Friday, July 26, 2024


So walking around what will be our new neighborhood, I noticed a pleasant looking manicured home on a corner with signs that said keep off the grass and keep your dogs from relieving themselves on the property.  Further there is a recording announcing that the passersby were being filmed to record their crimes.  I had to laugh and thought that I could pee on the lawn standing on the public sidewalk for a lark. I am not a dog and not standing on the lawn. This is the sign.  By the way, I ALWAYS CLEAN UP AFTER MY DOG.

I worked myself and my feeble muscles cutting the lawn with the electric mower yesterday.  Even with the convenience, the weight and maneuverability of the machine was cumbersome.  Nearly completed, the battery ran out and the project had to be abandoned,  Elijah came back after his bike ride and completed the task to perfection.  His great grandfather would be proud.  Harry was a lawn care master. 

My Harry, the four legged one,  does not do well with change.  Normally he pounces on his morning food.  Dawdling today as we look for the correct place to put the bowl.  Does not want to poop in what will be his new yard, but reluctantly proceeds.  Gets along with the cat that largely ignores him,  All in all, it should work out fine.  Our dwelling downstairs is waiting on the Southfield city inspectors to approve the electrical and plumbing work, to my frustration.

The grand kids have been good company for this visit especially on visits to planet fitness.  They are up on their phones and video games half the night and don't arrive till much later.  It summer, they're teenagers oh well.

thats it for today

all for now

stay safe


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