Sunday, October 15, 2023

Mild Complaints

Don't know really where to begin today.  Tried to make overnight oats.  Placed the oats in milk in the fridge and let it sit.  Put on the stove this morning and tried the taste.  It is not for me.  The aftertaste was not pleasant.  Very quiet outside with rain most of yesterday.  We have our lodger dog Apollo last night and he will go back this morning.  Spent the day yesterday cooking.  Carryout food has been less than great recently. Maybe my tastebuds have changed.  The pepperoni on the pizza has too much bite to be enjoyable.  Piles of cheese slapped on a thick dough just aren't doing it for me;

Further, with this condition, many times I don't know what to eat.  Nearly everything seems detrimental to my health.  All this food and emotion battling is getting exhausting.  Sometimes it is tiring thinking of what to put in my mouth;

It's going to be another cloudy day but at least with no rain.  The breezes are quiet in Berkley.  Gonna get Shannon this morning and take my dog friend back to his owner.  

We have many Little Free Libraries placed around town.  While out walking Harry I usually stop, open the little door and look at the books contained therein.  I happened upon a find in Rewrites, a memoir by Neil Simon the playwright and film maker 

This one is signed by him and I consider it quite a find.  Haven't started it yet, but movies he wrote have been very good and I am looking forward to his perspectives.

Got lots of looks at my Halloween blog this year,  77 at this point.  The kind administrator of the Berkley Facebook group let me post it there.  

Well, thats it

all for now, stay safe!


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