Tuesday, April 19, 2022


 Ambitious today.  After breakfast, made hard boiled eggs and a tomato salad for later.  Need to use produce in the drawer before it goes bad.  Did a batch of air fryer cauliflower later in the morning.  We had snow in Berkley yesterday and I shouldn't be surprised, but still pissed and disappointed.  Every year it seems that we get the "Michigan Slap" which tells us to not be too comfortable or encouraged by the few warm days in March or even February.  Then the weather system curses at us and gives us this.  But is warming above freezing throughout the day so will take Harry for an extended walk. 

So in Florida they are saying that 41% of the math books considered for students are being rejected as teaching CRT.  I cannot understand what that subject has to do with math.  It is generally a cut and dry subject.  I am a firm believer that all students should be told the truth on all subjects even those that are uncomfortable or will make that them sad or uneasy.  Our true history has rarely been told.  I was not taught anything about the burning of Black Wall Street in Tulsa OK.  It came as a horror and surprise when I learned about it last year.  The truth, no matter what is the beginning of healing for our country.

I don't want to reinvent history.  This is not the Ministry of Truth from 1984 where the past is flushed away and a more positive spin is put on with regular changes. There have been good and brilliant things that have happened in our history like the defeat of Hitler or the development of the polio vaccine.  But also, some monstrous events that should be looked at in context but not ignored or untaught.  Volumes have been written about slavery and some on the Trail of Tears that forced Native peoples off their land.  The historic doctrine of "Manifest Destiny" claimed all the lands to be ours, not considering populations that were forcibly moved off.  I don't live in the Villages in FL longing for the fifties.  Those times were great for you if you were white,  but not so much if your skin had a darker tone. 

Not much to report on viewing habits other than The First Lady  showing pivotal moments in the lives of Betty Ford,Michelle Obama and Eleanor Roosevelt.  Viola Davis shines as Michelle and Gillian Anderson did as well for Mrs. Roosevelt.  Was not keen on Michelle Pfeiffer's performance as Betty Ford.  She seemed too screwy and a drunk.  Maybe an accurate portrayal, really don't know.  O-T Fagbenle as Barak did a good  job with the vocal intonations but it damaged his ability to effectively do his acting job.  If you have access to Showtime give it a try.

Back to kid toting on Thursday.  Getting easier as they get older.  Both are now taller than me.  To be truthful.  I am glad.

all for now 
Stay safe

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