Sunday, December 31, 2023

2024 - What to do?


My two favorite pairs of readers are no more.  One (clear frames) was lost and one (black frames) was broken.  This not a real tragedy, but a disappointment.  Too. many self portraits, I know.  With all the grey weather, there is not much to look at that is interesting.  Found this batch of glasses on Amazon and my vision seems to be settled on a 2.75 magnification.  

Katey came over for a visit last night and we watched "The Best of Enemies",  a true story of a KKK president and a civil rights activist in NC and the way they found a way to integrate the schools in Durham NC.  This is another real story that is worth learning about.  

The new year is upon us.  Many will vow to lose weight, get more exercise or eat healthier.  Most will fail by the time February arrives.  We are who we are.  Self improvement is great at least in degrees.  Trying to be a brand new person at this point seems a little silly.  

There are things that are attainable however.  I could read more books.  I could spend less time wasting on the phone doom scrolling and playing games.  Actually could walk more, not marathon distances but more, each day.  Reconnecting with friends and contemporaries is also key.  It's easy to say that you are too busy or they wouldn't want to anyway.  This is not true.  People like to be called, visited, lunched with.  

This has been such a shitty month, wrought with illness from family members.   I will be scolded by my primary care doc when I see her at the end of January.  Had too many parties and other opportunities to eat the wrong stuff.  A1C will again probably be lousy.  

So, books, connections, and steps are my resolves.  
Thats it!
Happy 2024 to all
stay safe

Saturday, December 30, 2023

2023 summation

2023 Summation

Usual January with all the birthdays and holidays.  Jon and Everett were celebrated.

February: a wonderful visit to Carrabelle Fl for the whole month making new friends and visiting Harry's Bar and the Fisherman's wife.  Had long walks on the beach with the dogs, saw dolphins romping. Was awakened by roosters everyday at 5am.  Had a splendid time with Judy and friend Janine. Also, Katey had her 37th birthday.

March: a birthday for the old guy turning 73.  

April: cannot remember anything other than trip to Kensington 

May: Kids back and forth to school, now in Middle School, approaching the teenage years

June-August: usual summer stuff.   Was invited to submit a questionnaire for a publication for special needs families.  Ended up on the cover as the lead story.  But even with all the submissions, they spelled the name wrong.

August 6th: it was a rainy soccer game for Katey.  She had taken the game up again after a few years to play with ladies of a similar age (30-38).  All her teammates were college players that never stopped playing the game they loved from childhood.  She had pretty good wheels and good skills that were getting better.  Judy was out of town visiting her family.  Andrew and Stephanie were there with me at the very wet evening.  The game was at the Birmingham Seaholm HS field.  The artificial surface was slick with the rain.  The game was going well.  Her team was in the lead.  She was running up the sidelines toward us.  She stopped abruptly and I heard an odd sound from her direction.  Something was definitely wrong.  She was carried of the field by one of her teammates that was a physical therapist.  The achilles tendon on the left leg was separated, torn.  Her game was over.  

All uf us made the trip to the VA hospital in the succeeding rain.  The pain was excruciating for her.  The ER  docs immobilized it and we made it back to my apartment, using Shannon's wheelchair for a very long night.  What followed was a surgical repair, visits to the  Podiatry Dept and finally over the course of the next three months, arduous   physical therapy and in November, walking without any aid and up and down stairs.  All the scooters and crutches were finally put away.  

Her constant companion and supporter for this ordeal was her dog, Apollo, now 14 and still strong as a bull, always thrilled to see me.  He was her unwavering support during this ordeal.  On the last week of November, he succumbed to a tumor that had been growing on his underside.  Not wishing to put him thru anymore, he was put down.  We were all there and I cried like a baby for the loss of my friend.

September:  Judy joined club 73

November:  Had another memorable Cape May visit at Peter Shields Inn with the group, all slightly worse from wear.  I fell on my ass loading bags. 

December: as is always the case, we are visited by illness in this month of the year.  Andrew and his kids and his Stephanie got upper respiratory viruses.  Judy started off with this and it migrated to pneumonia.  She finally seems to be better.  Shannon had the Narwall virus but it was short term.  Christmas was simple, with little fanfare.  I had the auto blues (which was resolved).  

We had a wonderful visit from our little boys Paxton and Everett this morning.  They love Harry and he is quite at home with them.  

What will 2024 bring?  not sure yet,  but it will be another adventure and re invention.

I wish you all well.

all for now

stay safe

A Question of Faith


We saw a remarkable film yesterday called "Come Sunday".  I am not a person of great faith.  But this showing called into question a fundamental principle of most organized Christian faiths.  Does a person have to accept Jesus as their savior in order to attain Heaven?  It is the true story of Carlton Pearson, a black preacher schooled at Oral Roberts University in Tulsa and mentored by Roberts himself, guiding him toward the ministry.

All was going well, a growing congregation of all races praying and receiving the Lord together.  He has a beautiful and attentive wife, lovely children and all the trappings of a successful minister.  All than changed with his viewing scenes of the desperation in Rwanda with the fighting and the babies sick, wounded and dying.  He had the realization of what happens to these souls when they die not knowing Jesus.  These souls were not saved.  They did not know God as he did.  Would they be banished to damnation because of their circumstance?  These are innocents in the purest sense.  The character was told that all were welcomed into Heaven.  They did not need the knowledge he possessed.  

After much contemplation, he presented this to his congregation and was met with outrage and many departures.  He was branded a heretic and his church basically ended.  Oral Roberts banished him from the community in a 12 page encyclical.  He went in front a board of preachers and they too cast him out.  

Toward the end of the film he joined an inclusive congregation, preached there and met with people of similar views.  Sadly, Carlton Pearson passed away from prostate cancer this November. 

I found this to be a remarkable true story.  I think of those Muslim children in Gaza that have perished and of Jewish children that were lost in the attacks.  I would like to believe that God will carry their souls home, all of their souls. 

Was going to do a year end summation today, saw this film and felt compelled to comment.  I am still thinking about it. 

all for now

stay safe

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Post Holiday

I needed a springy photo.
Christmas has now passed.  We are moving toward the beginning of a new year.  The day of the holiday was moving along quite nicely.  Made my stuffed shells for dinner, Katey came over and brought cookies and a loaf of cranberry walnut bread from talented Christina.  Shannon had a great time and of course, we watched all her movies.

Because of her visual impairments, the puzzles and matching games Santa brought did not work out and he was disappointed mostly because he did not know really how she was doing and her diminished capacity.  Shannon is still the happiest person around and is always thrilled to meet new people to tell them her story.  She continues to be the belle of the ball around here always surrounded by her pals and making them smile.  

It's the next day.  But to continue the saga of Christmas 2023, there was an automotive dilemma.  Christmas Eve I was out running around getting some additional foodstuffs for the next day.  All went well and I shut the car off after my travels.  On the next day after all the eating and presenting was done, we were all going to Andrew's for a visit with him and his family.  Hopped in the car and had a difficult time getting it to start.  After a couple of shots, I got it going and got everyone in the vehicle.  Left the lot but could not get any acceleration out of the motor.  Limped to his house, had a subdued time there and limped home with Katey following close behind.  Spent the night thinking about this holiday gift and contemplating much dinero for an engine or transmission.  Took it to a guy I used before the next day and got a call about 3 hours in.  It seems that some manner of critter had chewed the  wiring harness causing the poor performance.  He fixed it and 175 bucks later, I was back on the road.  That may have been my Christmas Miracle.

Now de stressed and Shannon back at her home after 4 days,  the holiday for 2023 is in the books.  I am glad

all for now

stay safe

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Christmas Eve 2023


It's Christmas Eve morning.  Shannon is with us and looking beautiful after a major grooming effort by Judy.  We are on our third Disney movie and she is playing with her dinosaur matching game and listening to tunes.  This is her new holiday shirt from friend Lin.  

It's a quiet foggy morning.  I need to get a few things grocery-wise and anticipating crowds at the market.  Not trying Trader Joes, for this is one of the few days the parking lot will be vicious.

Using the stuffed shells I made previously for dinner tomorrow and need the ingredients for the accompanying salad.  

Saw Maestro  yesterday on Netflix.  Bradley Cooper is a dead ringer for Bernstein and Carrie Mulligan plays off him perfectly as his spouse.  Interspersed are the scenes of his male dalliances with her efforts to deal with this reality and the real pain it causes her.  She always puts on a brave public face.  She is maybe a bigger part of the story than Cooper.  He is magnificent in his outlandish mannerisms.  The wild Bernstein hair and flashing smile are perfectly portrayed.  Lenny truly adored his wife, but often, too often succumbed to his weaknesses.  There is lots of cigarette smoke and the beginning scenes in black and white beautifully set the tone.  Presented is NYC of the 50's with lots of drinking, conversation and constant smoking.  I particularly like the sepia tones shown. See this one.

Everyone have a wonderful holiday no matter how you celebrate!

It will be pretty quiet around here tomorrow.

all for  now

stay safe

Friday, December 22, 2023

Today's Thoughts

Things are guardedly improving, I think.  December illnesses are dissipating, I think.  Judy seems better, Shannon is through the worst of it and Eli and Marie are back at school.  I friend of mine at the residence told me to stop watching the news.  He said all it does is hurt you and daily or hourly viewing the world in all its turmoil is damaging emotionally.  There is probably some truth in what he says.  

Struggling to find solutions to the unsolvable problems of the world is extremely challenging.  But still the toll it takes to dwell on the problems can be overwhelming.  This however, is the world we live in and no matter what brush or what color you paint It with,  this is the reality.  We, sitting in our warm, safe dwellings know not the suffering endured by others.  It is difficult to stop contemplating the suffering.  Children and other innocents should not be killed or maimed no matter what faith they practice or ethnicity.  Immigrants fleeing for their lives and the lives of their families should not be shipped like cargo to other locations.  Our country cannot stop the oppression that exists in lands to our south.  These folks are risking their very lives to maybe survive in a safer place.  Sitting in my comfortable little apartment, drinking morning coffee, have no answers.  

Different topic;  Jon Batiste, former bandleader, current composer and caregiver and booster to his spouse thru her battle with leukemia may be the Beethoven for our times.  He has composed the American Symphony using cross cultural elements and instrumentation comprising both ancient and modern tools.  There is a doc on this effort on Apple TV+, seen part of it, need to complete.  There is the possibility of a new musical form that is pleasant to the ear.  For me, this is an amazing guy.  

Had an absolutely wonderful time with daughter Katey at Renshaws the other night, just me and her.  It was crowded, loud and really hopping.  That does not bother me.  I enjoy being in the middle of all that life.   

thats it

all for now

working on a way to unf*ck myself in terms of health and attitude.  heard from friend Omar this morning.  He is battling some challenges of his own and I wish him well 

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

a Holiday Gift

 We've received our annual holiday gift early this year.  In various iterations we have been sick since about December 13th.  Judy has had an upper respiratory issues culminating in pneumonia, diagnosed on Saturday. Antibiotics have improved things.  I too had some manner of illness, but have improved.  Both Eli and Marie have the flu and are stuck at home.  Shannon's New Gateways holiday party is on Thursday and I am making stuffed shells as a dish to pass.  Usually a lovely event with lots of foods and music.  All the participants have a grand time.  

This is a Cape May morning at the ocean with the sun coming up.  It was cold but refreshing.

Watched a movie I loved last night,  Gran Turismo, staring David Harbour and Orlando Bloom.  The premise is a little shaky if it wasn't a true story.  The movie is about auto racing as you might expect.  The critics did not love it, but it just got to me.  See it on Netflix.

Winter seems to have arrived with snow on the ground from yesterday.  It is December 19th, and this is Michigan.

all for now

stay safe

Friday, December 15, 2023


Had a low keyed day for our 48th anniversary on December 13th.  Went to the Breakfast Club in Madison Heights for an opulent breakfast.  Eating this meal out is a real treat and really better than dinner or lunch.  We are both hungry and ready to try out new stuff.  If you are local to us, this is a great spot, a bit over the top for everyday meals but wonderful for an occasion.  

Katey had an office holiday party last evening.  It was held at the Gaelic League on Michigan Ave in the Corktown district of Detroit.  I provided the transportation home.  Was quite pleased with myself that I remember this neighborhood so well and made it down there quite handily even though the GPS gods routed my through the city streets, not the freeways.  Michigan Ave is much prettier than I remember with lively bars and Christmas lights on this evening.  In my time there I frequented Nemo's and Reedys bar for luncheons with my work colleagues.  Nemos is going strong but Reedys is now a law office.  I fondly recall the turkey dinner lunches at the long bar once a week with my boss.  Nemos had one of the best burgers I ever ate and they used the honor system for payment.  There were the same three guys sitting at their same stools at the end of the bar every day.  Friend Pat was friends with the owner and they often negotiated about available Tiger tickets.  I have some good memories of these days.  Took my father in law Harry there once after a game and he loved the place and all the sports heroes on the walls.  St Paddy's day was a big day in this neighborhood.  I recall lots of beer drinking on the street in front of the Gaelic League.  Katey told me that the place is for rent for 300 bucks for the whole day, not a bad price.  

Leaving for kids in about 30 minutes and there is no rain or snow.  Breakfast is done and I have to cleanup the dishes.

thats it

all for now

stay safe

Monday, December 11, 2023

Worries 2.0

 Breakfast is complete.  The day seems cloudy and cold.  Had a discussion today with a friend about parental worries.  Once you join this club, your worries never end.  When the kids are little it's about cuts and scraps and fevers and drippy noses.  Then adolescence and the teenage years ensue.  They are driving, having questionable acquaintances , parties and bad choices  over relationships  When your kids become adults, worry about their happiness, general health, bad choices like consumption or smoking emotional health.  It does not stop.  And now, there are grandchildren to worry about, rehashing segments one and two.

As parents, you hope to grow into the role becoming better with each family addition.  With adult kids, it becomes time to let them fly on their own,  to endure mistakes and celebrate accomplishments, dusting themselves off and moving forward.  Advice is solicited and listened to at lease occasionally.  Self reliance becomes  a more pronounced trait.

As senior parents/grandparents you hope your love and training was enough to have them move forward in their lives.  We are grayer, shorter, maybe a little bent over, with some health shortcomings.  Even with all that, I am happy with the outcome with much more ahead. 

thats it

all for now

stay safe

Sunday, December 10, 2023

film reviews

Saw two post apocalyptic films yesterday,  Leave the World Behind, and Finch.  I am really into these aftermath movies maybe because the premises are almost always dark and they provide a look into the world we are currently creating.  

Saw Leave the World Behind first.  Despite a worthy cast of heavyweights, the film came up short in plot line with a story filled with holes.  Kept waiting for some defining moment or scene that would draw it all together.  It never came.  It's under the heading of "two hours of my life I cannot get back".  None of the characters were enduring except for the hapless one played by Ethan Hawke.  Julia Roberts was absolutely shrewish and the offspring had few enduring characteristics.  The ending left the viewer thinking, well, this is it?  If you have Netflix, try this one out if you need to abuse yourself or if you need something to bitch about with your friends. 

Finch on the other hand was a worthwhile effort starring Tom Hanks with two robots and a dog wandering around in a world where the ozone layer has been completely compromised and temperatures are higher than a human being can endure.  Hanks is in has best Castaway  self, operating with robots (of his creation) and a dog to talk to.  Starting in what's left of St. Louis the crew moves west in some protective truck,  toward the remainder of SF where the temperatures and radiation are less.  There is dust and sand everywhere with all vegetation being consumed by the heat.  Despite all the environmental torment the characters have to deal with, the ending evokes a bit of hope.  This one is worth seeing.  No sex or swearing, could see it with a batch of 12 year olds.

Bought some new khaki slacks that are too long.  I am the incredible shrinking man from 5'6" to 5'5".  Now am back to shortening pants.  Very quiet at this moment, the wind has died down.  It is 6:55 and the sun will be up shortly.

all for now
stay safe

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Week's end


the week is finally over; that is my week from Wednesday to Wednesday. My last go round was taking Eli to get his locks done at a shop the at only performs this task on all customers.  The process is quite involved and takes about 1 1/2 hours to complete.  The shop is filled with chatty females providing this service with intricate hands and patient customers waiting their way fhru the process.  My position here is a simple one.  I provide the transport, nothing else.  I am the lone white old man, feeing out of place in this setting for a variety of reasons. I really don't understand this process.    One smiling  mom taking her son back to the car stated that his hair costs more than hers to do.  

Old white men: our demographic is only pursued by the drug and insurance companies and of course, online gaming.

Going back to beard for a while.  It's one of those change for the sake of change things.  

I am finally putting Apollo's passing into some sort of perspective trying to take the long view while still missing him.  Each day it becomes simpler, not easier but simpler.  

Katey is back at work, walking better each day with a fully repaired car, finally.  

I am composing my latest shopping list still contemplating on what to eat for breakfast today.

realizing this is a mishmash of stuff today. 

thats it

all for now

stay safe

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

A tumultuous week

It was a tumultuous week last week.  First some good news, the drug manufacturer paid for Victoza for me in their patient assistance program.  I picked up my first shipment early in the week.  

I was feeling elated and accomplished and somewhat relieved at the receipt of the medication.  Arrived at home with a phone call from Katey that Apollo was injured or ill or something.  He was crying out in pain.  We all sat with him for a while to calm him down.  Went to her vet and got the inevitable news.  He was old and sick and this was to be his last day.  At fourteen, his life. had been full and he brought much happiness to me and all our family.  We all lived together for some time.  Harry and he were best buds.  No other creature had been as thrilled to see me has him on every occasion.  Katey got the dog when she was in the Navy, living in Virginia.  Andrew and I came for a visit and there he was, little and cute.  We instantly bonded.  I was loved and so was he.  I miss him, really more than I thought.  

After this ordeal, we went on a planned trip to see Jon and Kelly and the boys in Middleville.  The first day weather cooperated.  The following days were cold and rainy.  It was great to see our son after so long.  Had some good conversations and walks.  Everett had an art exhibition,  Paxton participated in a creativity project called Odyssey  of the Mind.  They both attempted skating at a local rink with Everett having more success.  They live on the banks of the Thornapple River and the village has build a lovely walk along its banks.  We did part of it and enjoyed the experience.  Following are some pictures from the visit.

Then, my sweet Marie had her 13th birthday celebrated on Sunday with a family restaurant  party .  I cannot believe that she is a teenager now, as you can see looking quite smirky .

thats it, all for now

stay safe


The passage of time

 So I am moving quickly to what I consider the gateway to old age, 75 years.  Wondering what the remainder of my life will be like and remem...