Saturday, July 13, 2024

Aches and Pains

Over did the arm/shoulder lifting yesterday at Planet Fitness. Really feeling it this morning.  I am on the treadmill next to Marie.  She is going twice as fast and an incline much greater than me.  I have to keep telling myself, you are 74 and had a heart attack.  Should tell myself to be satisfied.  It is really nice to take these teenagers with us to the gym.  They are really into it.  It is a positive step for this company to extend free privileges to these kids wanting to stay healthy. Marie spent the night at our place and is still snoozing as of 8am (no surprise).  I am doing laundry and waiting for the completion of the dryer.  Drinking the last of my cold coffee, I am thinking of the transition of moving to the new address. Have much stuff to donate to St. Vincent de Paul.  It's amazing when you look around and see most of the stuff you no longer use or need.  We gave away a raft of DVDs.  Everything is on streaming services now, so we no longer need a physical copy.  The rack we stored them in is going to Marie.  

This is a photo of the two of them at Eli's 8th grade graduation.  Both are bigger then me, (again no surprise) 

Finishing up the laundry and folding on the table provided, I hear the squeaking and grinding of an approaching walker.  It's Esterlee from down the hall.  I recognize the sound associated with her and knowing that she is an early laundry doer like me.  She's a little woman with a recognizable voice from across the room or the street or even the next county.  

thats it

all for now

stay safe

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