Friday, October 28, 2022

Woke up Frustrated

Diabetes boy

I struggle with the monitoring and care of this chronic condition I have.  Never know what to eat or what kind of exercise and how much to do.  I track what I eat specifically in a daily journal and my exercise on a Fit Bit.  I read all the labels in the market with the sugar content.  All this monitoring makes me uneasy and eating damn dear anything makes be feel guilty.  I gave up potato chips, carbonated beverages and donuts.  Still, still, I wake up to shitty numbers, pissed off, knowing I should switch to a kale based diet and abandoning pizza for good.

SometimesI think this condition is subject to a certain ebb and flow, good days and bad days. And maybe on averages, it gets balanced out.

I only write about this stuff because others may have removed their collective heads from the sand and are willing to take a hard look at their lives.  I know guys that have ignored symptoms and are now pissing in their pants or have prostate cancer that is no longer treatable or are trekking to the dialysis clinic three times a week.  This is aging whether you like it or not.   I know, far too personal.

Dragging myself to PF again this morning and then on to the Detroit Riverwalk.

that's it

all for now

stay safe

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