Wednesday, October 4, 2023



October 2nd marked the day of Paxton's 7th birthday.  He is a wonder with completely formed ideas and no lack of confidence.  He is destined to be a disrupter that creates his own path.  Now a competing horse rider, at ease in his new avocation.  I miss him and his brother Everett and their parents.  Everyone is moving forward with their lives.  His mom takes great pictures. I usually write thee tomes on the official day.  Everything got away from me this year.  

Katey is making progress in her recovery moving toward her first post surgery physical therapy and now able to put a little weight on her affected foot and ankle.  Hopefully it will all go smoothly.

Marie participated in a cross country meet held at Freedom Hill on Saturday with lots of kids from all  over.  Got a shot of her with her teammates.

Harry and I usually take the same route on our walks, past the high school (his favorite pooping spot) down Catalpa towards Woodward Ave.  There is a lovely house with a row of the same perennial flower that we have been watching come into season. And finally it came to fruition. I had to take a picture.  

The day is going to be a warm one.  Don't pack away the shorts and tee shirts yet.  We are going to lose about thirty degrees by Saturday. Its Michigan, what do you expect

thats it
all for now
stay safe 

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