Thursday, April 28, 2022

The Return of.....

Covid has reared its head at the Penitentiary.   We have had 5 new cases since Sunday and are back into semi-lockdown mode.  Every activity has been cancelled and the conversation areas have been blocked off.  The already terrified in our population are more terrified.  I know three of the residents well.  We have been pretty clear for the 3 years this thing has been going.   It seemed to be inevitable that this would happen.  Judy and I are good.  

The cold snap for the last two days has got me down.  Have had little or not exercise other than trips to PF for the morning workout.  

later in the day....

Saw two interesting news reports this morning.  The first was about Black Menace, a small group of students at Brigham Young University in Utah.  These are members of the 1 percent of the student population that are Black Americans.  They have taken the brave step to interview Caucasian student's opinions about matters of race and gender.  They ask uncomfortable questions prompting dialogue and discussion.  Really an interesting project.  The LDS church has a long history of ill feelings towards people of color only allowing black men into their leadership team starting in 1979.  

Next was a piece showing the psychological impact of climate change and its impact on young people, mostly teenagers.  These citizens are old enough to realize the gravity of the situation that will confront them in the near future.  All those interviewed felt that leaders in charge are muddling along and not taking the needed steps to mitigate the problems caused by our volatile climate.  Anxiety abounds as does uncertainty for these young folks.

It's six thirty am on the next day.  Am eating eggs and tomatoes, drinking coffee.  Added feta cheese, not a hit with me.  The sun is coming up on a cool morning.  Did not sleep much, probably from too much screen time in the evening.  Trying to think of something impactful to write, but at a loss.

all for now

stay safe


Sunday, April 24, 2022

Right Place, Right Time

So it was a beautiful sunny morning yesterday.  After feeding Harry, decided to take him on our long walk that travels about a mile west, then north, then back east (with the sun now more overhead).  Having a wonderful jaunt, listening to Bruce on Pandora singing a live version of Thunder Road.   Listening to the lyrics, become overcome with emotion with the words.  Feelings rise to the surface the older I get. 

In the westbound leg of the journey, I spot a small dog coming towards us.  I bend down to pet him and notice no collar of tags or leash.  He and Harry do their sniffing hellos and it becomes evident that this pooch is out here alone.  He is some kind of terrier, white in coat with a few tan markings.  He is friendly, looks well kept and allows me to touch him and pet him.  This is a somewhat busy street and I fear for his safety if I just walk away.  So Harry and I stay and pet him for about 15 minutes.  If I get down low he will come to me when called.  But this is a moral dilemma indeed.  Cannot just walk off.  Fortunately, a kind Berkley officer drives by and I flag him down.  He scoops up the little guy and takes him to our animal shelter.  I put a posting on the Berkley friends group on FB and in a short time learn he is back home and safe.  His name is Bauer (Jack) so he must be a Jack Russell terrier.  My heart was uplifted for the whole day.

Had a wonderful rest of the day, mostly outside dog walking with Janine and Pippa and later going to Republica down the street for a beverage and appetizer.  We met with residents on the veranda in the afternoon.  It was good to see them outside.  Judy said that it felt like when we were in FL before the pandemic.

Supposed to be a really nice morning today too.  Meeting with some of my cronies for coffee at the tables outside to take advantage of it. 

all for now

stay safe

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Oatmeal on the floor

I started my morning off with dumping the last remaining oatmeal out on the kitchen floor.  In its dry state, it spread all over nicely.  For some reason, we no longer have a broom and dust pan for such cleanups.  It would have made the job much easier than on hands and creaky knees with a wet paper towel. I need to make this large purchase for future mishaps.

About to enter another $2K dental adventure which should leave me a mess thru most of the summer.  Will be eating soft foods for a while.  These seem to happen about every two years and are a source of frustration.  But alas, things could be worse.  Other than this, staying pretty healthy for my 72 years.

It comes to mind that we are seeing so many terrible things happening in Ukraine that this repeated exposure makes us numb and immune to the initial horror we felt at the onset of this invasion of an innocent country.  It's like all the mass shootings.  There seems to be about 2 per week on our news coverage and almost seems expected.  The same goes for police killing black men for a traffic stop.  It's that same horror but we see so much of it we blank it out, due to being overwhelmed by the occurrence and the frequency.   Terrible atrocities have occurred to people of color in Africa and South America for centuries.  We always notice this less.  Far away and are different than us.  These stories make the back pages of the newspapers or maybe a Sunday feature.  Newspapers, remember those? 

A little bright spot on the horizon is the pleasant show called Abbott Elementary  It's an ABC comedy but we watch it on Hulu.  The characters are quirky and sometimes over the top.  They are funny but connectable to the audience.  For me the stunner is Sheryl Lee Ralph the former Dreamgirl now grown into attractive middle age that spouts wisdom as a veteran kindergarten teacher.  If you want to have a minute of feeling good, catch this one.

My eldest Andrew has the unique perspective of raising what he calls mixed kids.  His son and daughter are biracial so he has lived in both worlds so to speak.  We had a good conversation about this topic late evening.  I value his opinion and thoughts and learn something about cultures as well.

Somedays Harry just like me.  I don't know why but he jammed in under my arm with my feet lopped over the arm of the chair and stayed there all night. Simple pleasures you know.

Supposed to be a sunny warm day today.  Enjoy it if you can

all for now

stay safe

Tuesday, April 19, 2022


 Ambitious today.  After breakfast, made hard boiled eggs and a tomato salad for later.  Need to use produce in the drawer before it goes bad.  Did a batch of air fryer cauliflower later in the morning.  We had snow in Berkley yesterday and I shouldn't be surprised, but still pissed and disappointed.  Every year it seems that we get the "Michigan Slap" which tells us to not be too comfortable or encouraged by the few warm days in March or even February.  Then the weather system curses at us and gives us this.  But is warming above freezing throughout the day so will take Harry for an extended walk. 

So in Florida they are saying that 41% of the math books considered for students are being rejected as teaching CRT.  I cannot understand what that subject has to do with math.  It is generally a cut and dry subject.  I am a firm believer that all students should be told the truth on all subjects even those that are uncomfortable or will make that them sad or uneasy.  Our true history has rarely been told.  I was not taught anything about the burning of Black Wall Street in Tulsa OK.  It came as a horror and surprise when I learned about it last year.  The truth, no matter what is the beginning of healing for our country.

I don't want to reinvent history.  This is not the Ministry of Truth from 1984 where the past is flushed away and a more positive spin is put on with regular changes. There have been good and brilliant things that have happened in our history like the defeat of Hitler or the development of the polio vaccine.  But also, some monstrous events that should be looked at in context but not ignored or untaught.  Volumes have been written about slavery and some on the Trail of Tears that forced Native peoples off their land.  The historic doctrine of "Manifest Destiny" claimed all the lands to be ours, not considering populations that were forcibly moved off.  I don't live in the Villages in FL longing for the fifties.  Those times were great for you if you were white,  but not so much if your skin had a darker tone. 

Not much to report on viewing habits other than The First Lady  showing pivotal moments in the lives of Betty Ford,Michelle Obama and Eleanor Roosevelt.  Viola Davis shines as Michelle and Gillian Anderson did as well for Mrs. Roosevelt.  Was not keen on Michelle Pfeiffer's performance as Betty Ford.  She seemed too screwy and a drunk.  Maybe an accurate portrayal, really don't know.  O-T Fagbenle as Barak did a good  job with the vocal intonations but it damaged his ability to effectively do his acting job.  If you have access to Showtime give it a try.

Back to kid toting on Thursday.  Getting easier as they get older.  Both are now taller than me.  To be truthful.  I am glad.

all for now 
Stay safe

Sunday, April 17, 2022


Went to Eli's bowling tourney in Elmhurst IL yesterday.  I tagged along so Andrew would not have to make the 5+ hour drive alone.  We left Friday night to catch some sleep for the 8:30 am start time for the bowling.  The sponsoring organization had very specific rules about appearance of the bowlers.  They had to wear slacks not jeans.  All shirts needed to be 
polo style and had to be tucked in.  Insignias noting the org had to be printed on all shirts.  It was a lengthy event with a morning session and afternoon session.  His scores improved in the afternoon.  He was feeling quite accomplished a the end although worn out from all the rolling.  Had a lot of laughs with him and his dad and sister.  Really enjoyed myself.  Meals were mostly fast food and car snacks.  But we had a Mexican lunch at a venue with mostly latin speaking patrons that was outstanding.  

Tasty but still not the healthiest.  

It was a large venue with 84 lanes all occupied by these kids. It was really fun watching the youngest bowl.  The glee they felt when a strike was made was quite contagious.  This sport which has been around for a long time may be a way to move these mostly boys off their screens and moving their bodies.  You could see the concentration in their faces and the focus as they approached the lane and started their steps toward the balls release. Even at their young ages these young athletes have learned to shut out everything else and get ready to roll.

He will be playing my clarinet from jr high soon.  It is in the music shop getting som overdue attention as of this writing and is a full circle moment for me.  The instrument served me well and I hope he enjoys it too.

Our last meal of the trip was at a Burger King in southwest Michigan.  As I was paying for our purchases  I asked the young lady what town we were in.  She replied Paw Paw.  I told her of the Tiger ball player of the 50's - 60's named Charlie Maxwell that hailed from Paw Paw hoping it would ring a bell.  It did not, and fell flat. 

Thats it.

Happy Easter

all for now 

Stay safe


Monday, April 11, 2022

Eastern Market and pants

In life we all have simple things that make us happy. Sometimes it is a favorite food like pizza or ice cream. Some folks lived and died by the Sopranos and were in mourning when the series finished.  Certainly, complex or simple relationships fit this category but I am talking about non people stuff. It might be a favorite pen or book or kitchen utensil that reminds you of your mother. I have been seeking the perfect pair of pants that looks good but mostly is comfortable.  Like Zack Brown says, "a pair of jeans that fit just right".  I found mine at a second hand store, cotton khakis with no pleats and no additives like stretchy spandex.  They feel like they belong on me and add some level of contentment to my life.

Went to Eastern Market yesterday on a bright but cold morning. Found lots of foods and bulk spices from Rocky Peanut across the street on Russell.  Judy saw her mustard sauce guy that had been selling his wares in Europe for the past year.  Splurged on some heirloom tomatoes with my last 5 bucks. They are pictured above.  If you haven't been there, try it. There is quite a display of foods people have grown, products made and samples to try.  

It's the next day......
Had a good Sunday with Shannon yesterday.  No mishaps and she was the belle of the ball downstairs with all the gathering seniors.  Did laundry, cleaned apartment, watched a lot of Looney Toons, saw an inspiring show upcoming about 3 First Ladies that will be on Paramount.  Then, I went to Trader Joes about 6, always a pleasant experience.  Departing, moving toward my vehicle I spot a masked lady parked next to me.  Not much room between the cars, she seemed befuddled.  I approached.  Said "can I give you a hand?" She snapped at me shouting no and remarked that my car shouldn't have been parked this close.  It wasn't. She said "just get out".  So as not to sound disparaging, not going into her physical attributes.  I left, marched into the apartment, screaming and cursing and venting to Judy about my experience.  This was the second time I was accosted trying to help a woman at the grocery store.  Thats it, no more, I have learned my lesson.  In the future, I will sneer and walk on by.

Its now Monday morning and getting ready to take the kids to school.  Hopefully cooperation will be today's keyword.

all for now
stay safe


Friday, April 8, 2022

Slow Horses

 Two things; first there is a new short series on Apple+ called Slow Horses. It has a disheveled Gary Oldman in the lead role.  About MI5 spy agency in the UK.  The other numerous characters are hap hazard at best and commit many errors of judgement.  Its worth a look if you have this service.  Also the opening theme music is performed by none other than Sir Mick Jagger. He does a yeoman's job on the performance.  More of these old guys need to expand their horizons and explore different genres. 

I am weary of This is Us.  Our collective heart strings have been pulled at enough.  The conflicts between Kate and Toby will lead to the end of their marriage.  This was telegraphed 3 episodes ago.  The little kid playing Jack is really cute though and brings a lightness to the story that it needs badly.

I know Chef Jose Andres organization World Central Kitchen is already feeding people in Ukraine at risk of life and limb. I see their efforts on my FB feeds almost daily.  Why can't our government thru the Dept of Agriculture funnel food and other sundries thru this fine organization to feed Ukrainians.  It seems like a workable idea to me.  They are already on the ground.

We now are at PF for day 4 today.  You know I am an observer of the world around me.  Yesterday in front of me slowly riding a recumbent bike was an older woman with dyed purple (maybe maroon) hair. She placed moistened wiping towels on the handles and never touched anything that had human contact.  And she looked miserable. With a full makeup job, a sweat was not broken.  There was a female colleague handing her pre moistened towels for her next exercise adventure. She too was fully made up.  No smiles; and no judgment from me, only observations. 

Had a windy walk at the zoo yesterday in the afternoon. Did not where enough clothes and paid the price with all my shivering.

Still working on glucose numbers. Am moving forward but slowly.  I read everything on this condition I can find.  Eat this, don't eat that, drink this, don't drink that.  Try to stay inside the guidelines but still cannot find the consistency based on activity level and food consumption.

  Made Trader Joe's frozen sweet potato fries in the air fryer yesterday. Tasted good but would be healthier if I made them from scratch.  Went to Whole Foods in Birmingham yesterday, a lovely place with lots of choices, but compared to TJ's really expensive.  

all for now
stay safe

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Volodymyr Zelenskyy

 I can appreciate all the sanctions placed on Putin and his buddies.  Yes, their economy will be perhaps thrown into chaos. Boats have been seized and accounts have been be frozen.  All that and more will not stop this madman from marching thru a sovereign nation, murdering their citizens and destroying the structures and infrastructure.  All this because of some Russian Manifest Destiny for the region.  He had troops and equipment amassed at the border for weeks prior to the invasion.  This was in fact an invasion without cause or provocation.  It has based on one man's ambition. These folks in Ukraine were simply trying to live their lives and raise their families. 

It is uncomfortable to sit in my quiet little living room and watch the national news as Lester says please know these images are disturbing. We see the streets of Bucha with bodies strewn about and crews using ropes to pull them into graves for fear the corpses are booby trapped and will explode.  

Volodymyr Zelenskyy as the 44 year old 5'7" president of this nation may be the brave  hero of our age.  Clad in a green tee shirt and protective vest, he visits battle fronts, visits the aftermath, cries with the mothers losing children,  and truly is with his people.  He pleads with the United Nations, which will accomplish nothing in that Russia has veto power on the Security Council. He pitches at the Grammys. He has addressed our Congress pleading for more help. He rightly states that the atrocities occurring in his country are war crimes and perhaps genocide. 

The question is that is the outcome of this invasion inevitable?  Will Putin's army simply outlast the smaller force of Ukraine?  When Hitler did this during the 40's we had to wait for black and white newsreels to show up at the moving pictures at a Saturday matinee. Now we see it as it happens. There is no time taken for editing for content.  

America cannot jump in directly for fear of WWIII and nuclear annihilation.  Boots on the ground is not a good answer either.  We could however offer refuge to those seeking asylum from their situation.  We could offer humanitarian aid in food, sundries and medicine.  I hope we proceed in this fashion.

all for now

stay safe

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Fitness? and a walk on the River

So yesterday was a big day.  After a two year drought, we re joined Planet Fitness.  This morning was our first trip in.  I remembered all the turns to get there and we arrived a little after 8.  Starting out on my old friend, the elliptical felt a little weird at first.  The stance felt funny.  I lasted about 10 minutes, a far cry from the forty I used to do.  Age and inactivity have taken their tole. Judy got me hooked up with wireless earphones and with Pandora, I was off and running.  Did about 30 minutes of strength training and I was done. Did not feel as bad as I thought it would.  PF was as clean as I remembered from before.  Staff was friendly and helpful and because of United Healthcare Medicare Advantage, it was free.  Now have no excuses.

We then went to Walgreens for our second booster shot which took about an hour.  Figuring the gym might be a torrent of disease, we needed to get fully boosted.  No free home covid tests at this point even though the president proclaimed if from the podium.  The retailer''s systems had not yet caught up.

It was truly a lovely day, sunny and in the 50's so we went to the Detroit Riverwalk for a short hike on the river, with Canada in our view.  There were a few boats and fisherman on the shore.  The ice is gone and the water moved swiftly past us. I can never keep up with Judy.  We are about the same height but she is all legs and I am mostly torso.  We carry on anyway, her waiting for me to catch up.  During the week, this place is truly a wonder with few people around, the water rushing by and if you are blessed with sunshine a perfect day.

My shot arm is feeling sore and my 72 year old muscles are feeling stiff, but going back to PF anyway.  My sitting neighbors at the penitentiary accuse me of attempting to get buff.  My reply is that I am trying to be not dead and really, that's it. At this age, I won't get better looking and my hair will still be white. 

Going to Zeoli's this afternoon to split a meal.  Supposed to be a rainy one.  Maybe a field trip to the DIA tomorrow.

all for now

stay safe

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Sunrise at the Penetentiary

The sun has arisen in Berkley, the birds are awake and singing. Made an omelet with largely egg whites and was not happy with the flavor and despite the butter and olive oil, it stuck to my cast iron pan.  Will write it off to a failed experiment.  

I really am tired of the pepperoni on pizza.  For me, it has outlived its usefulness.  When you stop for a slice, it always has this stuff on it.  It is some manner of meat substance and I would be afraid to look at the actual ingredients.  

Speaking of meat, while at Katey's with Apollo yesterday, I viewed a series called Meat Eater out of boredom and curiosity.  The programs feature a handsome young man being led by experienced guides on the hunt for Elk in some western state.   The smiling guide is employing some sound maker that looks like a trumpet to imitate the sound of a female (cow) elk.  He is trying to get a nearby bull in sight so his partner can slay the animal with a hi tech bow and arrow.  So here we have this majestic creature wandering around looking to get laid and whoosh, down with one arrow to the midsection.  His slayer marches over and proudly examines his kill manipulating the massive horns patting himself and his guide on the back for the thrill of the kill they delivered.  Then the program shows the two dismantling the carcass and loading meat into plastic bags to be butchered and stored.  It's been a great day. 

As you may expect, I am not a hunter, having no desire to personally end the life of woodland creatures.  I have shot a gun once.  I have a complete disconnect with this type of sport.  At some point in my family history, I believe this was a necessary activity.  My mom lived on a farm where chickens were killed and eaten.  I am not a vegetarian, and I enjoy a good chicken sandwich pre processed in some factory owned by Tyson Foods so I cannot wave the PETA flag.  I just don't get hunting for Peter Rabbit, or Bambi.  There are many families that make this a rite of passage for youngsters.  I get this, passing down traditions from one generation to the next.

It is not my place to pass judgement on this activity.  But watching this program it a chord with me.

Well that's all my bitching for today.  Making sweet potato fries in Katey's air fryer today.  Judy loves these.  I cannot see the big deal.  Going to Trader Joes for some provisions and Shannon will spend the night.

All for now

stay safe


Friday, April 1, 2022

An April fool

April first.....a good day to start a new campaign for better health.  Glucose numbers are not nearly what I want them to be. Started making a food journal showing all I have consumed the day before.  Hopefully it will show the error in my ways. 

Going to spend some time with my pal Apollo this morning. He is the only creature on this earth, either two legged or four that is always thrilled to see me.  He will inhale his food and then join me on the couch for some TV. Sometimes he gets so close, he is inside of my clothes. 

These glumpy days weather wise are getting to me.  A little sunshine really helps improve the mood.  You want to do stuff and get outside to enjoy it.  I tire of the weather men providing the intimate details of weather systems, weather models (American and European) telling us of upcoming more cloudy and rainy days ahead.  I know it's their job but really.

The slapping incident at the Oscars continues to play itself out.  Smith was wrong in reacting in the manner he did.  But I can see how it would happen if Rock's comments damaged his wife's feelings and he took it to heart.  Oh well this will be more fodder for the entertainment press to speculate about.  Everyone will have an opinion to be expressed. The expressers will become the story with online features trumpeting their opinions.  In the end, it was bad judgement on his part and he will pay some manner of price for it.

I am continually amazed by the fortitude of the Ukrainian people in defense of their country.  Putin has sent non committed conscripts, some refusing to do battle.  Tanks are being destroyed.  Still the fear is that the SOB will unleash some weapon so terrible to destroy the entirety of the country to exact his revenge that they didn't fold. It begs the question, if attacked by some foreign force, would we as Americans stand together to fend them off? Would politicians and their factions point fingers and blame others to keep their positions.  Could we come together with a common purpose?

all for now

stay safe

The passage of time

 So I am moving quickly to what I consider the gateway to old age, 75 years.  Wondering what the remainder of my life will be like and remem...