office.  Being a little height challenged, I would need a platform to stand on and be heard.  I really like the idea of hammering on the desk with a gavel.  I am old but not too old and have all my faculties.  These guys need to do something to get a new speaker elected or we will again face default and aid is needed for Israel. Nothing can be done without this office being filled.

At 73, I do spend too much time thinking about what's next.  I understand why depression is so rampant among seniors.  Lives are winding down, bodies are not functioning as well with more daily aches and pains.  The only part of society that is interested in us is  the drug companies and the insurance companies.  There are no magazines offering articles like "Cool Looks for Guys in their Seventies".  People of faith look forward to their reward no matter whether you stand with a cross, a crescent. or the Star of David.  I envy them, lacking much faith.

Hopefully I can be more chipper tomorrow, today, not so much

all for now

stay safe

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Mild Complaints

Don't know really where to begin today.  Tried to make overnight oats.  Placed the oats in milk in the fridge and let it sit.  Put on the stove this morning and tried the taste.  It is not for me.  The aftertaste was not pleasant.  Very quiet outside with rain most of yesterday.  We have our lodger dog Apollo last night and he will go back this morning.  Spent the day yesterday cooking.  Carryout food has been less than great recently. Maybe my tastebuds have changed.  The pepperoni on the pizza has too much bite to be enjoyable.  Piles of cheese slapped on a thick dough just aren't doing it for me;

Further, with this condition, many times I don't know what to eat.  Nearly everything seems detrimental to my health.  All this food and emotion battling is getting exhausting.  Sometimes it is tiring thinking of what to put in my mouth;

It's going to be another cloudy day but at least with no rain.  The breezes are quiet in Berkley.  Gonna get Shannon this morning and take my dog friend back to his owner.  

We have many Little Free Libraries placed around town.  While out walking Harry I usually stop, open the little door and look at the books contained therein.  I happened upon a find in Rewrites, a memoir by Neil Simon the playwright and film maker 

This one is signed by him and I consider it quite a find.  Haven't started it yet, but movies he wrote have been very good and I am looking forward to his perspectives.

Got lots of looks at my Halloween blog this year,  77 at this point.  The kind administrator of the Berkley Facebook group let me post it there.  

Well, thats it

all for now, stay safe!


Saturday, October 14, 2023

Halloween in our Town

 Halloween has hit Berkley.  Our little town has lots of merchant participation in the decorating.  Some agency in the city provides full size skeletons and they become people hanging on poles on Coolidge Highway.   Snapped some photos on a walk with Harry.  On this first one, I dated her sister in the Seventies.  

It's always a lovely display.  I get a charge out of the creativity of the costumes that adorn the bones.  Weather permitting, we will be handing out candy at Oxford Towers for the kids at Rogers Elementary as they parade thru the lobby. 

Thats it today, just a few photos I shot on a pleasant walk on a sunny day.
all for now
stay safe

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Morning Again

Morning again, mourning the loss of my favorite glasses.  They broke.  They are readers from Amazon.  I will order more.  Had another active day yesterday with a trip to the Federal Building taking Katey for an abbreviated work day.  I was pleased that I could remember my way around after so much time.  I went to college and worked in the city most of my life.  Still the passage of time removes familiar memories.  The transport went fine aside from needing to take the Lodge Freeway home due to the excess traffic at 4:30 on I-75.

Watching The Mindy Project with Katey last night remembering the brilliant dialogue between the characters on the show.  It was fun with a Coors light, whole grain toast and a hard boiled egg,  Apollo and Meatball on the couch.  

Kids are back with their mom for the week so the pace of activities has slowed.  Took Eli to his tuba lesson at McCourt Music's new site which was spacious and well lit.  Met his teacher, Dave Jenson that instructs on all the brass instruments.  A nice guy that really encourages his players to do their best without judgment.  I don't know why but I love going to music stores  with instruments hanging on the walls.  There are players in practice rooms enjoying various stages of success in scales and melodies.  I enjoy the stuff of the place, the woodwind reeds, the mouthpieces and the bows for the string instruments.  I really believe there is great merit in teaching music, its structure, discipline and ultimate beauty when the song comes out right.  The focus achieved by these young musicians will help them later.  

Have been thinking with sadness about the innocents killed and maimed in Israel this week.  Soldiers fight each other at the behest of their countries leaders. It's their job.  Taking the lives of babies, moms, grandmas and kids that have nothing to do with a conflict is unrcontionable. There is nothing left to say.  

All for now

Stay safe

Sunday, October 8, 2023

The rich guys keep the money

So what about this guy Shawn Fain?  He is this little guy that looks like someone's grandpa with thinning hair and a slight paunch.  Yet he is the one that is taking on the Big Three for the rights of workers in the plants.  No handshakes or ceremonial hugs for him.  He is taking them on for real.  The membership only want a better piece of the pie.  The automakers have been earning huge profits.  The only way to secure a fair share is to take to the streets in a strike.  The new employees in the plants with the tiered wage structure don't make enough to buy the vehicles they build. I stand with him and his brethren.  I was in a shitty union in my youth that was for retail workers.  They did nothing for us, only collecting our monthly dues. The system of capitalism grounds these disparities.  The companies serve the shareholders period.  As long as they are making  huge profits,  the system will continue.  Remember, the rich guys keep the money.

Happy Birthday to my brother in law Tim Reno.  He is a quiet guy that is as meticulous as his father and an ardent metal detector.  New Jersey is historically where wars were fought leaving behind relics from the battles buried in the shallow soil.  I have seen many of these.  

Shannon is with us along with our lodger dog Apollo.  He seems to be comfortable here.  While I am up with my girl,  the bedroom crew is still quiet, soon to be awakened.  We have had the usual action packed week and I am looking forward to no activities today save a little grocery shopping.

Fall has arrived at Berkley.  Every light pole has a Halloween skeleton and the leaves are changing and falling. We went to a soccer game yesterday and froze.  The fifties with no sun is pretty cold. 

thats it

all for now

stay safe

Wednesday, October 4, 2023



October 2nd marked the day of Paxton's 7th birthday.  He is a wonder with completely formed ideas and no lack of confidence.  He is destined to be a disrupter that creates his own path.  Now a competing horse rider, at ease in his new avocation.  I miss him and his brother Everett and their parents.  Everyone is moving forward with their lives.  His mom takes great pictures. I usually write thee tomes on the official day.  Everything got away from me this year.  

Katey is making progress in her recovery moving toward her first post surgery physical therapy and now able to put a little weight on her affected foot and ankle.  Hopefully it will all go smoothly.

Marie participated in a cross country meet held at Freedom Hill on Saturday with lots of kids from all  over.  Got a shot of her with her teammates.

Harry and I usually take the same route on our walks, past the high school (his favorite pooping spot) down Catalpa towards Woodward Ave.  There is a lovely house with a row of the same perennial flower that we have been watching come into season. And finally it came to fruition. I had to take a picture.  

The day is going to be a warm one.  Don't pack away the shorts and tee shirts yet.  We are going to lose about thirty degrees by Saturday. Its Michigan, what do you expect

thats it
all for now
stay safe 

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Escaping the Blame

 Our illustrious U.S. Congress decided to cobble together an agreement and proposal to for stall the shutdown of the government for 45 days last night.  It seems that the president signed the bill into law sometime during the 11 o'clock hour last evening.  It is amazing how staring blame in the face will make warring parties work together to escape.  Hated enemies working diligently to say "NOT MY FAULT"is a great motivator.  

Today is the 14th birthday of my new tuba player.  He makes me proud in so many ways.  Very glad he is my grandson.  Will be attending a birthday luncheon today for him. He is an eighth grader now, next year off to high school.  This is him looking highly motivated for picture day. He has the teenage pout down pat.

Have our lodger dog Apollo over for another night last evening.  Judy gave him a much needed bath on this visit. He was not too thrilled at the prospect but put up with it anyway.  Shannon is not with us this Sunday because of an upper respiratory thing. Will check on her later.  

Spent 3 hours at an invitational cross country meet with Marie yesterday put on by Hansons running shoes. All I can say is lots of runners for the beautiful day. 

Laundry is in the dryer and breakfast is done.

thats it

all for now 

stay safe

The passage of time

 So I am moving quickly to what I consider the gateway to old age, 75 years.  Wondering what the remainder of my life will be like and remem...