Monday, December 11, 2023

Worries 2.0

 Breakfast is complete.  The day seems cloudy and cold.  Had a discussion today with a friend about parental worries.  Once you join this club, your worries never end.  When the kids are little it's about cuts and scraps and fevers and drippy noses.  Then adolescence and the teenage years ensue.  They are driving, having questionable acquaintances , parties and bad choices  over relationships  When your kids become adults, worry about their happiness, general health, bad choices like consumption or smoking emotional health.  It does not stop.  And now, there are grandchildren to worry about, rehashing segments one and two.

As parents, you hope to grow into the role becoming better with each family addition.  With adult kids, it becomes time to let them fly on their own,  to endure mistakes and celebrate accomplishments, dusting themselves off and moving forward.  Advice is solicited and listened to at lease occasionally.  Self reliance becomes  a more pronounced trait.

As senior parents/grandparents you hope your love and training was enough to have them move forward in their lives.  We are grayer, shorter, maybe a little bent over, with some health shortcomings.  Even with all that, I am happy with the outcome with much more ahead. 

thats it

all for now

stay safe

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