Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Lloyd Stage Nature Center today

As you can see, Judy's balcony is flourishing.  Coleus seem  to really favor this location.  Sunshine is lacking with our northern exposure, but these guys love it. Its a cool morning getting ready for the regular Tuesday meeting with the cronies.  This may be Considine's last one as he is leaving for sunny Florida end of the month. His opinions and anecdotes provide endless entertainment and a healthy escape for the reality of senior living here at the Penitentiary.   For me, wonder of wonders,  I noted two small tomatoes on my plants this morning.  All may not be lost.  I can only hope 
the cucumbers and peppers will peak out as well.  
Went to the Troy Nature Center today.  The top and bottom photos are from there.  it was extremely quiet on the trail with lots of foliage photo ops.  I love the dappled light thru the trees falling on the ground cover.  I know, it's a simple thing.  No animal sitings today,  only a few squirrels.  

Seeing my old friend Tom tomorrow, from my Central Transport days in the early 70's.  It was pre marriage and pre Judy.  I learned more refined pot smoking and the real definition of gay people many of which are still my friends today.  Tom and I met up about 5 years ago out here and have been in contact via phone and social media but not face to face in a long time.  It will be good to see his smiling face.
Did the gym today.  I hate the anticipation of going but feel some relief when its done.  Also get to listen to favorite music on Pandora.  

Well that's it
nothing to astounding
stay safe 
all for now



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