Monday, October 31, 2022

A friends departure

Christopher King left this earthly plain last week.  He was a friend of mine from my short term employment at Staples after I retired.  He departed at 36; many are saddened by his passing and remember the impact he left.  When I met him, he was tethered to an oxygen generating mobile device that he carried on his back. I had never seen one of these before.  I whirred intermittently as the oxygen was transmitted to him.  Periodically he had to change out the battery and I lifted the backpack once.  It was quite heavy.  Chris wore this day in and day out.  This young man was born with immature lungs leaving him with this life long need.

He was a swell guy, helping customers out with computer and tech problems always greeting them with a smile.  And he was good at his job.  At one point in my time there, he generated the biggest one time sale of computer stuff to a happy customer.  He was also a pianist,  playing at church venues and supper clubs.  

Because of this condition, Chris probably knew his life would be short,  so he had little time to waste.  His family is quite religious.  They will probably speak about God's plan for Chris.  I see a different metaphor for him.  We can learn kindness from a short life.  We can to more with our lives, like he did. He and I did not see eye to eye politics and that's ok.  I miss our time together.

Rain in Berkley today.  I hope is stops for the kids tonight.  I really miss being a home owner and seeing them run along gathering the bounty of the night.  Most have parents shivering along and smiling some snitching a candy bar or two.

that's it

all for now

stay dry and safe

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Detroit Riverwalk yesterday

After toiling at Planet Fitness yesterday, we took a trip to the Riverwalk on the Detroit River yesterday.  It was cool but lovely, a little breezy with the Windsor skyline in full view.  The ore boats were moving pretty quickly with an occasional honk from their horns. Had good Panera coffee and lots of sunshine.

Drove Woodward down and all was fine until we neared our destination. Using GPS, we found all the correct twists and turns.  During the week, this is a lovely place to stroll along with the breezes. The mums planted are still doing ok and brilliant in the sun.  This is my pitch for the day.

Wanted to try Eastern Market this morning but the fog was really thick and prevented the trip.  Will make a short jaunt to Westborn market for some produce later.  It's a good day to make butternut squash soup.

that's it.

all for now

stay safe


Friday, October 28, 2022

Woke up Frustrated

Diabetes boy

I struggle with the monitoring and care of this chronic condition I have.  Never know what to eat or what kind of exercise and how much to do.  I track what I eat specifically in a daily journal and my exercise on a Fit Bit.  I read all the labels in the market with the sugar content.  All this monitoring makes me uneasy and eating damn dear anything makes be feel guilty.  I gave up potato chips, carbonated beverages and donuts.  Still, still, I wake up to shitty numbers, pissed off, knowing I should switch to a kale based diet and abandoning pizza for good.

SometimesI think this condition is subject to a certain ebb and flow, good days and bad days. And maybe on averages, it gets balanced out.

I only write about this stuff because others may have removed their collective heads from the sand and are willing to take a hard look at their lives.  I know guys that have ignored symptoms and are now pissing in their pants or have prostate cancer that is no longer treatable or are trekking to the dialysis clinic three times a week.  This is aging whether you like it or not.   I know, far too personal.

Dragging myself to PF again this morning and then on to the Detroit Riverwalk.

that's it

all for now

stay safe

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Political season - Ugh

Ran into these two happy guys on different occasions.  On four legs, at the soccer game in NJ and the little red head at Trader Joes yesterday.  His name is Leo and he is the youngest son of a lovely young couple we know from our days as Oak Ridge Elementary grand parents.  The pooch looks pretty tough but was sweet and friendly to all.  

Really tired of all the political ads that flourish in our fractured media.

Every commercial break is filled with accusations alternating with bragging rights.  If you wanted to serve your community, a spotless life is your only possibility.  Info is dragged up from probably childhood presented like it was yesterday.  Yeah I gave a kid a bloody nose when I was fourteen.  I rolled through a stop sign and got a ticket along with a couple of speeding tickets, but no felonies.

Fetterman vs. Oz, now that's a tale, a huckster with MD after his name vs. a good man that had a stroke that misses some words and gets befuddled when pressured.  You've got a polished showman used to the stage vs. a guy needing a prompter to process the dialogue due to a recent stroke.  I  am glad I don't have to make this choice in Michigan.  

I have already voted, placing our completed ballots in the slot at the Berkley City Hall to be handed to the City Clerks office.  I trust the ballots will be counted and properly processed.  It pained me to watch in Arizona,voter drop boxes patrolled by armed observers in full tactical gear who were not part of law enforcement.  it seems to me to be a tactic to intimidate prospective voters, and to scare them to not use the boxes.  

off to Planet Fitness this morning

all for now

stay safe

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Garden State Adventure.....and magnets...and a toe

I have been away for a few days.  We went to visit Judy's family in Toms River.  The trip was good and the hospitality was wonderful aa always.  Everything was going along right on schedule on our departure day with an early exit at 4:30am.  We were getting the hatches battened down and manipulating windows in the apartment my darling spouse ran into a piece of furniture and broke her toe, (later determined by an urgent care in NJ).  There is really nothing to be done for this kind of injury other than to wrap it and wait for the healing process to begin. She is much better now.

The weather was most pleasant.  Jon and Kelly and the boys were closing on their new house.  All was well.  The little guy above Everett, decided to consume two small magnets and ended up in the hospital for observation and possible intervention.  The little buggers traveled down their course.
Fortunately, it was enema for the win  and the parents got another souvenir for the memory book.  And yesterday, my dear son and his wife celebrated their wedding anniversary with a well kid and a new house.  Great grandma Dorothy was watching down on her birthday, Oct 25th to see that all came out fine.

Earlier in the week we went to a little pizza joint for authentic Jersey pizza with is generally served cheese only. 

It was really outstanding I must admit.  These are the remnants before it was all gone.  I asked the pizza guy about the cheese and he told me of the brand.  I will get some and try it out.

We got to spend some time with great nephew Kennan and also nephew Matt and his lovely wife Tammy.  Had lunch with them in a place visited by Diners, Drive-ins and Dives. Good but not magical.

More pictures of our hosts and the breakfast gathering at Sandy's in Lakehurst 
were everybody knows everybody.

Son Andrew is working on a project for breakfast sandwiches which is still in the information gathering stage.  Central to the concept is the NJ standard, Taylor Ham and egg sandwich.  Admittedly I had never had one of these.  Went to Wawa  down the street and got their version .  it was ok but had been sitting in the heater for a while, but the concept was sound.
We watched my favorite feel good show last evening after we unpacked Somebody Feed Phil.  This episode was on Chicago.  I realize that this is a sanitized show with only the good parts seen.  But,  it is about cooking, eating and people; and the environment they are in.  I could have eating the TV.  He visited a lady making pasta, a couple of sausage places and of course, a MONSTER PIZZA PLACE.  I want to make pasta and they were making pizza in a cast iron skillet.  I have one of those, might be my next project.

Whew!  that's it
all for now
stay safe

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Stretching Can Help

Two years ago I was trying to fix my balance problems.  Managed to get my doc to write a script for physical therapy.  Did some sessions and the home exercises he gave me really help to stretch out my back and increase flexibility.  Woke today feeling pained and did these exercises for about 10 minutes, now much better.

Caught this shot at the Troy Nature Center recently with the light filtering through the diminishing leaves.  I have said this before but, if you are a walker or hiker, this is a most pleasant and quiet place to visit during the week.  They have kind of a welcome center with bathrooms and wonderful displays for kids 

Another session planned at PF.  Another dreary day afoot.  Very difficult to get motivated.  

Oxford Park Towers is getting set for Halloween too.  They put up the decorations a couple of days before in preparation for the kids of Rogers Elementary visiting on the big day.  The last two years the even has been rained out.  Old people love little kids.  It seems to be a universal truth.  My dear mother in law Marie could make any kid smile.  When we went to restaurants with her,  she would seek them out and grab their smiles as ofter as possible.  

I really don't want to greet this day!

all for now 

stay safe


Monday, October 17, 2022

Man in a Striped Shirt

Had occasion to travel to Krogers in Oak Park yesterday.  After making my purchases and in the parking lot, I happened upon an older African American man in a striped referee's shirt and black pants.  He was noticeable because of the shirt.  I spotted him in the store as well.  He said something to me like "have a nice day young man".   Correcting him saying that I was not young at 72.  He replied that he was 76 and was going to Clarenceville HS in Livonia to ref a flag football game.  He was a little bent over but moving well.  He further explained to me that he was the only referee in the state of Michigan qualified to do this  job in 8 sports.  I was and am impressed.  Most of us will not be moving as well as him at 76.

Had a Shannon weekend, filled with her usual programing.  We took a longer than usual walk and my back paid the price.  Judy went to Marie's soccer game with Andrew and Miss Shannon and I went down to the parlor to discuss the world with her pals.  Made her Mac and cheese from a box, (her favorite) and it turned out to be a good day.

Doing laundry, then heading to Planet Fitness reluctantly.  Further, these writings are and will be my feelings and opinions on touchy topics.  I will not be hurtful to anyone I hope.  

We are governed in this state by mostly women, including the governor, the Secretary of State, and the Attorney General.  We have female senator, and congress members.  I think this is fine.  The roads are getting fixed (which we are bitching about the inconvenience).  There are shorter wait times getting a license.  I really have no problem with our current crop of elected officials.    I am a man very disappointed that Roe vs Wade was overturned.  It is my belief that a woman has sovereign ownership of her body and her choice what to do with that body.

all for now

stay safe

Saturday, October 15, 2022

We were meaning to get together

We all have friends we have lost track of whether they were schoolmates or work associates, people take their separate paths and when you're no longer interacting or have no reason to do so, they leave your immediate mind but still are floating around somewhere.  

In my past in the glove business I made a business friend of Kevin Lockwood.  He is a large affable guy with a floppy mustache and glasses.  In his job, he was involved in automotive paint quality.  Later he went on to form his own company when BASF changed focus and he got downsized.  Yesterday I learned he died.  We had threatened for years to again get together for lunch and catching up like we did so many times when we were business associates.  Now we can't.  I missed my chance to see my old friend.  I woke up thinking of him and the stories of our lives we shared. Younger than I and I never knew he was ill.  Today, I am saddened by the missed opportunity.  

Judy and I went for a long hike at the Troy Nature Center yesterday.  The leaves are starting to fall leaving a better chance at the dappled light I love to photograph.  This is a shot from our trek.  Finished it off with a trip to Renshaw's in Clawson for a late lunch.  You can still get a deal on lunches there.  A small pizza with to 12 oz drafts and the bill was 11.71 before tip.  I was shocked.  

I wonder how Little Lou's hot chicken is.  Was kind of saddened with the loss of Papas Pizza, one of my favorite places to pick up a pie.  I like a little spice but burn your mouth hot is too much for me.  

that's it

all for now

stay safe

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Boo-kley 2022

Halloween approaches. The neighborhoods are filled with decorations.  These are some of my favorites.  The first two are neighbors on Mortensen and the last lady is in front of the salon on Coolidge.  I dated her blond sister in college. She had a few more pounds.  

We all need something to make us feel better, less stressed in these days of angry politics and weather events and the horrors of the invasion in Ukraine.  I suggest the following to

remove some of the anxiety.  Pull up your Netflix channel and tune into Somebody Feed Phil. It's kind of a documentary, travelogue (one of my favorite old words).  This guy Phil Rosenthal was the writer of Everybody Loves Raymond. It is a report of his travels eating around the world and here in America.  This is genuinely happy guy who loves people, is unpretentious and really quite funny. There are 6 seasons of the program and intermittent watching should get you through the end of the years 
down moments.  

Took daughter Katey to a job interview at the Federal Building downtown (two sets of eyes for directions).  Had some time to kill so I traveled west on Michigan Ave to the neighborhood where I worked.  Stopped at one of my old lunch haunts Hygrade Deli for a breakfast.  Stuart Litt sold it this year and the staffing and the menu are still the same.  I have a lot of memories of dining with friends and business  associates there.  Really glad they did not mow down the 

building and make condos.  

Still having some time, went to visit my former employer, Choctaw Kaul Distribution.  Was greeted with open arms having not visited in about 5 years.  The business has grown considerably no longer primarily a glove and safety supply company now focusing on the utility industry and all its trappings. I of course expounded on my expansion into the laundry industry.

Intermittent rain in Berkley today.  I am told we need it.  I was happy with the sunshine and moderate temps of the last two days.

All for now

stay safe


Monday, October 10, 2022

Berkley, a positive place

Our little city has lots of friendly events.  We live down the street from Rogers Elementary and this is the finish line for their annual fun run.  The city shuts down the streets on the route for a couple of hours for the kids participating.  The city has skeletons festooning the avenues for the upcoming holiday Shopkeepers are busy decorating them to appear akin to their wares.  The city has employed a painter to paint store windows with fun ghosts that also have reminders of the stores.  We have no multi story businesses or multi story parking structures aside from our 8 story apartment building.  There municipal lots that accommodate most of the customers.  If not you can park on most streets.  This is a pretty contented place.  Even the Berkley Bears that I pass on their lunch breaks are polite and as friendly as you could expect from a teenager.  One of my favorite items is listening to the band practice on the front lawn of the school.  I really don't care how good they play. 

It's the next day.  Had kid pickup duty (they have thankfully been in a good mood) , made granola, finishing laundry and called my Uncle Len (who is doing fine).  He is all I have left of that generation on either side.  Gonna go back to Planet Fitness for another round.

Should be a good day
all for now
stay safe


Wednesday, October 5, 2022

A Day off

It's Wednesday and I have the day off.  I am getting the hang of this cleaning business and sort of had a mistake free day yesterday.  I am really liking this job and learning the process.  Was concerned that my capacity to learn was becoming diminished.  There is a certain comforting sameness to the operations here.  Have become accustomed to my high volume boss and the quiet diligence of my coworkers with their tasks.  Picture your mom ironing your dad's shirts for the office and getting out the stains before the stuff goes into the wash.  These ladies take their jobs very seriously and are good at them.

We are in the middle of Yom Kippur, the day of atonement for the Jewish people around the world.  Even though not a member of this faith, I feel we can all use some introspection and an honest view of our lives and how they have been lived.  We have all harmed others whether we can say it out loud or not.  I think we need to make peace with our transgressions and move forward without absolution but on a better path with empathy for our fellow humans.

Going to force myself to Planet Fitness this morning  after being away for about 5 days,  eating like a lunatic and sitting on my ass for much of it.  Harry is looking at me expectantly for his morning meal and I will comply

all for now
stay safe


Monday, October 3, 2022

Birthday Boy Weekend

So it was Elijah's 13th and Paxton's 6th birthdays this weekend. Eli born on Oct 1st and Pax born on Oct 2nd. We had wonderful parties for both and all had fun and ate too much.  Paxton's was a pizza party held at home and Eli's was at Red Robin, his favorite restaurant. I tried to capture the "candle moment" in both cases.

We did have a dilemma however.  Paxton's gift was an oddly shaped toy.  We had no wrapping paper or gift bag.  Poppy improvised with a photo and the printer and about 7 miles of tape. 
This is the result.  Also because of kindergarten we thought was 5, wrong.  6 is the correct years, later corrected on the package. It was not beautiful, but functional.

Not much else to report today.  Off to Camelot for another day of shirt sorting with my louder than loud boss. Making sweet potato muffins this morning.  Hopefully they will turn out good.

Cool but should be sunny.
all for now
stay safe.


The passage of time

 So I am moving quickly to what I consider the gateway to old age, 75 years.  Wondering what the remainder of my life will be like and remem...