Friday, April 8, 2022

Slow Horses

 Two things; first there is a new short series on Apple+ called Slow Horses. It has a disheveled Gary Oldman in the lead role.  About MI5 spy agency in the UK.  The other numerous characters are hap hazard at best and commit many errors of judgement.  Its worth a look if you have this service.  Also the opening theme music is performed by none other than Sir Mick Jagger. He does a yeoman's job on the performance.  More of these old guys need to expand their horizons and explore different genres. 

I am weary of This is Us.  Our collective heart strings have been pulled at enough.  The conflicts between Kate and Toby will lead to the end of their marriage.  This was telegraphed 3 episodes ago.  The little kid playing Jack is really cute though and brings a lightness to the story that it needs badly.

I know Chef Jose Andres organization World Central Kitchen is already feeding people in Ukraine at risk of life and limb. I see their efforts on my FB feeds almost daily.  Why can't our government thru the Dept of Agriculture funnel food and other sundries thru this fine organization to feed Ukrainians.  It seems like a workable idea to me.  They are already on the ground.

We now are at PF for day 4 today.  You know I am an observer of the world around me.  Yesterday in front of me slowly riding a recumbent bike was an older woman with dyed purple (maybe maroon) hair. She placed moistened wiping towels on the handles and never touched anything that had human contact.  And she looked miserable. With a full makeup job, a sweat was not broken.  There was a female colleague handing her pre moistened towels for her next exercise adventure. She too was fully made up.  No smiles; and no judgment from me, only observations. 

Had a windy walk at the zoo yesterday in the afternoon. Did not where enough clothes and paid the price with all my shivering.

Still working on glucose numbers. Am moving forward but slowly.  I read everything on this condition I can find.  Eat this, don't eat that, drink this, don't drink that.  Try to stay inside the guidelines but still cannot find the consistency based on activity level and food consumption.

  Made Trader Joe's frozen sweet potato fries in the air fryer yesterday. Tasted good but would be healthier if I made them from scratch.  Went to Whole Foods in Birmingham yesterday, a lovely place with lots of choices, but compared to TJ's really expensive.  

all for now
stay safe

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