Monday, July 29, 2024

Back home again

We are back at the apartment after some days at the Southfield address with the kids and the dogs.  Sadly, Stephanie's mother succumbed to a massive heart attack and they were there for love and support.  Judy arrived today early in the morning.  They are recovering from the long ride home taking some time to rest and reflect.

Harry hates change.  He dawdled thru his food today. Was confused as to his old bathroom habits and now is sitting on his old perch.  Yesterday, looking out the door wall into the back yard, a saw a gopher ambling thru the yard, a big guy about the size of a large cat.  He was not hurrying,  looking in the window wondering what we were doing in his space.  Took the two dogs out for an evening stroll.  When we returned, the neighbor's pooch ran up on them across 3 yards for some socializing.  They all got along famously. 

Before we were to depart, Eli went out on a bike ride and dumped his bike, badly scraping his knee.  Nanny got him all patched up but I know he was hurting.  Maybe today will be better.

Feels good to be back in my own environment where I know where stuff is.  There is a certain level of comfort in familiarity.  It gets worse with age.  The keys, the pills, stuff in the fridge and clothes in drawers rather than out of bags help life make sense, at least in the short term. 

Hot morning here in Berkley, should come as no surprise, it's nearly August.  Lots of construction going on Oxford Rd.  It's been a noisy morning.  Looks like Rogers Elementary is getting some new furniture.

Thats it from wrinkle faced Poppy

all for now

stay safe


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