Wednesday, August 23, 2023

A new year

I'm always looking for inspirations to write about.  Taking Harry on his pre rain walk this morning, I passed by Rogers Elementary down Oxford Rd. where we reside.  The parking lot is full and the lights in the classrooms are all blazing brightly in the otherwise dim morning.  The teachers are preparing for the incoming crop of students and preparing their rooms, plans, seating arrangements and more I am sure.  

Always have admired these people.  They work with the younger minds, teach their subjects and mostly make the students regardless of grade, feel safe.  For me that is the most important part of the equation.  For without that feeling of security, learning is stunted.  Those encouraging words are priceless and form the foundation for education.  Facts, whether it be math or spelling can be dolled out.  True inspiration can only be fostered in safety.

I think this morning of the educators I know from Oak Ridge Elem in Royal Oak.  Mrs. Mann, Mrs. Coates and Mrs. Mangum and my buddy Jeremy Letkiewicz (Mr. L to the kids) come to mind.  When I was a dad running off to work, I never really knew my kids teachers.  These folks I got to really know as a grand parent.  All of these educators have safe and encouraging environments in their classrooms.  I was the morning guy for kid delivery in those days.  I have always been an early bird and got to share conversations with these folks on most mornings.  Some times it was the happiest time of my day. Now my two oldest have progressed to the 7th and 8th grade. Even though I provide transportation, I am not as necessary.  The best I get is "bye Poppy"and off they go. I miss the smiles and the greetings that were my orange juice starting my day.

Educators have the most important job after parenting.  We need not forget that.

Paxton had his first day in the first grade yesterday in Middleville.  So proud of this guy.  He is going to do big things.

thats it

rain today

all for now

stay safe

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