Saturday, October 15, 2022

We were meaning to get together

We all have friends we have lost track of whether they were schoolmates or work associates, people take their separate paths and when you're no longer interacting or have no reason to do so, they leave your immediate mind but still are floating around somewhere.  

In my past in the glove business I made a business friend of Kevin Lockwood.  He is a large affable guy with a floppy mustache and glasses.  In his job, he was involved in automotive paint quality.  Later he went on to form his own company when BASF changed focus and he got downsized.  Yesterday I learned he died.  We had threatened for years to again get together for lunch and catching up like we did so many times when we were business associates.  Now we can't.  I missed my chance to see my old friend.  I woke up thinking of him and the stories of our lives we shared. Younger than I and I never knew he was ill.  Today, I am saddened by the missed opportunity.  

Judy and I went for a long hike at the Troy Nature Center yesterday.  The leaves are starting to fall leaving a better chance at the dappled light I love to photograph.  This is a shot from our trek.  Finished it off with a trip to Renshaw's in Clawson for a late lunch.  You can still get a deal on lunches there.  A small pizza with to 12 oz drafts and the bill was 11.71 before tip.  I was shocked.  

I wonder how Little Lou's hot chicken is.  Was kind of saddened with the loss of Papas Pizza, one of my favorite places to pick up a pie.  I like a little spice but burn your mouth hot is too much for me.  

that's it

all for now

stay safe

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