Saturday, July 23, 2022

I was told that I look like the President

Much to my dismay, two of the residents told me I looked like Biden.  He is on the short side of 80 and I will be turning 73 in March.  While it may be true, I am not happy with this comparison.  The President may be doing his best but is in no shape to be re elected.  

Many things were done to support our nation in the throws of the pandemic but now, the economy is in tatters with extremely rising prices on all manner of things and services with only the rich doing extremely well (really no surprise).  Is the President responsible for this mess we are in?  That is the question of the day.  

Consider the greed pf the oil companies being the root of the sky rocketing gas prices at the pump.  The baby formula shortage continues even with the import of some products from Europe.  The chip shortage hampering the production of cars and other big ticket items squarely falls on the shoulders of the manufacturers that chose to go cheap and get nearly all of the supply from Taiwan.  Their crippled business model shuts down the auto makers.  This is and was a short sighted decision.  

Food and its rising cost I am not sure about.  It costs $11 to eat at Taco Bell and about the same at McD's.  Only pizza (some pizza) is a less expensive fast food. Trader Joes's has increased prices about 10 percent from my seeing, not really gouging the consumers.  Found some decent buys at Eastern Market this morning in tomatoes, peaches and sweet corn.  This is a lovely place to peruse with lots of new stuff to try.  If you are a Detroit area person, make the trip with a couple of shopping bags.  You won't be disappointed. 

Pictured is pensive looking Harry from our time away from home.  He is most pleased to be back in his routine.

that's it
all for now
stay safe


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