Monday, April 11, 2022

Eastern Market and pants

In life we all have simple things that make us happy. Sometimes it is a favorite food like pizza or ice cream. Some folks lived and died by the Sopranos and were in mourning when the series finished.  Certainly, complex or simple relationships fit this category but I am talking about non people stuff. It might be a favorite pen or book or kitchen utensil that reminds you of your mother. I have been seeking the perfect pair of pants that looks good but mostly is comfortable.  Like Zack Brown says, "a pair of jeans that fit just right".  I found mine at a second hand store, cotton khakis with no pleats and no additives like stretchy spandex.  They feel like they belong on me and add some level of contentment to my life.

Went to Eastern Market yesterday on a bright but cold morning. Found lots of foods and bulk spices from Rocky Peanut across the street on Russell.  Judy saw her mustard sauce guy that had been selling his wares in Europe for the past year.  Splurged on some heirloom tomatoes with my last 5 bucks. They are pictured above.  If you haven't been there, try it. There is quite a display of foods people have grown, products made and samples to try.  

It's the next day......
Had a good Sunday with Shannon yesterday.  No mishaps and she was the belle of the ball downstairs with all the gathering seniors.  Did laundry, cleaned apartment, watched a lot of Looney Toons, saw an inspiring show upcoming about 3 First Ladies that will be on Paramount.  Then, I went to Trader Joes about 6, always a pleasant experience.  Departing, moving toward my vehicle I spot a masked lady parked next to me.  Not much room between the cars, she seemed befuddled.  I approached.  Said "can I give you a hand?" She snapped at me shouting no and remarked that my car shouldn't have been parked this close.  It wasn't. She said "just get out".  So as not to sound disparaging, not going into her physical attributes.  I left, marched into the apartment, screaming and cursing and venting to Judy about my experience.  This was the second time I was accosted trying to help a woman at the grocery store.  Thats it, no more, I have learned my lesson.  In the future, I will sneer and walk on by.

Its now Monday morning and getting ready to take the kids to school.  Hopefully cooperation will be today's keyword.

all for now
stay safe


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