Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Eyes get opened again

Saw the Obama's latest production effort for their Higher Ground company, Rustin. This film as about the guy who single handedly organized the 1963 March on Washington which saw 250,000 citizens gather on the National Mall to hear speeches about freedom and peach and feel the solidarity of their brethren on August 28, 1963.  Being 13 years old at the time, this event was no more than a mention on Walter Cronkites's CBS Evening news.  And then it was gone.  This man was not mentioned in any of the reporting.  The only brief video was of Martin King making his speech and then it was gone.  

Bayard Rustin was a gay man when it was illegal.  He did not hide his preference.  When called out by Adam Clayton Powell on it,  he still soldiered on with his team of young people of all ethnicities and put this massive event on with no internet, no streaming and no cell phones.  It was land lines, thousands of buses, and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches fueling a peaceful march and gathering of this mass of humanity.  Actual footage of the event is interspersed in the film for authenticity. If you value the real history of our country and the struggle for dignity, I urge you to check this one out on Netflix.   

Artificial Intelligence is a much discussed topic these days.  There are images generated all the time showing the faces of deceased pop stars or actors as they would appear if living today in an advanced age.  What about a solution to desalinate sea water, or a device to slow the effects of climate change?  What about curing a disease?  These bits of lightweight entertainment are a complete waste of this resource.  

thats it

all for now 

stay safe


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