Friday, April 1, 2022

An April fool

April first.....a good day to start a new campaign for better health.  Glucose numbers are not nearly what I want them to be. Started making a food journal showing all I have consumed the day before.  Hopefully it will show the error in my ways. 

Going to spend some time with my pal Apollo this morning. He is the only creature on this earth, either two legged or four that is always thrilled to see me.  He will inhale his food and then join me on the couch for some TV. Sometimes he gets so close, he is inside of my clothes. 

These glumpy days weather wise are getting to me.  A little sunshine really helps improve the mood.  You want to do stuff and get outside to enjoy it.  I tire of the weather men providing the intimate details of weather systems, weather models (American and European) telling us of upcoming more cloudy and rainy days ahead.  I know it's their job but really.

The slapping incident at the Oscars continues to play itself out.  Smith was wrong in reacting in the manner he did.  But I can see how it would happen if Rock's comments damaged his wife's feelings and he took it to heart.  Oh well this will be more fodder for the entertainment press to speculate about.  Everyone will have an opinion to be expressed. The expressers will become the story with online features trumpeting their opinions.  In the end, it was bad judgement on his part and he will pay some manner of price for it.

I am continually amazed by the fortitude of the Ukrainian people in defense of their country.  Putin has sent non committed conscripts, some refusing to do battle.  Tanks are being destroyed.  Still the fear is that the SOB will unleash some weapon so terrible to destroy the entirety of the country to exact his revenge that they didn't fold. It begs the question, if attacked by some foreign force, would we as Americans stand together to fend them off? Would politicians and their factions point fingers and blame others to keep their positions.  Could we come together with a common purpose?

all for now

stay safe

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