Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Boo-kley 2022

Halloween approaches. The neighborhoods are filled with decorations.  These are some of my favorites.  The first two are neighbors on Mortensen and the last lady is in front of the salon on Coolidge.  I dated her blond sister in college. She had a few more pounds.  

We all need something to make us feel better, less stressed in these days of angry politics and weather events and the horrors of the invasion in Ukraine.  I suggest the following to

remove some of the anxiety.  Pull up your Netflix channel and tune into Somebody Feed Phil. It's kind of a documentary, travelogue (one of my favorite old words).  This guy Phil Rosenthal was the writer of Everybody Loves Raymond. It is a report of his travels eating around the world and here in America.  This is genuinely happy guy who loves people, is unpretentious and really quite funny. There are 6 seasons of the program and intermittent watching should get you through the end of the years 
down moments.  

Took daughter Katey to a job interview at the Federal Building downtown (two sets of eyes for directions).  Had some time to kill so I traveled west on Michigan Ave to the neighborhood where I worked.  Stopped at one of my old lunch haunts Hygrade Deli for a breakfast.  Stuart Litt sold it this year and the staffing and the menu are still the same.  I have a lot of memories of dining with friends and business  associates there.  Really glad they did not mow down the 

building and make condos.  

Still having some time, went to visit my former employer, Choctaw Kaul Distribution.  Was greeted with open arms having not visited in about 5 years.  The business has grown considerably no longer primarily a glove and safety supply company now focusing on the utility industry and all its trappings. I of course expounded on my expansion into the laundry industry.

Intermittent rain in Berkley today.  I am told we need it.  I was happy with the sunshine and moderate temps of the last two days.

All for now

stay safe


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