Sunday, April 24, 2022

Right Place, Right Time

So it was a beautiful sunny morning yesterday.  After feeding Harry, decided to take him on our long walk that travels about a mile west, then north, then back east (with the sun now more overhead).  Having a wonderful jaunt, listening to Bruce on Pandora singing a live version of Thunder Road.   Listening to the lyrics, become overcome with emotion with the words.  Feelings rise to the surface the older I get. 

In the westbound leg of the journey, I spot a small dog coming towards us.  I bend down to pet him and notice no collar of tags or leash.  He and Harry do their sniffing hellos and it becomes evident that this pooch is out here alone.  He is some kind of terrier, white in coat with a few tan markings.  He is friendly, looks well kept and allows me to touch him and pet him.  This is a somewhat busy street and I fear for his safety if I just walk away.  So Harry and I stay and pet him for about 15 minutes.  If I get down low he will come to me when called.  But this is a moral dilemma indeed.  Cannot just walk off.  Fortunately, a kind Berkley officer drives by and I flag him down.  He scoops up the little guy and takes him to our animal shelter.  I put a posting on the Berkley friends group on FB and in a short time learn he is back home and safe.  His name is Bauer (Jack) so he must be a Jack Russell terrier.  My heart was uplifted for the whole day.

Had a wonderful rest of the day, mostly outside dog walking with Janine and Pippa and later going to Republica down the street for a beverage and appetizer.  We met with residents on the veranda in the afternoon.  It was good to see them outside.  Judy said that it felt like when we were in FL before the pandemic.

Supposed to be a really nice morning today too.  Meeting with some of my cronies for coffee at the tables outside to take advantage of it. 

all for now

stay safe

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