Friday, August 4, 2023

The Cleaner

Some new shows to watch:

Silo (Apple+) science fiction-y post apocalyptic drama about folks living in an underground spiral filled with intrigue that sucks you in once you start watching.  There will be a second season but date is unknown.

Who We Are,(Netflix),  Jeffery Robinson's documentary about the real history of America complete with the economic realities of slavery in our nation and later outcomes.  It is a program that will make you uncomfortable with the sugar coated history we learned in school.  A brilliant program with no punches pulled. Presented in a non confrontational, straight forward manner.  My feeling is that it should be shown as part of the high school curriculum. 

The Cleaner (BritBox via Amazon Prime) This very British show is the antics and exploits of a crime scene (mostly murders) cleaner.  He comes in after the body is hauled off.  Despite the grisly premise, this is a comedic effort and is quite funny at times.  Just saw a couple of episodes today and it is unique, witty and subtly funny. If you have access to this service catch this one.  You won't be disappointed.

Had my final walk with Harry tonight after 7pm and saw an adult kickball game going on at the field at the end of the block.  Not many great plays were being made but they were all having a good time. (what's a great play in kickball?)

My wife seems to be having a splendid time with her siblings in the Garden State. Pal Jerry and I talked about our directional challenges and the cast of medications we take.  It is wonderful that he and I can stay connected.  Being with contemporaries is really important now. He is such a car guy!  His yellow Mustang gleams and is really spotless.  As always my old (paid for) Fusion needs a major bath.  

A twofer today,  watching lots of TV in my solitude.

all for now

stay safe


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