Saturday, October 29, 2022

Detroit Riverwalk yesterday

After toiling at Planet Fitness yesterday, we took a trip to the Riverwalk on the Detroit River yesterday.  It was cool but lovely, a little breezy with the Windsor skyline in full view.  The ore boats were moving pretty quickly with an occasional honk from their horns. Had good Panera coffee and lots of sunshine.

Drove Woodward down and all was fine until we neared our destination. Using GPS, we found all the correct twists and turns.  During the week, this is a lovely place to stroll along with the breezes. The mums planted are still doing ok and brilliant in the sun.  This is my pitch for the day.

Wanted to try Eastern Market this morning but the fog was really thick and prevented the trip.  Will make a short jaunt to Westborn market for some produce later.  It's a good day to make butternut squash soup.

that's it.

all for now

stay safe


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