Monday, July 4, 2022

July 4, 2022


So this is the day we are to celebrate the establishment of our Republic.  We seem to be all embroiled in the events of the day and struggle to cheer.  A recent Gallup poll stated that only 38%  of us are proud to be Americans as of today.  Truly, I don't know how I feel.  In my opinion, we need to move toward some level of healing of our divided nation.  We could start by conversation with each other, not speeches from podiums to a crowd. 

We seem only to talk to people we agree with and vilify those we don't.  While we  have a past that is checkered with injustice,   that past needs to be owned by all of us.  

On a more personal note, I REALLY MISS BARBEQUES!!     Living  in an apartment that prohibits such activities is a big disappointment.  It's not just eating the semi healthy food, but the cooking and grilling and the wonderful smells.  That food just seems to make people happy.  Throw in some music of your era, sunshine, and some ice cold beer, throw in some kids having water balloon fights, and you have yourself a day. 

all for now

enjoy your day

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