Sunday, October 8, 2023

The rich guys keep the money

So what about this guy Shawn Fain?  He is this little guy that looks like someone's grandpa with thinning hair and a slight paunch.  Yet he is the one that is taking on the Big Three for the rights of workers in the plants.  No handshakes or ceremonial hugs for him.  He is taking them on for real.  The membership only want a better piece of the pie.  The automakers have been earning huge profits.  The only way to secure a fair share is to take to the streets in a strike.  The new employees in the plants with the tiered wage structure don't make enough to buy the vehicles they build. I stand with him and his brethren.  I was in a shitty union in my youth that was for retail workers.  They did nothing for us, only collecting our monthly dues. The system of capitalism grounds these disparities.  The companies serve the shareholders period.  As long as they are making  huge profits,  the system will continue.  Remember, the rich guys keep the money.

Happy Birthday to my brother in law Tim Reno.  He is a quiet guy that is as meticulous as his father and an ardent metal detector.  New Jersey is historically where wars were fought leaving behind relics from the battles buried in the shallow soil.  I have seen many of these.  

Shannon is with us along with our lodger dog Apollo.  He seems to be comfortable here.  While I am up with my girl,  the bedroom crew is still quiet, soon to be awakened.  We have had the usual action packed week and I am looking forward to no activities today save a little grocery shopping.

Fall has arrived at Berkley.  Every light pole has a Halloween skeleton and the leaves are changing and falling. We went to a soccer game yesterday and froze.  The fifties with no sun is pretty cold. 

thats it

all for now

stay safe

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