Wednesday, July 31, 2024


 Another doctor visit scheduled for today, the annual physical.   Nothing new going on with me.  Feeling pretty good She will weigh me, check my blood pressure, send me to the Beaumont lab for blood work, ask me if I feel safe my environment, read the test results and offer recommendations.  Have gained a few pounds, which is good. A1C will probably be too high.  Going to walk to the office on this sunny day before it gets too hot. I will get there early because I have to fill out new paperwork.  I am weary of doctors after all I have dealt with over the past few months.  At this age, they mostly seem to be going thru the motions.  

I am really glad that Kamala is the new standard bearer.  She seems to be a positive force and there is reason to believe she can win.  The hopelessness from the last month has left the room.  Mark Kelly is my choice for the VP.  Lots of good qualities and a lengthy, legitimate resume.  And let's not forget Gabby.

It's going to be lawn day here at the penitentiary. The string trimmer guy has already started. It's so noisy in the afternoon when they have the big machinery going, have to shut the door wall and turn on the ac. 

Kids this afternoon and a trip to Planet Fitness.  The YouTube music on my phone gets me thru the treadmill workout.  Need to do more ab crunches to strengthen my core. 

Well enjoy the day

all for now

stay safe

Monday, July 29, 2024

Back home again

We are back at the apartment after some days at the Southfield address with the kids and the dogs.  Sadly, Stephanie's mother succumbed to a massive heart attack and they were there for love and support.  Judy arrived today early in the morning.  They are recovering from the long ride home taking some time to rest and reflect.

Harry hates change.  He dawdled thru his food today. Was confused as to his old bathroom habits and now is sitting on his old perch.  Yesterday, looking out the door wall into the back yard, a saw a gopher ambling thru the yard, a big guy about the size of a large cat.  He was not hurrying,  looking in the window wondering what we were doing in his space.  Took the two dogs out for an evening stroll.  When we returned, the neighbor's pooch ran up on them across 3 yards for some socializing.  They all got along famously. 

Before we were to depart, Eli went out on a bike ride and dumped his bike, badly scraping his knee.  Nanny got him all patched up but I know he was hurting.  Maybe today will be better.

Feels good to be back in my own environment where I know where stuff is.  There is a certain level of comfort in familiarity.  It gets worse with age.  The keys, the pills, stuff in the fridge and clothes in drawers rather than out of bags help life make sense, at least in the short term. 

Hot morning here in Berkley, should come as no surprise, it's nearly August.  Lots of construction going on Oxford Rd.  It's been a noisy morning.  Looks like Rogers Elementary is getting some new furniture.

Thats it from wrinkle faced Poppy

all for now

stay safe


Friday, July 26, 2024


So walking around what will be our new neighborhood, I noticed a pleasant looking manicured home on a corner with signs that said keep off the grass and keep your dogs from relieving themselves on the property.  Further there is a recording announcing that the passersby were being filmed to record their crimes.  I had to laugh and thought that I could pee on the lawn standing on the public sidewalk for a lark. I am not a dog and not standing on the lawn. This is the sign.  By the way, I ALWAYS CLEAN UP AFTER MY DOG.

I worked myself and my feeble muscles cutting the lawn with the electric mower yesterday.  Even with the convenience, the weight and maneuverability of the machine was cumbersome.  Nearly completed, the battery ran out and the project had to be abandoned,  Elijah came back after his bike ride and completed the task to perfection.  His great grandfather would be proud.  Harry was a lawn care master. 

My Harry, the four legged one,  does not do well with change.  Normally he pounces on his morning food.  Dawdling today as we look for the correct place to put the bowl.  Does not want to poop in what will be his new yard, but reluctantly proceeds.  Gets along with the cat that largely ignores him,  All in all, it should work out fine.  Our dwelling downstairs is waiting on the Southfield city inspectors to approve the electrical and plumbing work, to my frustration.

The grand kids have been good company for this visit especially on visits to planet fitness.  They are up on their phones and video games half the night and don't arrive till much later.  It summer, they're teenagers oh well.

thats it for today

all for now

stay safe


Thursday, July 25, 2024

Rambling and Rumbling

I am reminded of the harsh reality of life nearly every day.  The ambulance pulls up  with the Police cars in tandem and they take another resident away.  Little is permanent.  This place is the last rodeo for many. This is a photo from my travels this morning in beautiful Berkley.  I have way too much time on my hands to contemplate.   

It's a new day.  Stephanie had a family emergency and she and Andrew had to drive to Alabama to deal with it.  We are with the kids at their home with Harry who is trying to get used to his new surroundings as are we.  I don't like living in someone else's house at least initially.  I will become more accustomed to it as the days wear on.  Our dwelling is in an uncompleted state waiting on the city inspectors.

Went to the Madison Heights Nature center and captured a couple of shots of  the blooms amidst all the greenery from rainy days. 

Need to cut and trim the lawn here today.  Made myself eggs which turned out pretty good.  Not used to cooking with someone else's pans and cookware.  Finishing up my cold coffee and waiting on the kids rise up from their slumber. 

The sun is up and this is the first time I have seen the early morning at this site.
We will be living here soon when the apartment is done downstairs.  I am getting better at the stairs and my confidence is building while staying careful. 

Harry and I took up the couch in the family room last night.  I moved his crate close to me and he fell asleep.  I searched for a comfortable position reminding myself of my bad decision to sleep there.  Not much else for today.
all for now
stay safe

Monday, July 22, 2024

Construction continues


The project continues on the new apartment we are building in Southfield.  They have put up the frame work for the kitchen, replaced the sump pump and done electrical upgrades that are most necessary.  We are moving forward with an expectant date of completion around the end of summer.  

I have to make a comment on Biden's standing down from the top of the ticket for the Democratic Party.  This has to be one of the most difficult decisions he has made.
It took great courage for him to step aside for the good of the country.  He knew his time was completed and has many things to be proud of in his tenure as a public servant.  In fact, he has a lifetime of public service to look back on. His naysayers will continue to throw dirt on him to their discredit.

Kamala certainly has the tenacity and the vigor to take on the republican opponent.  Her experience as a prosecutor and attorney general will serve her well.  

thats it for today
all for now
stay safe

Friday, July 19, 2024


I have been a Democrat since my first vote was cast for George McGovern in 1972.  I only faltered once when Geoffrey Fieger was running for governor of the State of Michigan and I supported Rick Snyder, an accountant.  Now I am at a dilemma as to how to proceed.  I would vote for Harry (pictured) before casting a ballot for the republican nominee.  

It is my hope that President Biden steps aside and Kamala Harris is the standard bearer.  This post will probably get bumped off.

thats it

all for now

stay safe

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Last Roundup

Last Cardiac Rehab this morning for me.  Unless I have a problem, no doctor visits till December.  No more therapy to attend.  No more uniforms staffers asking my name and my date of birth.  No more questions about whether I have experienced any cardiac symptoms or shortness of breath.  It should at least start off being a good day.

Lots of stuff to pack, donate, get rid of.  Looking at the top of the kitchen cabinets, noticed there are lots of cookbooks.  I haven't looked at them since I put then up there 3 years ago.  In reality, probably don't need them,  

We had lots of rain and storms last night yielding a grey morning with some remaining drips left over.  Harry was not happy with the weather this morning.

It's the next day.  Doing laundry and picking out clothes to donate.  One shirt, a nice one got when Jon was finishing basic training at Great Lakes Naval Academy.  Still in good shape but too big and never really worn.  Looks like Katey has had her offer accepted on a house in Roseville All are excited.  Only waiting on inspection report. Saw photos.  Looks great.  We need to have a stair lift installed for Shannon to get down to our apartment.  This is a long process that will be done when everything else is completed.  It is really good to be done with all the therapies.  No doctor visits now till December, a major relief.

I should probably have some comment on the events of this past weekend, but I won't.

Thats it

all for now

stay safe

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Aches and Pains

Over did the arm/shoulder lifting yesterday at Planet Fitness. Really feeling it this morning.  I am on the treadmill next to Marie.  She is going twice as fast and an incline much greater than me.  I have to keep telling myself, you are 74 and had a heart attack.  Should tell myself to be satisfied.  It is really nice to take these teenagers with us to the gym.  They are really into it.  It is a positive step for this company to extend free privileges to these kids wanting to stay healthy. Marie spent the night at our place and is still snoozing as of 8am (no surprise).  I am doing laundry and waiting for the completion of the dryer.  Drinking the last of my cold coffee, I am thinking of the transition of moving to the new address. Have much stuff to donate to St. Vincent de Paul.  It's amazing when you look around and see most of the stuff you no longer use or need.  We gave away a raft of DVDs.  Everything is on streaming services now, so we no longer need a physical copy.  The rack we stored them in is going to Marie.  

This is a photo of the two of them at Eli's 8th grade graduation.  Both are bigger then me, (again no surprise) 

Finishing up the laundry and folding on the table provided, I hear the squeaking and grinding of an approaching walker.  It's Esterlee from down the hall.  I recognize the sound associated with her and knowing that she is an early laundry doer like me.  She's a little woman with a recognizable voice from across the room or the street or even the next county.  

thats it

all for now

stay safe

Friday, July 12, 2024

Less rain than expected

it rained  the day before yesterday but not as much as forecasted.  Our weather people revel in their warnings of impending weather doom for us.  But alas, it rained all day but not in a torrent as predicted.  Our neighborhood had some power outages on the next street, but the penitentiary was not affected.  

Have tried out the newest season of The Bear. The cacophony of all the screaming and cursing between characters was kind of interesting and compelling in the first two seasons.  Now, it's just so much yelling and does little to make the characters more relatable.  I don't expect it to be Father Know Best  or Leave it to Beaver, but a little softening and empathy

would go a long way.  Have viewed the first two episodes and will try a third. Janine tells me that the later episodes allow the story to hit its stride.

This is Shannon and the two Debbies from her Sunday visit.  All seemed to be having fun.

We are in the 3rd and final season of Professor T, a PBS presentation.  It's very British and the pacing is kind of slow so it takes some time to adjust to.  Jasper Tempest is a learned professor of criminology on the autism spectrum somewhere.  He has an interloping artist mother that is one of the most enduing characters.  It's a quirky crime show, but very stodgy.  They do, however develop the personalities quite well.   We watched the last episode last night and I am saddened by the ending.  Still a very good show and there is the promise of a 4th season in 2025.  It is hard when a character is lost and you are left with a sinking feeling.  Oh well, its just a show.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Not the Rain-ma-ggedon they predicted

It rained yesterday but not as much as forecasted.  Our weather people revel in their warnings of impending weather doom for us.  But alas, it rained all day but not in a torrent as predicted.  Our neighborhood had some power outages on the next street, but the penitentiary was not affected.  
Have tried out the newest season of The Bear. The cacophony of all the screaming and cursing between characters was kind of interesting and compelling in the first two seasons.  Now, it's just so much yelling and does little to make the characters more relatable.  I don't expect it to be Father Know Best  or Leave it to Beaver, but a little softening and empathy
would go a long way.  Have viewed the first two episodes and will try a third.

This is Shannon and the two Debbies from her Sunday visit.  All seemed to be having fun.

We are in the 3rd and final season of Professor T, a PBS presentation.  It's very British and the pacing is kind of slow so it takes some time to adjust to.  Jasper Tempest is a learned professor of criminology on the autism spectrum somewhere.  He has an interloping artist mother that is one of the most enduing characters.  It's a quirky crime show, but very stodgy.  They do, however develop the personalities quite well.   

The media is sounding the death knoll on Biden campaign.  The bells are pealing. I hope they are wrong.  We will see.  if the  former gets elected even as a convicted felon,  I fear for our Republic.

all for now

stay safe.


Sunday, July 7, 2024

Beautiful cool morning


Beautiful cool morning here today.  Will take Harry for a walk when he wakes up and enjoy the weather.  Most of the pains from all the falls I took have dissipated and shoulders are working like they are supposed to.  Have decided to be clean faced for a while.  Frankly, it just feels better.

These are some neighborhood daisies across from the elementary school.  Had to grab a shot of these. 

Watched an excellent mini series called Eric staring Benedict Cumberbatch and a stellar cast.  

It centers around the search for a lost boy in 80's New York and a Muppetesque kids show.  As always, Cumberbatch is brilliant.  Available on Netflix.  It got some critical blowback probably due to showing the seedier side of gay club life.  I think it is worth a look. 

It's the next day.  Again, a sunny day and a cool morning.  Shannon is with us and watching movie 2, Lion King for the umpteenth time.  We watched the movie Race from 2016 showing the prowess of a young Jesse Owens as he grew into the major athlete of his day and the ultimate embarrassment of the Third Reich when he won 4 gold medals at the 1936 Berlin Olympics.  The mighty Aryans failed to meet expectations.  A worthy inspirational movie for all to view.  Owens was truly an American hero.  Judy met him when he was in his last days at Mulenberg hospital Plainfield NJ.   Had a wonderful time at the neighborhood party at the new house. 

Not much else
all for now
stay safe

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Know a crown maker?

Crowned a King, above all laws of the land?  These are the new presidential powers granted by Trump's Supreme Court.  Under the guise of official acts, the office holder can bribe, sell positions, even order assassinations  without impunity.  This ruling will truly change the balance of power in favor of the president.   I am distressed, as you might imagine.  Hell, he can even delay elections or call them off altogether.  I usually don't delve too deeply into the political but in this case feel it needs to be said.  Thats it.

We have a quiet holiday planned with not much going on.  Miss doing the grilling in the backyard and feeding people.  Have been invited by wonderful new neighbors to a summer party at the new house on Saturday.  They have all been so sweet to us and welcoming.

Going to coffee with friends Mike and Bill this morning at Elaines Bagels to sit outside and talk.  I really need these social occasions for my sanity.  Mike is always loaded with opinions and observations and suggestions for successful living.  

Grandson Eli is recovering nicely from wisdom teeth surgery and looks forward to eating regular food.  Both kids have been reveling at the exercise at Planet Fitness for the summer.  They have the machines down and no longer need our guidance. It's kind of fun to take them for this activity.  My old boss Brian Hoppenworth (in his forties) complained that his 15 year old beat him in a mile race at the track 6:30 to 6:45 minutes.  Even his time was really good in my estimation.  With 74 year old knees, my running days are over.  It's a sunny day at Oxford Park Towers.

Enjoy this day

all for now

stay safe

The passage of time

 So I am moving quickly to what I consider the gateway to old age, 75 years.  Wondering what the remainder of my life will be like and remem...