Thursday, August 31, 2023

Babies no more

 My lovely wife cleaned out the Keurig coffee maker yesterday and the brew tastes magical.  Thank you Honey. Cleaning nearly anything has never been my.forte.  I am good on floors, carpets, and windows but not dishes, stovetops and other surfaces.  

All of my grand kids are now enrolled in school.  We have Everett in preschool, Paxton in the first grade,

with Marie in 7th grade and Elijah in the 8th grade.  This morning is picture day at the middle school.  Poppy had to take photos before school today.  Marie was cooperative, Elijah not so much.  Managed to grab a shot of son Jonathan with his youngest.  

Katey is continuing to improve in small increments.  Using her knee scooter as much as possible and successfully working from home. For me, it's getting to be more of a routine shuttling from one place to another, fitting in doctor appointments along the way.  I graduated from my latest physical therapy treatments yesterday so thats one less thing on my plate.  I have become quite proficient in packaging meals and feeding animals.  

The day is sunny and cool.  Have a couple of sick friends to check up on here at the penitentiary.  Laundry, food shopping and dog walking are on the agenda.

thats it

all for now

stay safe

Friday, August 25, 2023

Me and Michael Phelps

My physical therapist, Ann does a good job stretching me out and strengthening my core muscles.  Her goal for this go round is to make me walk more erect and not stooped over (hate that term).  So we go thru our normal amount of warmup, arm exercises and her manual efforts to loosen up my thoracic region (middle) of my back.  So yesterday she says she wants to try something different called cupping. Placing clear plastic cups shaped like the vessel of a wine glass on my back with a devise attached to create suction, they are stuck to my back for about 5-6 minutes and then removed.  This is supposed to improve blood flow the this region and ease up some of the tightness.  

Now dear Ann kills me with these sessions.  I come away thinking I was supposed to feel better after this, but not the case.  But I awoke this morning not feeling bad and little or no pain in my lower back.  Michael Phelps uses this method to rejuvenate his muscles.  I know it looks pretty weird, like giant symmetrical hives.  These blossoms go away in a few hours.  If you have localized pain, these might be worth a try, as a drug free solution.

Finishing up laundry and fed myself this morning. Heading over to Katey's to feed the animals and her and back to get the kids for their stay at our apartment.  Both have been reasonably good natured for a 12 and 13 year olds.  This is a hidden blessing for me.  Roads are still a. mess and school starts Monday.  The adventure continues.

This will be the most circulated mugshot in the history of mugshots.
Thats it
all for now
stay safe

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

A new year

I'm always looking for inspirations to write about.  Taking Harry on his pre rain walk this morning, I passed by Rogers Elementary down Oxford Rd. where we reside.  The parking lot is full and the lights in the classrooms are all blazing brightly in the otherwise dim morning.  The teachers are preparing for the incoming crop of students and preparing their rooms, plans, seating arrangements and more I am sure.  

Always have admired these people.  They work with the younger minds, teach their subjects and mostly make the students regardless of grade, feel safe.  For me that is the most important part of the equation.  For without that feeling of security, learning is stunted.  Those encouraging words are priceless and form the foundation for education.  Facts, whether it be math or spelling can be dolled out.  True inspiration can only be fostered in safety.

I think this morning of the educators I know from Oak Ridge Elem in Royal Oak.  Mrs. Mann, Mrs. Coates and Mrs. Mangum and my buddy Jeremy Letkiewicz (Mr. L to the kids) come to mind.  When I was a dad running off to work, I never really knew my kids teachers.  These folks I got to really know as a grand parent.  All of these educators have safe and encouraging environments in their classrooms.  I was the morning guy for kid delivery in those days.  I have always been an early bird and got to share conversations with these folks on most mornings.  Some times it was the happiest time of my day. Now my two oldest have progressed to the 7th and 8th grade. Even though I provide transportation, I am not as necessary.  The best I get is "bye Poppy"and off they go. I miss the smiles and the greetings that were my orange juice starting my day.

Educators have the most important job after parenting.  We need not forget that.

Paxton had his first day in the first grade yesterday in Middleville.  So proud of this guy.  He is going to do big things.

thats it

rain today

all for now

stay safe

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Cars and Cars


Walked to the Dream Cruise a couple of times yesterday.  This is my first time on the Berkley side of Woodward.  It was not too nuts here like in Royal Oak.  Went with Harry in the morning before the weather heated up and later with Judy. I was really quite pleasant.  Saw lots of cars and took a few pictures.

Not much else for the day.  Watched the remainder of "Painkiller" on Netflix and was left in disbelief that the Sacklers are still filthy rich and are walking free after killing hundreds of thousands with their drugs. Matthew Broderick and Uzu Adubu did at masterful job on their parts as well as the daughter of David Duchovny.

There has been a kitty crying outside my window since about 2am last night.  Sounds like it is on my balcony but is not.  Trying to feel sorry for this little creature but can't.

First load of laundry is in, all showered and shaved and ready to make eggs for breakfast.

The hot rod version of the Mustang on the bottom looks like a 1969 I lusted over when my friend Jerry had the Mach 1 version of the car.  Had to take a photo.

Thats it
all for know
stay safe. 

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Plans? What Plans?

 At 62,300 miles the car was running fine.  I had a big day planned getting Katey's apartment back in shape while she convalesced at our senior apartment.  First I. had big dog beds and pillows to be washed at the laundromat in Clawson, then off to her residence to install stuff in the bathroom and finally, a steam clean of the carpets with my trusty Hoover rug cleaner.  

Things are going fine aside from the fact that none of the ladies using the machines at Fabricare will talk to me.  I don't know whether the found me dangerous or were just pissed to be there in the first place.  One of the beds was so large that it kept popping open the door on the dryer and was ultimately put out to air dry.  My car is filled with stuff including the Hoover and a basket with the cleaning solution.  I was progressing nicely and before 9am, I am done and ready to move to the next part of the operation. 

Hop back in the vehicle and nothing.  The accessories are working but the car will not start.  After fumbling around with the sequences, I realized that I had not a solution.  Managed to get through all the steps with Progressive Insurance to secure road side assistance to get a jump.  Called my buddy Nick at B and B Collision and he put me in touch with a place in Royal Oak, Top Tech.  He had the battery and could install it today.  Drove it over there and tendered the car to him and walked to the nearby McDonalds, located pal Debbie at the Towers and she picked me up.  Judy, btw was at a dr. appointment and couldn't help. 

At about 3pm the car was done and 267 dollars later, it was fixed with new battery installed.  Proceeded to her apartment and completed the rest of my planned tasks.  Returned home and Judy and Katey are watching another Harry Potter movie.  It is way too loud for me and after a sandwich, I retreat to one of the bedrooms with my phone. 

Even when you make plans, with a careful strategy, things can run amok.  It was Friday before the Dream Cruise and things had to get done because I had to stay on my side of Woodward for the Saturday revelers.  

I know, waaaaaay too many details.

all for now

stay safe. (Its 6am and have been writing since 5)

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Good sleep

It's amazing to me how well your brain functions when you get good sleep.  Clear thinking is possible.  Seeing a path toward accomplishment is attainable.  Mood improves with less dark thoughts.  To do lists are made. It seems to be the ultimate tonic for the soul. 

Off today back to Katey's surgeon for a followup appointment to check on progress about a week since the operation on her Achilles tendon.  

The day is lovely so far with heat later in the day promised.  

Need to buy some provisions today and do some more stuff at her apartment.  The professional cat litter scoop works splendidly.

all for now (abandoned styling, now back to short hair)

stay safe

Enjoy this beautiful day 


Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Thought of changing my name (Pumba in Lion King)

So earlier in the summer we received and inquiry from Lynn who runs the New Gateways Program that Shannon attends about a local publication that serves the special needs community. Being the writer of the family, I completed the questionnaire they provided requesting details of our lives with Shannon and our whole family.  They seemed to like my responses and told us we would be the featured family of the September issue.  Judy assembled some photos of us with all the kids and the grand kids along with some scenes with her in our senior citizen complex.  This is our girl with an advance copy of the magazine. 

After a day of running around with kids, taking stuff to Katey's apartment and other operations, I went to Lange house to retrieve the copy to read the article. I pulled it out of her back pack and something looked funny.  With a cursory glance I saw, "Meet the Krocsis Family" emblazoned on the cover above the great shot Andrew took of us on our veranda.  

So now my Hungarian heritage is gone and my name sounds like a skin condition between the toes.  Astra Zeneca is developing a treatment.  I was really looking forward to seeing this.  So the article is basically my responses to the questionnaire put in paragraph form and all Judy's photos loo great.  I emailed their person about 15 times with my name shown on each one.  But, shit happens and if the information can provide some guidance to a family looking for answers, I am ok with it.  

The entrance ramp for eastbound I-696 is now a big pile of dirt off Telegraph.  This redo is going to take a long while.  The now, less quick access is off Lahser road and impatient drivers are not waiting their turn and cutting in front. (mostly the Ram Truck guys I mentioned yesterday).

Taking Katey's car in for another evaluation.  This time Progressive Insurance and the collision shop will battle it out for what is absolutely needed to do the repairs. This is another continuing saga. Then I am off to feed teenagers and watch more TV.  Painkiller with Matthew Broderick is another disheartening look at the exploits of the Sackler family.  Down with Love on Prime is an uplifting series about young people with Downs Syndrome looking for love.  I am quite smitten with this one.

That it

all for now

stay safe

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Bed dilemma

Next day of the healing process.  Better sleep was had by all last night. She is now working from home with a propped up computer on a tray.  Her work colleague Shannon came over and set her up yesterday afternoon.  Finishing up the wonderful banana bread sent by pal Christina in the middle of this writing.  Raining today....all day. It's a good day for inside projects.  Judy gifted me with a heavy duty scoop for the litter box for Meatball with a flat end for ease of handling. I feel so special.

I am never afraid of betraying my own ineptness.  Yesterday one of my efforts was to remake the bed at her apartment, a simple enough task.  I have clean sheets, a mattress cover, and pillow cases.  Fitted lower sheets have a long side and a short side, covering the length and the width of the bed. It should be simple enough to get these on correctly.  Every time I get one corner on, and proceed to the next. I find I am wrong and thinking I can remedy this by moving the sheet counter clockwise, I find I am wrong and in a comedy of errors, keep circling the bed trying to get it right.  The cat is underfoot and looking at me oddly.  I had to laugh at the stupidity of the situation and his perplexed look.  Finally got it correct,  to my amazement. 

Have you ever noticed that the most intimidating drivers are behind the wheel of the Ram trucks that are painted all black, with black interiors, black wheels and black emblems.  These drivers always seem to be male, bearded and riding up my ass like I am not proceeding fast enough down the roadway.  These drivers shift from lane to lane like the own the road.  Just an opinion. 

Off to Krogers for a few items

Then off to the kids

All for now

stay safe


Sunday, August 13, 2023

Daily Transitioning

 One week ago today, the injury occurred to Katey's foot.  We have made many visits to the hospital.  There has been a lot of pain associated with the torn tendon. It is somewhat relentless.    

I am sleeping on the couch, much to the chagrin of my right shoulder.  Daughter convalescing in the big bed and Judy in the second room.  We have a large collection of equipment. Trying to organize it and allow for some living space has been a challenge.  Luckily there is some room in our storage room.  It seems that every day is a new adventure.  Was at Andrew's on Friday and managed to get this shot of Miss Sweetums in my lap with awkward fingers. 

As you can see, my face is getting older along with the rest of my body. 

Remarkably the patient is feeling slightly better today finding comfortable sleeping positions for short periods.  Happy about that.  This morning's shot of "The Foot" reveals the size of the boot she is wearing.  
Will be going over to check on Meatball the old fat cat today.  I know he is a sociable creature and is lonely without any humans present.  We are learning how to make daily adjustments in life with some success.  This is a team effort.  Judy and  I are really teammates more than anything these days and it works. 

Been watching "hijack" on Apple+ with Idris Elba the fine English actor.  This is a tense series about a journey from Dubai to Heathrow airport surrounding the mentioned incident.  It is excellent and difficult not to binge.  If you have this service, check it out.

Beautiful cool morning here in Berkley and will be making a trip to Trader Joes for some fruit.

thats it.

all for now

stay safe

Friday, August 11, 2023

Finishing up cold coffee

 It's the day of surgery for Katey's torn Achilles tendon damaged just before half time at Sunday's soccer game.  Her team will killing their opponents which are the first place team in the league.  Ultimately the score was 7-0 in their favor.  It rained in torrents throughout the event.  All the players were soaked and the artificial turf was wet and slippery.  Returning for her third game, she was playing her best in a long time.  Most of her teammates were former college players in their thirties, and very intense to say the least. 

At nearly half time, she ran up in front of Andrew and me and made a bad move, not even falling.  Thought she was hit from behind but there was no one there.  We even heard something from the sidelines. Hobbling over to the bench, she was attended to by a fellow player that happened to be a physical therapist. She knew what had happened, splinted the injury and off we went to the VA hospital.  

Judy was away for a scheduled visit to her family.  Nurse Andrew became our medical expert at the ER.  The injury was casted and wrapped and we went home.  Three. more visits this week to the hospital, home health equipment provided and MRI and pre-opt testing.  Judy's flight was cancelled and she arrived Wednesday morning.  My organization queen sorted thru the mess and we are somewhat together.  

This is going to be a long process of recovery with lots of baby steps and I am sure many pitfalls.  It is remarkable the adjustments you can make in your life when you need to.  We are getting much help from friend Christina tending to Apollo.  This will be a "one day at a time" path to recovery. 

This is an old shot of me and her taken a couple of summers ago.  Leaving at 9am for today's adventure.

all for now

stay safe 

Monday, August 7, 2023

Airport pickup tonite

So it's about 10:30 pm and much later than I usually start one of these essays.  Judy is coming back from NJ after visiting her family. This is the gang at the usual breakfast spot "Sandy's" in Lakehurst.  The staff knows everyone by name and generally what they will order before the request comes out of their mouths.

Judy is flying back home tonight.  The flight was supposed to be in at 10:20pm and now has been moved to after 1am.  I am not surprised by this development.  Weather problems throughout the Mid Atlantic states and general disorganization at the Newark Airport helped to create this mess.   Had to include this shot of a sleeping Mike my brother in law, always available for ridicule.  

Katey was injured at a rain soaked soccer game Sunday night.  It was a torn achilles tendon and she is being treated quite effectively at the VA Hospital.  This is a very painful injury 

So now I am working to stay alert for this trip to the airport.  pounded another cup of coffee and had a keto protein bar.  This writing is helping too.

Have had two dogs for the last couple of days.  Apollo and Harry are old buddies and get along well.  They even walk together pretty well.  I am hoping that Katey's pain is better tomorrow.

Apollo is quite friendly with the seniors.  At 14 he is around 98 in human years.  Pals Debby and Julie were quite smitten with this old guy.  He fits in here.

Thats it 

all for now

stay safe

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Saturday morning


Cool and clear this morning.  The winds are almost still.  I can hear the folks out talking in the front of the building.  A noisy meat wagon rolled up and made their pickup at about 5am.

Made cinnamon French Toast with sugar free syrup for breakfast.  I had forgotten how much I like this treat meal, less bad with the correct syrup.

Gonna put on socks and shoes and take Harry out for his first walk around 8 thirty.

Still comfortable in my solitude.  Don't know how long this will last.

That's it.  All for now. Enjoy this lovely day and stay safe

Friday, August 4, 2023

The Cleaner

Some new shows to watch:

Silo (Apple+) science fiction-y post apocalyptic drama about folks living in an underground spiral filled with intrigue that sucks you in once you start watching.  There will be a second season but date is unknown.

Who We Are,(Netflix),  Jeffery Robinson's documentary about the real history of America complete with the economic realities of slavery in our nation and later outcomes.  It is a program that will make you uncomfortable with the sugar coated history we learned in school.  A brilliant program with no punches pulled. Presented in a non confrontational, straight forward manner.  My feeling is that it should be shown as part of the high school curriculum. 

The Cleaner (BritBox via Amazon Prime) This very British show is the antics and exploits of a crime scene (mostly murders) cleaner.  He comes in after the body is hauled off.  Despite the grisly premise, this is a comedic effort and is quite funny at times.  Just saw a couple of episodes today and it is unique, witty and subtly funny. If you have access to this service catch this one.  You won't be disappointed.

Had my final walk with Harry tonight after 7pm and saw an adult kickball game going on at the field at the end of the block.  Not many great plays were being made but they were all having a good time. (what's a great play in kickball?)

My wife seems to be having a splendid time with her siblings in the Garden State. Pal Jerry and I talked about our directional challenges and the cast of medications we take.  It is wonderful that he and I can stay connected.  Being with contemporaries is really important now. He is such a car guy!  His yellow Mustang gleams and is really spotless.  As always my old (paid for) Fusion needs a major bath.  

A twofer today,  watching lots of TV in my solitude.

all for now

stay safe



So Judy is away visiting her family and I am in the solitude mode.  Didn't really speak to anyone all of yesterday.  Ate indulgence rarely taken. On all the "what to eat and what not to eat" sites and suggestions these fall near the top of detrimental snacks.  I know I should be consuming carrot sticks and hummus.  I have had my day and that is confession.

Going to breakfast with my friend Jerry this morning.  The last time we were to get together I had to cancel. Looking forward to our conversation and lots of photos of his new granddaughter Gemma.  

New eatery opening up on Coolidge within walking distance of our apartment.  It is going to be a fancy ice cream bars place.  The construction is barely started with them gutting two store fronts. Should be good as long as it's not two ridiculous in cost.

City planted flowers on 12 mile road are in full bloom.  They do a good job maintaining these.

Just got back from a cool walk with Harry.  Its another lovely day

Watched waaaaay too much TV yesterday, Black Mirror (Nexflix), and Silo (Apple+) interspersed with the latest indictment news.  

That it for today.

all for now

stay safe


Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Round 3 (or 4)

 So the former has yet been indicted again.  This time the charges are direct and are linked to his encouragement of disrupting the 2020 election to keep himself in office, ignoring the will of the people.  Personally, I still think he could be elected to the highest office in the land.  His ardent supporters are steadfast in their belief that the election was stolen by fraud and that Biden is the false president.  In the history of our country we have not before seen the likes of him.

Even with the egregious charges presented, I do not think he will be touched or held accountable.  Campaign funds are paying his legal bills at least in part.  His lawyer fees must be enormous.  If you can, read the indictment brought forth.  It is written in straightforward language with no legalize mumbo jumbo to decipher.  Frankly, I fear for the chaos that will ensue on election day 2024 .  Every vote may be challenged.  Election workers may be harassed and again fear for their well being. Think of those grandmas sitting at long tables with precinct books in front of them.  

Eli and Marie have spent the night.  Both are moving slowly toward a state of motivation.  Marie went to her fitness class and Eli and took a walk around the block.  I can get him to chat more in this one on one setting.  He is comfortable with my reduced pace.  We are about equal even though he is now about 2 inches taller than me.

Trying a new protein bar called "Think" no sugar, low glycemic index with 20 grams of protein per bar.  The peanut butter version is better than the chocolate one.  Eating one before my PT session this morning.  (Trader Joes)

Thats it

all for now

enjoy this lovely day

and stay safe

The passage of time

 So I am moving quickly to what I consider the gateway to old age, 75 years.  Wondering what the remainder of my life will be like and remem...