Saturday, July 30, 2022

A trip to the Zoo

Encountered these two fine follows yesterday, one on a walk down Cumberland St. and the other at the Detroit Zoo.  Judy and Harry were snoozing on the couch yesterday afternoon after a long sojourn in the neighborhood and I decided to do my own stroll.  We have had Iron Butterly and this is another Iron Frog frolicking.  

We decided to go to the Zoo. later yesterday for a walk and

got a good shot of Mr. Giraffe munching away and minding his own business while all of us observed.  This is such an impressive and imposing creature that moves thru life rather quietly.  Very cool to see. This place is a wonderful spot to walk, see all the little kids and a variety of creatures.

Like most of America, I  did not win the Mega Millions.  I had big plans for the money, how it would be spent, how I would give a lot away and basking in the concept of no concern for finances.  
Yesterday some of our friends from the penitentiary decided to have a night on the town.  They went to a local bar, drank plenty and laughed, forgetting about the problems of the day and maybe more.  We met up with them at the end of this adventure and some were still feeling loose.  For me, that's ok.  Frankly it was wonderful to see them so happy and care free.  Yes I know that this is not the best habit to repeat.  But once in a while, it's a good plan.

Off to Eastern Market today to see what summer delights we can find.

Thats it
all for now
stay safe and enjoy this beautiful day


Thursday, July 28, 2022

Visit with a friend

Had a splendid visit from with Tom Wade, a friend from my past. We both worked for Matty Moroun at Central Transport in the early 70's.  Tom was about 21 and I was 23 when we met. We were something called rate clerks. We applied prices to freight bills on the afternoon shift with their new computer system.  My hours were 5pm to 1am.  it was a good shift to save money because you got home it was only an hour  till closing time. It was the 70's with sneaking around pot smoking and other drugs. My hair was long and brown and Tom's was short and brown too.  We smoked at our desks.  I listened to "All Things Considered" in its infancy as well as a program called Radio Mystery Theater.  We slammed coffee in small cups from a machine.  Don't really remember what lunch was.

This day we did lots of reminiscing and Judy learned more about my past, chatting about the cast of characters in the office.  I am sure that most or all of the senior members of the staff are gone by now. I made a lunch of chicken, salad and bread, with watermelon for the closing course and all enjoyed.  Andrew came by and dined as well.  The big hit was the caprese salad, made with heirloom tomatoes, fresh mozzarella and basil from my garden, a really simple dish but with the right ingredients, amazing.  

It was Shark Week at New Gateways and Miss Shannon was part of the celebration.
This is my favorite garden creature in the neighborhood, a metal pig with wings.  He always brings a smile to my face.

We have had some spousal deaths in the penitentiary.  Its a reminder that time marches on and just when you have everything figured out,  the rug gets pulled out.  A decent perspective with a little lightness is needed because all our tomorrows are mysteries.

Thats it
all for now 
stay safe and cool

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Lloyd Stage Nature Center today

As you can see, Judy's balcony is flourishing.  Coleus seem  to really favor this location.  Sunshine is lacking with our northern exposure, but these guys love it. Its a cool morning getting ready for the regular Tuesday meeting with the cronies.  This may be Considine's last one as he is leaving for sunny Florida end of the month. His opinions and anecdotes provide endless entertainment and a healthy escape for the reality of senior living here at the Penitentiary.   For me, wonder of wonders,  I noted two small tomatoes on my plants this morning.  All may not be lost.  I can only hope 
the cucumbers and peppers will peak out as well.  
Went to the Troy Nature Center today.  The top and bottom photos are from there.  it was extremely quiet on the trail with lots of foliage photo ops.  I love the dappled light thru the trees falling on the ground cover.  I know, it's a simple thing.  No animal sitings today,  only a few squirrels.  

Seeing my old friend Tom tomorrow, from my Central Transport days in the early 70's.  It was pre marriage and pre Judy.  I learned more refined pot smoking and the real definition of gay people many of which are still my friends today.  Tom and I met up about 5 years ago out here and have been in contact via phone and social media but not face to face in a long time.  It will be good to see his smiling face.
Did the gym today.  I hate the anticipation of going but feel some relief when its done.  Also get to listen to favorite music on Pandora.  

Well that's it
nothing to astounding
stay safe 
all for now



Saturday, July 23, 2022

I was told that I look like the President

Much to my dismay, two of the residents told me I looked like Biden.  He is on the short side of 80 and I will be turning 73 in March.  While it may be true, I am not happy with this comparison.  The President may be doing his best but is in no shape to be re elected.  

Many things were done to support our nation in the throws of the pandemic but now, the economy is in tatters with extremely rising prices on all manner of things and services with only the rich doing extremely well (really no surprise).  Is the President responsible for this mess we are in?  That is the question of the day.  

Consider the greed pf the oil companies being the root of the sky rocketing gas prices at the pump.  The baby formula shortage continues even with the import of some products from Europe.  The chip shortage hampering the production of cars and other big ticket items squarely falls on the shoulders of the manufacturers that chose to go cheap and get nearly all of the supply from Taiwan.  Their crippled business model shuts down the auto makers.  This is and was a short sighted decision.  

Food and its rising cost I am not sure about.  It costs $11 to eat at Taco Bell and about the same at McD's.  Only pizza (some pizza) is a less expensive fast food. Trader Joes's has increased prices about 10 percent from my seeing, not really gouging the consumers.  Found some decent buys at Eastern Market this morning in tomatoes, peaches and sweet corn.  This is a lovely place to peruse with lots of new stuff to try.  If you are a Detroit area person, make the trip with a couple of shopping bags.  You won't be disappointed. 

Pictured is pensive looking Harry from our time away from home.  He is most pleased to be back in his routine.

that's it
all for now
stay safe


Thursday, July 21, 2022

El Toro and El Matadore

So at 7am and I am drinking my coffee and sweating. It's  another hot one today in Berkley.  Did not fall below the high 70's during the night.    Met this charming pair on my walk with Harry before it got too hot. 

It's the next day.  We just finished our kid week and now have a few days off.  Judy has been with grand kids since the beginning last week for her vacation in NJ with her family.  So a break certainly was warranted.   I was on animal duty for that time.  My biggest stressor was the ability to keep track of keys.  Have always had a paranoia about that.  

Visited my new primary car physician for my annual physical on Tuesday.  This is my first female doc.  I was so dissatisfied with the last guy, was really ready for a change.  Aside from my diabetes, I am a pretty healthy guy but I need someone to talk to for advice on how best to move forward as I age.  Hate to say is but aging is not going away for any of us.  

She is a thirtysomething woman with a ready smile and a calm demeanor possessing a firm handshake.  She actively listened to the tale of my life and my family history asking questions along the way.  She checked my feet.  Her nurse did my bloodwork, and did an EKG on me.  Did not have to go traveling to a Beaumont Lab.  Everything was done in house.  

This is a doc that quit the Beaumont system now owned by BMG.  This corporation tells doctors how to do their job,  how long it should take, how many patients to see in a day and how much time to be spent with them.  Due to these policies, 454 doctors have quit due to the constraints put upon them. This doc spent about an hour and a half with me.  The employee docs give you about 20 minutes tops.  Needless to say, I am pleased. 

My friend Al Wyckhuys and I worked as teenagers at a clothing store named United Shirt Distributors.  Haven't really thought about this place in a long time.  He wrote a blog recently telling of some of his experiences in this employment and it stirred up some old memories for me too.  I was 17 at the time and probably a junior in high school.   This was a kind of coming of age for me.  It was a little store that sold shirts, pants, neck ties and socks which was referred to as furnishings in those days.  Had to wear a shirt and tie and maybe a sweater.  We pointed the customers in the direction of the stuff they were interested in but not much else.  This was also the place that I began my short cigarette smoking internship. I left the habit in 1976.  All the guys that worked there smoked and I wanted to join in.  It was 1967 and my parents did not give me much grief about it.  Because the mall was close, I could walk there and home at night.  Al and I discussed in messages the managers we had and other ups and downs about the era.  

Did the dog walk and PF early to beat today's temps

Got all my bloodwork results back,  I stress for a year over the definitive diabetes test called Hemoglobin A!C.  In this years results, it went down, meaning my sugars are reasonably controlled as of now.  I am blissful for a little while at least.

stay cool and hydrated
all for now

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Where do I begin?

So this is the entire Garden State Crew from the visit this week along with Uncle Mike in a "Jerryesque" pose in the chair.  Katey captioned this photo some old ass cousins.  Needless to say, they all had a super time with swimming, a trip to Seaside and barbecues.  As always the food  and the company was outstanding.  Present grandkids had a blast too.  

I was in charge of the four legged children and that all went pretty well until Harry attempted to disrupt 

Meatballs evening meal while he was cornered in back of the sofa.  An all out battle of the vittles ensued with neither one backing down until I stepped in.  Food was everywhere and I learned another lesson, make sure Harry is secure in his cage before putting out the nightly meal.   At my end all worked out well for the critters and I walked their legs off each day.  We had little rain so that was easy to accomplish.  I had a couple of social occasions mid week to break up my solitude.  Ate again at Amicci's in town.  Food was spectacular and with an appetizer of Maui bacon which was sautéed pork belly with pineapple (really healthy).   The place is really cool but loud with the bartender having the biggest voice.  Like many others, I have determined that everything is better with bacon.

After a lengthy discussion about music, friend Janine let me know she was a big fan of the Koln Concert by Keith Jarrett.  Aside from long lost friend Dan Flora, I thought I was the only one enraptured by this gem of improvisation.  She introduced me to the music of Michael Manring, an innovative electric bassist playing something called the Hyper-Bass.  It is an invention of Joe Zon that includes extra levers for alternative tunings on each string.  I listened to some of the solo work by this artist,  not completely sold yet but interested.

Friend John Considine is breaking out of the penitentiary and moving to South Florida for health reasons.  There was a nice party yesterday in our common room in his honor.  Most of my usual cronies attended.  Notably,  we had an appearance by Andy Levin our US Congressman.  He was most engaging making a minor stump speech while answering questions.  He is a Berkley guy with roots in the community.  I asked him about assault weapons.  His response was as expected followed by a promise to introduce and pass an assault weapons ban via the House of Representatives.  This of course will fail once it hits the upper chamber of congress.  

Whenever you depart a meeting such as this one,  you think, I should have asked this or that in retrospect.  The Senator from West Virginia is crippling the efforts of the Democratic Party along with 3 Supreme Court justices that are hell bent on removing rights rather than granting them.  In my mind,  these are  the rulers of our country. That's what I should have asked him about.

Thats enough bitching for today.
all for now
stay safe

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Ah Solo

So this is my first day solo with pets.  Awoke at 3:18 am this morning and left the house at 4:10 to take Katey to the airport.  She too is heading to the garden state to visit with the Reno side of the family.  All went well, she texted me that the flight was on time and the plane was empty.  Empty.....can you dig that?  We have been seeing news reports showing the chaos at air terminals.  Thus far it's been smooth sailing for her.

Have to throw this in there.  There are lots of automobiles advertised in the media.  Most are much more than most consumers can afford.  Then Stelantis (Chrysler's latest name) promotes their Jeep Grand Cherokee.  At first glance it seems like an oversized station wagon.  Then they proudly announce that you can own this vehicle for a mere $89,500.  Think about that for a moment.  In some ways, and in the not too distant past, this was a house price.  They further proclaim interest free financing for 60 months.   Thats about $1492 a month.  Now I can see that large a price tag for an astounding mid engine Corvette (red for me), but a glorified station wagon, no thanks.

In the middle of strategizing how I am going to make the rest of the week work in all its locations.  By about Thursday, will figure it out.  Will try to eat most of my meals in house to reduce the spending and to know what I am putting in my mouth.  Have a growing list of reminders in a spiral notebook.  My attention span is so short these days, that I have to write everything down as soon as it hits me.  Without this practice, it fades away, gone for good.

It's a quiet, sunny morning at the penitentiary.  Going to meet with the cronies at 830 and on to see friend Tom at 930 for coffee.  Need to have more face to face conversations with my contemporaries. 

A friend is moving to Florida at end of the month.  There is a party coming up this weekend for him.  Our local congressman who is a compatriot of his will be there ostensibly promoting himself for the upcoming election.  I am so pissed at  all the politicians in Washington regardless of party affiliation,  for a litany of reasons. But I  will be there and will shake hands politely and grin.  

all for now

stay safe


Sunday, July 10, 2022

Reunion at Kensington

Had a splendid time at the annual Szasz reunion on Saturday.  Its always held at the same spot at Kensington Metropark about the same time each year.  These are all members of my father's family and with me there, there were 4 generations represented.  This is Bentley from last year and this year.  He is walking with the toddler gate and spreading food around his tray eating some.  He is the youngest member of the crew and I am the oldest.  All my generation in this group are now deceased.  There are so many kids running around, I can hardly keep track.  These young parents and grand parents are relaxed and super welcoming to me.   There was a huge assortment of foods and desserts.  I ate like I was going to the electric chair (to quote my father in law Harry Reno).

Today was more of a nondescript day with usual chores and cleaning of the carpets.  It really needed to be done. Went to check on Simon and sent a photo to the kids.  Called Miss Shannon around dinner time and she is doing ok back to New Gateways tomorrow.

Judy and the kids are have their good time with Aunt Laura and Uncle Mike who like be got banged up in a fall. Trying for about the fourth time to wade through Game of Thrones.  The plot is complicated and enthralling.  For all the differing characters, I like Peter Dinkledge the best.  Been eating pretty shitty for the last two days and need to clean up my act tomorrow.  

Setup some coffee and dinner dates for this week to have conversation with friends.  Need to continue to do this.
all for now
stay safe 

Thursday, July 7, 2022

AM musings

It's sunrise at the penitentiary, a quiet morning with nary a breeze moving the flag out my window.  Have had a long duration of kid watching for the last week.  But really, we are in an easy spot.  They occupy themselves and outside of eating and transport, their needs are few.  Made pizza at Andrew's in the afternoon.
Was pissed that it stuck to the pan despite my oiling it. Why do things work some times and not at others with no particular reason in place.  Anyway the participants enjoyed it and it was all consumed.  

Going to care for my four legged children the next week , Harry, Apollo, Meatball and Simon.  Judy and the gang are motoring to New Jersey for a well deserved family visit.  There's a couple of pools to jump in and Seaside Heights to visit with the delicious boardwalk food.  I still can remember the smell and taste of the Italian sausage with peppers and onion sandwiches.  They are truly wonderful along with the giant pizza slices from Sawmill Pizza.  I hate to admit it but pizza there is the best.  Must be something in the water.

Going back to Planet Fitness this morning having been away for a week.  I do not know what I am trying to accomplish, maybe some level of cardiovascular fitness and better balance.  This is the second day they are shutting off the water in the old folks home for sprinkler updates.  With non functioning bathrooms and many elderly people, you get the picture and its not pretty.

Ran into my college buddy Tom Cameron at TJ's yesterday.  He's now got both kids married and is going to be a first time grandpa.  Needless to say, both grandparents are over the moon.

Its a sunny cool day today.  Get outside and enjoy it
all for now
stay safe

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

In an Instant

Shannon spent the July 4th holiday with us.  After we returned her to her home, decided to get some ice cream from Clarks in town.  Was surprised that the holiday crowd had not yet arrived.  Parked the car and were standing in line to make our choice when we we were surprised by the crunching sound of two cars crashing across the street.  This shop is at a minor intersection with a light so traffic is pretty predictable.  Not today,  both occupants were ok but well shaken as they walked to the other side of the avenue. The police arrived and interviewed both participants.  There did not appear to be any impairments. Maybe both in a good mood were saying "the day's been going good so far" then bam! sliding onto the sidewalk, air bags deployed and folded fenders.  

One of the truisms learned from this observation is that things can change in an instant.  A good day can become bad in an instant, a blink of an eye.  All the accidents I was in happened like this.  

Maybe words of wisdom

all for now

stay safe

Monday, July 4, 2022

July 4, 2022


So this is the day we are to celebrate the establishment of our Republic.  We seem to be all embroiled in the events of the day and struggle to cheer.  A recent Gallup poll stated that only 38%  of us are proud to be Americans as of today.  Truly, I don't know how I feel.  In my opinion, we need to move toward some level of healing of our divided nation.  We could start by conversation with each other, not speeches from podiums to a crowd. 

We seem only to talk to people we agree with and vilify those we don't.  While we  have a past that is checkered with injustice,   that past needs to be owned by all of us.  

On a more personal note, I REALLY MISS BARBEQUES!!     Living  in an apartment that prohibits such activities is a big disappointment.  It's not just eating the semi healthy food, but the cooking and grilling and the wonderful smells.  That food just seems to make people happy.  Throw in some music of your era, sunshine, and some ice cold beer, throw in some kids having water balloon fights, and you have yourself a day. 

all for now

enjoy your day

Saturday, July 2, 2022


Nice visit to Suttons Bay earlier in the week.  Climate was lovely and it was relaxing as always.  Little person  Dillan took a shine to me and we sat together during each breakfast, her eating my strawberries and looking at pictures on my phone.  Took a side trip to Grand Rapids to see my grandsons Paxton and Everett (pictured).

Paxton is quite proud of himself riding a two wheeler without training wheels at 5, excited to start kindergarten in the fall.  We bought strawberries fresh picked and most were consumed by the time we left.  The boys loved them.

Our hosts were gracious and welcoming and the food was outstanding at Korner Kabin B&B.  Never needed the AC because the temps were in the 50's at night.  This town continues to be the most laid back place we have found.  Hope to return in the fall.

Marie, Judy and I saw the finale of Stranger Things yesterday afternoon.  It was extremely intense and scary.  If you are a fan of the show,  Netflix has all the episodes streaming for season 4.  We were screaming for more and now have to wait for the next go round.  When you complete a series like this, replacing it with something else is near impossible.  But alas, we will move on. 

With the recent SCOTUS rulings,  personal liberties are under attack and in some manner, eliminated.

More than one half of our citizens have been stripped of the sovereignty of their own bodies.  If your religious beliefs hold that abortion is wrong, so be it.  Such beliefs should not be part of our legal system.  We are not a theocracy.  I think of my daughter, grand daughter and their daughters, even the little one shown above at a year and a half. They might not know it, but their world has changed.  We used to have legislators that would vote on bills which may or may not end up on the President's desk for signature.  Now, we are under the rule of six conservative judges that will not grant rights, but remove them.  This is truly a sorry state of affairs.

We watched nearly all of the Late Show w Stephen Colbert since its inception.  When the former president was in power, he and they had lots of material to make us chuckle.  Now,I am beyond pissed that he  and his writers have made light of the recent decisions by the high court.  There is nothing funny about the removal of citizen's rights and more recently powers removed from the EPA.   I am also sick of the jokes about body parts.  Dick jokes are not funny anymore.  All the double entendres don't work.  The biggest sin a comedian can commit is to not be funny.  The last show that was worthy was with Woodward and Bernstein. 


The passage of time

 So I am moving quickly to what I consider the gateway to old age, 75 years.  Wondering what the remainder of my life will be like and remem...