Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Last Roundup

Last Cardiac Rehab this morning for me.  Unless I have a problem, no doctor visits till December.  No more therapy to attend.  No more uniforms staffers asking my name and my date of birth.  No more questions about whether I have experienced any cardiac symptoms or shortness of breath.  It should at least start off being a good day.

Lots of stuff to pack, donate, get rid of.  Looking at the top of the kitchen cabinets, noticed there are lots of cookbooks.  I haven't looked at them since I put then up there 3 years ago.  In reality, probably don't need them,  

We had lots of rain and storms last night yielding a grey morning with some remaining drips left over.  Harry was not happy with the weather this morning.

It's the next day.  Doing laundry and picking out clothes to donate.  One shirt, a nice one got when Jon was finishing basic training at Great Lakes Naval Academy.  Still in good shape but too big and never really worn.  Looks like Katey has had her offer accepted on a house in Roseville All are excited.  Only waiting on inspection report. Saw photos.  Looks great.  We need to have a stair lift installed for Shannon to get down to our apartment.  This is a long process that will be done when everything else is completed.  It is really good to be done with all the therapies.  No doctor visits now till December, a major relief.

I should probably have some comment on the events of this past weekend, but I won't.

Thats it

all for now

stay safe

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