Tuesday, December 5, 2023

A tumultuous week

It was a tumultuous week last week.  First some good news, the drug manufacturer paid for Victoza for me in their patient assistance program.  I picked up my first shipment early in the week.  

I was feeling elated and accomplished and somewhat relieved at the receipt of the medication.  Arrived at home with a phone call from Katey that Apollo was injured or ill or something.  He was crying out in pain.  We all sat with him for a while to calm him down.  Went to her vet and got the inevitable news.  He was old and sick and this was to be his last day.  At fourteen, his life. had been full and he brought much happiness to me and all our family.  We all lived together for some time.  Harry and he were best buds.  No other creature had been as thrilled to see me has him on every occasion.  Katey got the dog when she was in the Navy, living in Virginia.  Andrew and I came for a visit and there he was, little and cute.  We instantly bonded.  I was loved and so was he.  I miss him, really more than I thought.  

After this ordeal, we went on a planned trip to see Jon and Kelly and the boys in Middleville.  The first day weather cooperated.  The following days were cold and rainy.  It was great to see our son after so long.  Had some good conversations and walks.  Everett had an art exhibition,  Paxton participated in a creativity project called Odyssey  of the Mind.  They both attempted skating at a local rink with Everett having more success.  They live on the banks of the Thornapple River and the village has build a lovely walk along its banks.  We did part of it and enjoyed the experience.  Following are some pictures from the visit.

Then, my sweet Marie had her 13th birthday celebrated on Sunday with a family restaurant  party .  I cannot believe that she is a teenager now, as you can see looking quite smirky .

thats it, all for now

stay safe


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