Friday, December 22, 2023

Today's Thoughts

Things are guardedly improving, I think.  December illnesses are dissipating, I think.  Judy seems better, Shannon is through the worst of it and Eli and Marie are back at school.  I friend of mine at the residence told me to stop watching the news.  He said all it does is hurt you and daily or hourly viewing the world in all its turmoil is damaging emotionally.  There is probably some truth in what he says.  

Struggling to find solutions to the unsolvable problems of the world is extremely challenging.  But still the toll it takes to dwell on the problems can be overwhelming.  This however, is the world we live in and no matter what brush or what color you paint It with,  this is the reality.  We, sitting in our warm, safe dwellings know not the suffering endured by others.  It is difficult to stop contemplating the suffering.  Children and other innocents should not be killed or maimed no matter what faith they practice or ethnicity.  Immigrants fleeing for their lives and the lives of their families should not be shipped like cargo to other locations.  Our country cannot stop the oppression that exists in lands to our south.  These folks are risking their very lives to maybe survive in a safer place.  Sitting in my comfortable little apartment, drinking morning coffee, have no answers.  

Different topic;  Jon Batiste, former bandleader, current composer and caregiver and booster to his spouse thru her battle with leukemia may be the Beethoven for our times.  He has composed the American Symphony using cross cultural elements and instrumentation comprising both ancient and modern tools.  There is a doc on this effort on Apple TV+, seen part of it, need to complete.  There is the possibility of a new musical form that is pleasant to the ear.  For me, this is an amazing guy.  

Had an absolutely wonderful time with daughter Katey at Renshaws the other night, just me and her.  It was crowded, loud and really hopping.  That does not bother me.  I enjoy being in the middle of all that life.   

thats it

all for now

working on a way to unf*ck myself in terms of health and attitude.  heard from friend Omar this morning.  He is battling some challenges of his own and I wish him well 

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